I know a lot of people here really do not like SiN so I figured I would share the information that was posted to stir up some discussion. Surprisingly I didnt see anyone question the guy. Althought it wasnt too controversial other than the couple XXX is the same as YYY statements. Just a list of where they get their stuff. I wouldnt be surprised if it ended up like that.
thanks, i was planning on going with Ant so that probably just made up my mind. i guess im out of the loop, why dont people like SiN? I just started posting there, theyre 10x better than CAF as far as help goes. The only other forum ive been a part of (besides the polk forum and a GM forum) is sounddomain and they didnt seem to be much help either. not to down this forum though, i like the new look, the only bad thing about it is that it doesnt have hardly any traffic. -Cody
Remember this phrase - "Perception is reality". Don't just remember it - understand it, respect it, beware it. Some people around here don't like SI.N because of what traditionally has been a large percentage of the user base having a cattle-grazing, or gang mentality. Lemming syndrome... lord help them if they are marching towards a cliff. I mention "perception is reality" because it's just as dangerous to get sucked in... If you don't know the answer to something, and you believe there are all these friendly people, who all seem to be telling you the same thing - is that "the" answer? Would you be assured of "that answer" if another person suggested a different alternative, and several 'significant members' of the forum belittled them, berated them, and tried to discredit them - but say, by trying to make personal attacks, rather than being able to challenge the alternative solution suggested? Would that make you feel more comfortable in the original "answer", or less comfortable with the forum on the whole? If you were one of those members, who was attacked, who felt there was no room for free-thinking for fear of being gang-beaten, would you stay on that forum and frequent it, or would you leave? And assuming that all those people were to leave... ...what would that leave you with in terms of contributing members? ...and what would that leave you with in terms of answers that you would get from those members? Just something to ponder.
Or how about how ED was the best thing is sliced cheese until ED moved to their own board and then they are/were/aways had been crap???
dont get me wrong I am not an ED fan Boy, I just thought that Timming of all that was Ironic...... I am still out on the issue, Currently I would not buy from them/him, but I have yet to determine if he personally is/was screwing people or if he just made bad business choices....... Chris's points are far more Relavent to why we dont like SiN though, That additude was the main reason I created this site, Infact it was the Eliteist's (SP?) at elite Car audio that Drove me to make this site.
Almost ALL of the forums I've been on have a certain mentality associated with them. Be it bashing this product or that product, or having certain members trash threads with useless banter, or arguing adamantly about something they have no real knowledge about and having everyone concur because they know no better (even when they are industry professionals or "experts"). It's gotten more and more frustrating as I'm learning more about this stuff, and am more able to separate the good stuff from the bad stuff.
Now I hope your not Implying We have that Mentality :ban: lol :bash: I dont Discriminate, I hate ALL products Equally
Its just as easy to point the finger at CAF for having a gang mentallity. From what I have read its even worse at CAF than SIN now. SIN just has a ton of useless BS in almost all of the threads there. Tight group of people there who joke around a bit too much. Almost every forum I have been to has had its "holy members" that are never wrong. They also have their topics/brands that you cannot talk about with someone/peope getting in your face. There are also the forum brand boners that are "the best deal for the money" no matter what. The main problem is the people that support it. A lot of times its the not so intelligent people who think they are because they saw xxxxx post it so it must be true. Sadly these forums are filled with people who want to fit in and be part of the group. That gets in the way of the truth quite a bit.
Great post.... I disagree about CAF having a "gang mentality"... while all forums definitely have the symptoms you speak of, some lemming-syndrome - I haven't seen gang-warfare style "I think you are wrong, so I'll ridicule you and personally attack you, you idiot" that I've personally experienced on SI.N... and perhaps most shocking, being who was doing the personal attacking. What is good about CAF, is that the people who are in any positions of influence actually try to help people, and simply to stay objective. What I've observed about SI.N, is that the people who are in any positions of influence protect their little nuggets of knowledge and information, and rather than sharing, treat topics that tread too near that little nugget of knowledge as black magic... "It's all subjective! Technologies don't matter! Installation is everything, you could make a piece of poop win IASCA finals!" That's part of what drove me away. It's not all subjective. There's a lot that is objective.. and the objective stuff you need to nail down to have any chance of contending with the subjective stuff - at least if you are serious about things. One problem - why forums preaching such 'black magic' mythology mentality - because to those who are inexperienced, it jives with what limited experiences they may have had. It also makes sense to those who are idealistic and young, and want everything to be subjective... isn't utopia nicer? That place where you don't need to spend money? That place where you don't need to learn? That land where you can live the pimpin' lifestyle, flunk through with D's, bang the ho's, and somehow still land a position earning six figures? Yes, forums inevitably have problems, because you have people of all sorts - and lots of them. But, like regions of the world, each has it's own "religions". Like China and Buddhism, I just don't subscribe to their religion... and they've made it clear that if I believe in mine, I'm not welcome. It's not the first part that I'm offended by at all... it's the second.
