Yep that is what I am making tommorow... My Boss Called me a few hours ago and asked me to work Saturday for 6hrs and the company is going to pay me an extra $200..... Pretty damn cool that is more than double my average rate of $15.5/hr (I am salary but if you take my salary on a 40hr week that is what I get, does not always work out to be 40hrs-- sometimes more sometime less)
hah... it's misleading.. doesnt take into account overhead. i'm in Vancouver, BC Canada trying to get into the acoustical consulting biz
I was going to say, that is $63,000 a year Most people with a 4 yr deg only average 40K out of School...... I live a low COL area anyway, so $15/hr is actually considered a "high" wage.. with the average wage being 8/hr (fast food/walmart job's still only pay $5.50 here so...) I remember a Friend of garduated from Purdue with a ME degree and only got 32K to start Plus your in a socialistic government so you dont count
I made about $25/hr today. I had to do a full alarm/keyless/remote start in a Tundra and am getting $200 for the job. And for those installers out there that are going to make fun of me for taking 8 hours on that install, I will add that I'm not familiar with the Viper alarms, so there is a learning curve plus I'm soldering all my connections. Steven Kephart Adire Audio
I'm SLOOOW on alarm installs. granted I'm not fully certified, etc, and don't do any commercially, I've been doing my own and my friends' for awhile, and it never seems to get any faster. I guess whenever playing with vital system wiring in a car I get nervous, and just triple check everything before/after and as I'm doing it. Andyea, crimps are for discount store "free" installs
I make $35 an hour every day. 50% of labor at $70... but that is comission so slow times mean no money . 5 years ago I made $85,000... I made about 1/3 of that this year (way to go Bush!!!)
4yrs?... I been here 7 years...Masters... gonna finish up by next April at the very latest. Too long..heh The $30/hr I said includes my overhead... and it's currently what I'm charging for my services as a consultant on some contract work i'm doing. I have only been earning roughly $20k/yr for the last two/three years. Partly good cause I earn little enough to fly under the radar of all the tax grabs and so I get to keep it all, but OTOH i'm not making very much at all... Actually, if I do get into the acoustics biz, I'd expect betw. 45-50k gross to start, working for a company or someone else (I don't have enough experience to go out on my own). Professional acoustical consultants charge roughly between $75 to $150/hr (or so I hear) for a job, but that presumably includes their overhead also. I have friends here who are making $50k/yr gross and they've only got an bachelor's EE degree. And some with just a tech. diploma making the same amount. Kinda miffed that what I will probably earn starting out is the same as what they earn starting out, and it's not commensurate with my time spent with my 'education'. In the end though, it's all about experience and ability. And I quite like what I'm doing.
Man Bush just screwed you over............................... I should not start this but I will How exactly did bush cause a downturn in Auto Repair?????? and how would that down turn been stopped by Gore or Kerry??? <!--QuoteBegin-hobbes26@Dec 5 2004, 01:44 PM 4yrs?... I been here 7 years...Masters... gonna finish up by next April at the very latest. Too long..heh The $30/hr I said includes my overhead... and it's currently what I'm charging for my services as a consultant on some contract work i'm doing. I have only been earning roughly $20k/yr for the last two/three years. Partly good cause I earn little enough to fly under the radar of all the tax grabs and so I get to keep it all, but OTOH i'm not making very much at all... Actually, if I do get into the acoustics biz, I'd expect betw. 45-50k gross to start, working for a company or someone else (I don't have enough experience to go out on my own). Professional acoustical consultants charge roughly between $75 to $150/hr (or so I hear) for a job, but that presumably includes their overhead also. I have friends here who are making $50k/yr gross and they've only got an bachelor's EE degree. And some with just a tech. diploma making the same amount. Kinda miffed that what I will probably earn starting out is the same as what they earn starting out, and it's not commensurate with my time spent with my 'education'. In the end though, it's all about experience and ability. And I quite like what I'm doing. [post=23568]Quoted post[/post][/quote] I was just messing with you man, your doing great Everyone Startes somewhere, Just think, you have room to grow -- I have maxed myself out (due to my education level being high school only) I am shocked as hell that I make as much as I do but I have to ask, if you can get the same amount of money with a BS deg. why get the masters?
Same as my friends making nearly $20/hr here working for Costco... with only high school education. Didn't find much in the way of jobs that I really wanted to do at the time (coming from math/physics) and I had the opportunity to do a Masters with a prof I liked, as well as have decent funding for it - and it was definitely a subject I really wanted to get into, so I went with it.. (Plus it's cool to have the M.A.Sc. after my name...)
yea but like I said your in a socailist government so that does not count $20 up there is what $500 here
My job, and pay, is directly affected by the economy. A poor economy means no one pays to fix their cars. When the economy and market are stron, we are booming. How did Bush affect it? Look at the market in his term... my industry is a direct reflection of it. Gore? I'd still vote for Bush over Gore anyday. <_< . Kerry? Who fuckin cares, at least Bush wouldn't be in office :lmfao: . No, seriously, we would not see a change in the economy for a couple years anyways, but I am willing to bet we would have seen a turn toward Clinton's Economic Policy that did work so well... Funny thing, it is just a rebadged Reganomics :detective:
well according to every report out there Consumer Spending is up up up.. Remember I work in Retail, we are seeing pretty good growth, and we were expected TERRIBLE sales this year... granted the growth is not as mush as that from 02/03 year but alot better than expected.... I have a feeling Oil prices effect you more than anything. and infact bush has DECREASED thouse if Kerry would have been elected, I can only guess what I or rather my company would be paying for gas right now :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: