what subs should i use?

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by mfbnyc2001, Feb 5, 2005.

  1. mfbnyc2001

    mfbnyc2001 Full Member

    I have a 1999 ford taurus and I am wondering which subs would sound the best in my car. Right now i have a 1200 watt amp to power the subs that I am going to get. Money is kinda tight but i am willing to slurge a little bit. I was looking at some volfenhag subs, but im not sure if they are any good. Can you give me some suggestions Thanks.
  2. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Model number and manufactuer of the amp, and have you purchased it yet

    Total Budget for Subs and Amp

    Total Budget for Just the Subs

    Kind of Box you want,

    What are your Goals (SPL, SQL, SQ only)

    awnser those and we can better judge which sub will be proper for your application

    I can tell you right now no one will be recommend volfenhag subs however ;)

    But we will get you fixed up......
  3. mfbnyc2001

    mfbnyc2001 Full Member

    the model number and manufactuer is Legacy LA895. Its a 4 Channel 1200 Watts Sapphire Series Amplifier. Buget for subs up in the air. Im looking to get two twelves but im not sure whats better 12s or 10s.
  4. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    well I need more details to accuratly recommend something for you

    1> a Budget will be REALLY REALLY helpful

    2> Type of Music you listen to (help me Judge your goals)

    have you already bought this amp?????
  5. mfbnyc2001

    mfbnyc2001 Full Member

    my budget would be around 200. I listen to rap and reggaeton (spanish reggae). yeah i already own the amp.
  6. MMats4life

    MMats4life Full Member

    Do you have an enclosure included in this budget? How much room are willing to take up in your trunk? Are you using that amp just for the subwoofers, or will you be running other speakers off it?

    I also dont recommend volfenhag subs, you can do much better for the money.
  7. mfbnyc2001

    mfbnyc2001 Full Member

    the budget is just for the two subs. Yeah the amp is going to be just for the subs.
  8. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Volfenhag is made by the same buildhouse as Pyramid...
    ...although you weren't scared off by a brand name like Legacy, so that may not cause you stress anyway.

    It's going to be very difficult to find ACTUAL power specs for that Legacy amp, because the power specs they give you are essentially complete lies.
    That's not to say that the amp won't make any power - but "how much power?" is the question.

    Just a tip for the future... (and don't ask me why it is true - but it is about 99% of the time!)
    Don't buy ANY amplifier that has a "power rating" silkscreened on the heatsink.
    It's a sign of a flea-market grade amplifier, and it's generally a monsterous tall tale of what kind of power you can actually get from the amplifier... and if you are looking to get loud - ultimately it takes actual power to get loud, not fictional heatsink silkscreening. ;)

    Perhaps you could tell us how large the fuse is (or fuses) in the amp? That would help, although it's still difficult, given all the things that factor into amp efficiencies.

    What we DO know:
    This is a 4 channel amp, so you'll be bridging it to 2 channels to power two subs with.
    Because of that, you won't be able to run either bridged channel any lower than 4 ohms.
    So, ideally, you'll be looking to buy two 4 ohm subwoofers - there's a lot out there.

    My guess, based on the heatsink silkscreening, would be that the amp is 1200 "max" (which means nothing), or about 600RMS, which would break down to about 150 per channel at 2 ohms, and therefore about 75 x 4 at 4 ohms.

    And that would mean that you'd be looking for subs that could take about 300w each.

    About YOU:
    What are you expecting from this system?
    I'm guessing you are pretty new to car audio (based on equipment mentioned) - so is it safe to say you are looking for maximum 'boom factor'?

    What's important to establish first is YOUR expectations from the system...
    Then, we can establish an enclosure to satisfy what you want your system to sound like...
    ...THEN we can suggest a pair of subs that'll work well in that enclosure. B)
  9. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    well since it look like I have gotten all the info I am going to sqeeze out of you. here it goes......

    For a pair of Subs Under $200 for that amp I recommend the Following

    Kicker CopmVr's 10's can be had for $80ea and 12's for $100 ea

    thezeb has a GREAT deal on some 10in Bazooka El's http://www.thezeb.com/p-Bazooka-ELW1014-10...ofer-106170.htm

    I would go with the Bazooka from thezeb, they are a High Quality sub and at that price you cant go wrong really they are alony rated at 250w with out the Liquid Cool but with a 2in coil they are good for 300-350 probally

    Just make sure you set your gain properly, and next time ask here before you buy the amp ;)
  10. fugyaself

    fugyaself Full Member

    And since I havent had any personal experience with those Bazookas I will mention thezeb also has a great deal on the Pioneer TS305 ($60). With the limited specs I have of each I would think with its higher FS it will be a bit more efficient up higher than the Bazooka which will benefit you for rap music. (assuming similar BL and MMS figures). The Pioneer might use a 2.5" coil though so it could weight a bit more. I would expect a bit more BL from it so it might all work out to be about the same. I just know that from sealed setup I head the Pioneer in it was loud enough for me and had good enough SQ to not be annoyed. Should do real well with rap and other musics with synthesized beats.
