Perfect Midbass - an unusual approach

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by madstamm, May 8, 2006.

  1. madstamm

    madstamm Full Member

    kicks vs doors

    the kicks are not an option for the midbass drivers, as they will be used for the mid and tweet...;)

    as for door construction, i plan on reinforcing most of the outer door-shell with 'glass (on top of the damping mat and absorbing mat, now in place, and absorbing mat, yet to come). The inner layer of sheet metal will be cut back as much as possible, maybe all of it will go if i can figure out a good solution for the window motors. basically the entire door will turn into a box, and it WILL be solid, period. :cool:

    still looking for a 10" driver... seems like most 10s are more or less non-problematic in the 50-200Hz frequency range. So since frequency response is not a problem, i have two criteria for them:

    1. efficiency - as high as possible, 90+ dB/1W/1m
    2. very good off-axis response

    can anyone help me with the 2nd parameter? anyone have experiences? is there any way to deduce this from the speaker cone, T/S parameters, etc? most datasheets mention nothing about this...

    thanks again for all the responses guys !!... im totally pumped about doing this project - pulled out a lot of panels this weekend, feels good to kill those bloody rattles!!! :D
  2. madstamm

    madstamm Full Member

    mat's going in!!

    so really got started ripping the panels out and rubbing everything down with acetone... the french dont dick around when putting their cars together, most of the panels are attached with glue of some sort, meaning putting them back on will be nigh impossible. not like i intend to put the back on of course :D

    some pics of the empty clio:
    clio2_001.jpg -> clio2_011.jpg


  3. madstamm

    madstamm Full Member

    found some drivers!! paper cone ok???

    ok, found these locally, cost is equivalent of USD65 a pop... new a bit over 120. Looks like they'd be great in terms of mounting (small neo magnet):

    Eminence Deltalite 10":

    efficiency seems very good (95dB at 200Hz), starting to drop off below 100...

    all looks to be very good - except for the paper cone. I dont have a conceptual problem with these cones, but i wonder about their reliability in a car door... ie what happens when it gets damp, which it could. :confused:

    my itch is to buy and see, but would anyone point a warning finger?
