Do you really think Eclipse HUs will deter theieves? Alot of theieve are just kids and wouldnt know about the ESN, or they might be pros and have unlock CDs.... Thoughts please.
unlock cd's aren't included with any eclipse, they're user-set. You have the option to pick whatever disc you want as your "key cd." after that's done, You have something like 3 or 5 attempts if the power is ever cut before it locks up and goes into "call eclipse" mode. I personally have seen it come around on the other side... someone brings in a deck for us to be repaired because it won't work properly. We call eclipse, the person is contacted by the police because we just got their full information for taking it in on repair.
I have had people taken to jail right from the store when they have brought in Stolen Decks.. Take the deck to the shop, Pull the SN call eclipse, confirm it was stolen then call the police. Big problem is, not everyone regesters their deck. If you don't then it does you no good. Enough people know now that Eclipse are worthless if ESN'd stolen to slow the theft, but it doesn't stop everyone. Nothing will.
Thats exactly my point. Most people I talk to have know idea about ESN, let alone Eclipse as a brand. I dont take gratification knowing that the person who stole my deck wouldn't get to use it, as I am out a deck and whatever damage was done to my vehicle.
thats why you have insurance cover it i think if you get it installed by a eclipse dealer then if it gets stolen within a year they replace it free
In 9 years of retailing Eclipse I have had 5 theft replacements and fewer than 10 insurance claims. We do our job by educating all the little pootards that come in the store about Eclipse and the theft deterrent. It all starts with educating the people. To correctly educate a person is simple, a thief can and will take anything of any brand at any time they want. Most theifs do not look at a vehicle and say hey, it's an Eclipse don't steal it, they see an opportunity and they take it. At least with an Eclipse it does get replaced at no charge and the likelihood of recovery and prosecution is extremely high as compared to any detach face cd player.
ok here is the FINAL word on theft YOUR ONLY PROTECTION IS INSURANCE THAT IS ALL does that make sense
i prefer to have an alarm and a shotgun so if they break in once they don't get a second chance.... :rifle:
I am sure that is a joke but I will put my Legal 2cents in anyway I am all for Protection of Property, and most people know I am an avid gun owner As such I know said laws quite well... In most states Protection of Property does NOT allow for the use of Lethal force. and contray to popular bleif no matter what you say, you will be arrested and more then likly convicted for Manslaghter.. In the State of Indiana (my state) if some one where to break in right now, with a gun, but I pulled out my Gun (which is always close by ) and the robbery turns to run and I shoot him in the back, I will be arrested and convicted of murder, even though the threatened my life by breaking in... That is the Law. Sucks huh!!
i don't actually own a gun, but i do have a machette hanging from my doorknob in my bedroom... try to get my system and you lose a hand...
guns are good...... :gunsmilie: :gunsmilie: :gunsmilie: :gunsmilie: Still saving for my AR15 and AK47.... Ofcourse after I get the money then I have to get one that does not go through a FFL
i definately agree that guns are good (when used properly) and now that the assult riffle ban is gone for at least 4 years i'll definately be picking up a toy or two
the ban really did not effect much.. AR15 and the like where still legal except for a few "features" like Flash Suppressors See the differant items here The probelm is the COST, a New AR15 will ruin you $1,000 to $1,500 and that is the reason it was allowed to expired the Next Ban will probally bann the whole rifles, and will not have a "Grandfather" clause :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
Michael, where at in Indiana do you live? Just courious, as I live in Lafayett,IN. And a quote from John W. Creasy I see in your sig. A friends dad is a gun dealer and has an M1A1 watercooled in his livingroom loaded and ready. Most people around him know not to steal a damn thing from him.
I live Just south of Indy (near the greenwood mall) I but Lived in Lafayette for 22 Years :yes: (god I hate that town) :bye: I am heading up there in about 2 hours though,
hell, i'm only a couple hours away from you guys (fort wayne) if you ever need an extra set of hands for an install feel free to hit me up for it
i was mainly refering to car audio , i can do car repair no problem, but i don't enjoy it like i do audio