what do you guys think of re?

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by stacy532, Jan 12, 2005.

  1. stacy532

    stacy532 Full Member

    I was looking at one of their monster speaker prototypes and it looks like a beast , only comes in 12, 15,18 " sizes due to its 11.25" magnet diameter... Hello guys that remember me I had no computer for a spell... :angry:
  2. stacy532

    stacy532 Full Member

    here is a pic?[​IMG]
  3. joelsbass

    joelsbass Full Member

    I've had a personal issue with them for a while now. I'm a regular poster over at the polkaudio.com forums and we were once invaded by a horde of RE fanatics (aka retards) because they didn't like someone being critical of their subs... we wound up with 15 pages of RE forum members flaming polk... not the best display of maturity, i coulda just blown it off though if the owner of RE hadn't jumped in and condoned the shit too... it was pretty messed up, PolkMM can vouch for the crap that went on...

    On a technical level though i have no idea...
  4. stacy532

    stacy532 Full Member

    Ive been through some of that stuff also I recieved emails from scott the owner of re before they even came out, I did not buy them but I did buy a blueprint sub, almost the same thing , I like the gear but people do act that way not just for the re stuff but I have went through that crap with the shocker audio people also , they put down re subs and brahmas cause they were almost as good of quality as the shockers and performed as well for half the money.... I think the stuff sells itself so all those flame war stuff is all bullcrap :)
  5. hobbes26

    hobbes26 Full Member

    yeah, hard to sift thru all the crap sometimes
  6. delvryboy

    delvryboy Full Member

    actually, that was eD.

    good times...
  7. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    lol, should I

    better not :)
  8. joelsbass

    joelsbass Full Member

    oh yeah... that was ed wasn't it... my bad...
  9. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Hey, I tried to get involved back when that happened to do a little firefighting...
    Quite a few immature kids on that thread, but what do you expect.

    As I recall, I ended up joining the Polk forum, and checking it out every so often.
    I'm not generally a manufacturer-specific forum fan, since they are so obviously biased... but that one isn't too bad as far as that goes... it's not overmoderated.
    I still check it out every few weeks... unfortunately usually nothing too technically stimulating for me to jump into. :( I like those kinds of threads... ;)
  10. stacy532

    stacy532 Full Member

    Im hearing a rumor that the new motor design on the xmx will support 9" of excursion peak to peak?
  11. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    XBL^2 is a seemingly infinitely scalable technology.
    Well, eventually you run out of flux to flow... but until you get terribly crazy, you can solve that issue with bigger magnetics.
    9" p2p sounds like the original Adire Parthenon motor, the one that i saw at CES last year... I don't remember specifically how many inches it was...
    ...but if you are interested, Adire can build you one for a mere $5000 - and it's custom built to your specs. ;)

    I'm not sure about the XMX... very closely related, both use Adire's Arachnid spider system, both use XBL^2 technology, the big difference was that the RE version used a big neodymium slug, while the Adire Parthenon used several pillars, each with a neodymium magnet in it, to create multiple magnetic flux paths.
  12. AustinKP

    AustinKP Full Member

    The Parthenon supports up to 12" Peak-to-peak...
  13. stacy532

    stacy532 Full Member

    Im hearing the xmx will be more user friendly like under a grand ....

    i had no ideae adire had a monster in the works? :baby:
  14. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member


    Which came first... the chicken, or the egg?