Things dont get as out of hand like I remember seeing at SIN awhile back but any time there is an argument I see people that dont know a thing about whats going on or how someone is wrong jumping all over someone. Maybe its worse on other forums and I havent noticed as because I dont browse other forums quite as much but its definately occuring more on CAF than it used to. I am with you though. I hate the eliteist attitude. Sure you might overlook someone and presume ignorance here and there but some people on some forums are ridiculous with how they use their knowledge. It does nothing for them to be here other than an ego boost. They do more damage than good unless you are in their circle.
Well, it's definitely happening more and more on CAF... but seems to be quickly identified, and publicly blacklisted members when it does, at least. I wouldn't know if it's happening less and less on SI.N. I'd give it a chance, but... ...I don't know, maybe I'm just lucky, maybe I've just been there long enough that people don't try to mess with me on the other forums, like CAF and here, that I'm a member on.
the lack of moderation and excess of morons on CAF drives me away. One of my favorite websites is actually a vehicle specific website with a car audio section... its www.fullsizechevy.com it doesnt have a lot of people in it but it does have a lot of experience. theres no "flavor of the month" or "this is better than this even though i havent heard either one" -Cody
I dont mind the JBody forum myself. I post in their audio section here and there. I go there when I feel like helping people.
when do I get to be one of the "members with influence"? I like CAF...... Ive been there for 4 years and I can definately say it goes through very noticable phases. Of course there are always bandwagon products, some that are promoted because they are actually good, others because they are cheap, and yet others because someone told them they are good. I remember when Diamond Audio Macdaddies were the bandwagon product, or when Cadence was, or Image Dynamics.... Also, the content changes in waves. For a short time OT posts get out of hand and you get some people just trying to take the forum into the dumps. Then it gets smarter and every other post is of a scientific nature, debating the importance of stuff like uniform flux across the gap or about science vs. experience, or the physics behind frequency response changes with box size changes. Then you get short times where every question is a WHAT SHOULD i BUY? Or HOW MUCH WILL i BE HITTING WITH SUB X? That all said, I have tried every audio forum you can think of and I still wander back to Caf. Though there are bandwagon products and annoying people, in general people seem to be helpful. They dont tell you that if you dont buy brand X you will not be any good. And if they do, there seems to be a bit of checks and balances with disagreeing members. I guess I like that there is at least sometimes some intelligent arguement. I think a person will learn WAY more by reading two people intelligently argueing about which product is better and why thanif they just read two different peoples suggestion as to what is the best product. Just my 2 cents
hehehehehe I was one of, if not the only person, reasponsible for the Cadence Bandwagon I almost started a Hollywood Sound Labs bandwagon as well........ Made some $$$$$$ off that Cadence Bandwagon until they put the brakes on it
Amen! That's I think why I was so turned off from... that forum that shall not be mentioned. It was like "how dare you step out of line and give a reason for thinking another way!" :bash:
I'd have to say that i've strayed from CAF for the time being... There were no useful threads there for the longest time. And the massive amounts of OT brought into the regular forum disgusted me. I'll probably go back there some time, as I always have. SIn isn't as bad as it used to be. I've started going there more now that the Adire forums have moved there. I find myself going to ECA too, especially to read werewolf's tech posts, where he's led pretty good discussions. I'm not a "member of influence" anywhere. People don't listen to me.
so SiN is now Adires Fan Boy :jawdrop: Adire better never drop them :blowup: we all know what happened to ED when that happed :love: :lmfao: