Where am I from? Born in Tyler, Texas and currently reside in Spring, Texas, which is just north of Houston.
depends on what time of year, during the school year, College Station, TX-when im not there im in Sinton, TX which is a 40 minutes north of Corpus Christi -Cody
Hi there guys. Yes I am one of those members that doesn't pop in that much. I'm from sunny South Africa and I'm gona try visiting more often. Thanx for all the info. Learnt most of what I know from this forum.
I am "from" Lafayette, Indiana -- Currently Live in Indianapolis, Indiana, I can be seen all over North-Centeral, Centeral, and South-Central Indiana. Justr keep a Look out of my Truck... (or a ear out between the exhuast and the stereo it can be loud when I want it to be )
hey Nismo, i'm a little under 2 hours from you in fort wayne, IN... speaking of which if anybody on here knows of a place, of person, where i can listen to brahmas within a 2 hour drive please let me know... I've practically memorized the specs and heard some great reviews yet i've never gotten to actually hear them and it's starting to get depressing lol :blink:
I remember talking to you, on here, before, I am also from Lafayette,IN, And my name too is Mike. OOOOOOOOO!FREAKYOOOO! You'll have to PM me or email me next time you're in Laf. We'll have to meet.