Anyone Heard The New Koda 10?

Discussion in 'Car Subwoofers' started by AustinKP, Jun 15, 2004.

  1. AustinKP

    AustinKP Full Member

    Has anyone gotten one of the new Koda 10's or heard one? I searched this forum, and couldn't find anything on them. I'm seriously considering getting one within a couple weeks and wondered how they'd compare against, say, the Shiva. How much louder? How much SQ difference? I like the smaller sealed box requirements since I have a small trunk, but I'm wondering if it's worth the $100 difference? Is there any way to get one cheaper than $230 since they're so new? Also, when can we expect the Koda 12?
  2. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    The Shiva should be louder than the Koda 10.
    The excursion difference really isn't large between a Shiva and Koda... and the Shiva has a 12" cone while the Koda is just a 10".

    Even comparing Shiva to Koda 12", the output should be similar, in terms of actual SPL, with just the slightest edge to the Koda, since the linear excursions are very comparable.

    But of course, I haven't actually heard one, nor have anyone else on this forum that I know of... but Seth was talking about getting his hands on one to play with, since he sells them, last I talked to him.
  3. Steven Kephart

    Steven Kephart Full Member

    Seth's is on it's way. I have heard one as well in several different setups. In fact, I have one in my home theater right now.

    The Brahma series was designed to provide the best SQ in a small enclosure. It is our SQL line. The Koda's have the same SQ, but are designed for high efficiency and a little less output (lower excursion). They are more for a pure SQ design. So in other words, think of them as a toned down Brahma.

    Steven Kephart
    Adire Audio
  4. AustinKP

    AustinKP Full Member

    Steven, will the Shiva really be louder than the Koda? If so, by how much? Since I won't be able to hear one before I buy, I'm going to have to rely heavily upon your opinions. I'm looking for a good mix of sq and spl. I listen to a little of everything. I don't care if they can hear me coming down the street, I just want it to be able to fill the car when I want it to. But I want it to be Clean Bass. I want to be able to hear individual drum beats instead of a vague low rumble. Will the Koda 10 hit as low as a shiva? Will I be able to get what I'm looking for in this price range? How much power would I need to get great sound out of these? I'm planning on going sealed for the smaller box (and better sq, right?) Koda 12 availability? Better price possible? Thanks for your help guys.
  5. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    As far as undistorted musical reproduction, the Koda should maintain better composure. But the Shiva can outdisplace it.

    When mine arrives I will first be putting it in my HT. After a bit of playing I will be putting it in my truck. In the house, it will be replacing a Shiva in 2 feet sealed. I may use a sealed box for the Koda for in the house, because I plan on sealing it in the truck. But my first test will be ported, tuned really low, for in the house. For shits and grins, I'll put the Shiva in the truck and get an audible, not measured, review of their output capabilities and sound quality.

    I always try to offer a complete and honest review, and I will be glad to do so when I get some listening time in.
  6. Penguin4x4

    Penguin4x4 Full Member

    Basically what Stephen is trying to say is that one night Shiva and Brahma got hammered and the resulting offspring of their rough, drunken fornication is Koda...:bye:
  7. triple_A

    triple_A Full Member

    To get te cleanest bass out of your sub you dont want to have a too small enclosure :) make it too small and the bass will get all boomy and off course, it wont go as low as the same sub in a bigger enclosure.. :)

    BTW i have a shiva in a 95liter closed enclosure and i love it :D

    Damn.. never mind :p didnt notice the last reply in this topic is 2years old :lol: muhahahahaa