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Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by The_Ancient, Jun 22, 2005.

  1. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Well, I have 2 Options open to me.

    I only have 1 IPB Lic, CAT is using it currently, but I need it for a Project I am working on.

    Traffic at this web site has dropped to the lowest point I have ever seen, so I have 3 Options

    1> Merge all my sites (some you guys dont even know about yet) and make CAT just a Part of a much larger site.

    2> Turn the Domain over to someone else that wants it,

    3> Close the site all together.

    the first option will keep CAT basically the same, forum wise, you would see no visual differance other than the URL will change, all of you bookmarks would still work though, magic of redirects :D

    the second option is I would just turn everything over, with the exception of the Forum Software Lic, to a New owner, I will just give them the site. if anyone wants to take it over let me know, there are several options you can explorer.

    unless most of the members just prefer I close it I will not be doing that

    if no one takes me up on #2 I will more than likly do #1 once my Project is ready for Public Release

    What is this project?

    well as some of you know I do web development on the side for people. after doing a few web site I saw a need for a Low Cost high quality Content Managment system, I tried out a Few Commerical and Open Source Applications and all of them had good points but none of them had what I wanted. So I started making my own.

    Currently I would say I am 75% done with it. Still working on a good template system for the Front end and Completing a Few of the Class's that operate the backend.

    What is does is allow anyone with basic word processor skills (microsoft word) to build their own web pages from with in the program, as well as manage menu systems and other basics of the site.

    Cuts down on Mantience costs to small business as they dont have to pay a web designer to make additions or changes to the content.

    The Fees will start at $30/mo for Business and $10/mo for Personal. Those pricing include Domain name and Hosting.

    What does that have to do with this site?

    Well nothing in v1, which is why no changes will be made to the site until after v1 of my new program is out, but v2 I want to intergrate forum software with the CMS. IPB will be one of the forums I will intergrate. so I will need my Lic to do that.
  2. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Might as well give you a run down of what I have going right now as far as Prices go

    Names are not Set, just my Internal Plan Names

    Plan A

    700 MB of server space (program takes up about 75MB if that)
    25GB of monthly Bandwidth allowance
    No Access to Cpanel


    Plan B
    1000 MB of server Space
    45GB of Monthly Bandwidth Allowance
    Full Access to Cpanel


    Plan P (personal)
    300MB of Server Space
    10GB of monthly Bandwidth Allowance
    No Access to Cpanel


    All Accounts will Include Standard Features like unlimited Pop3 Email accounts, Current PHP, Perl, Python, Etc.

    All accounts Include the CMS Program, Updates to the program, and Unlimited Support of the Program

    All Servers are Dual CPU with minmum 1GB of RAM, stored in a NOC with 24/7 Uptime Monitoring, Security, and HVAC. Connected with Redundant (4 to be exact) OC-48 fiber lines. Provied by Differant ISP's,

    Let me know if you think they are priced to high(or Low), remember that includes not only hosting but the Lic to my new program.
  3. Plo Koon

    Plo Koon New Member

    I am not willing to donate any money to you.
  4. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    umm ok, but I was not asking for donations :unsure: :unsure:
  5. joelsbass

    joelsbass Full Member

    well now... wasn't that random... :p
  6. delvryboy

    delvryboy Full Member

    whats the update on this? i'm slightly interested in the personal package.
  7. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Things have been going slower than I would have liked


    is running on the first rendition of my program.

    The Content Manager, and Newsletter Manager are done, Which is the Biggest part.

    Now I am working on the Template System, User Auth. System, and Cleaning up the Front End.

    So I am close.

    If you need Web Space or a Domain Name, Email me,( the_ancient at sbcglobal.net ) and I can set you up for next to nothing probally, I have alot of Space and Bandwidth avalible to me that goes completely unused every month here on CAT's sever. and I get domains names cheap, really cheap.