does anyone else find the use of Terror in 'theanti-drug" commercails sicking and appaling? I think this is totally un called for
LoL they'll use any angle they can come up with to prove its wrong...I just saw one that has a bunch of kids using the same old excuses like "its my body, its just a little weed" bla bla bla except its more like "its just a little chemical warfare, i'm not hurting anyone else" LoL I wonder how much drug money does actualy go to terrorist groups...
I don't think that it is necessarliy uncalled for, but it does take the issue to the greatest extreme. And if you notice people's reactions once you take almost any issue to the greatest extreme...they roll there eyes and stop listening. Just like the TRUTH cigarrette comercials, they are taking things to the greatest extreme and are now coming off as obnoxious. I think that anti drug comercials are fine, but just use roll models telling kids not to take drugs. Just my opinion though
well I just hate it when the group weed in with the rest of the harmful drugs it has been MEDICALLY proven the weed has little to NO long term side effect if taken in any other way besides smoking it, and by smoking it , it is on the same level as LEGAL cigarettes, now I ask why it weed illgeal? because the DEA need commercails like this to get funding and since weed is the MOST common of all illegal drugs, if weed is legalized DEA funding DROPS AWAY soo said that the goverment continues its mis-information campain to keep thing weed is more dangeruos than it really is and no I dont activly smoke weed, I have been totally clean of all drug's (including alchol) for over 2 years now
I wouldn't even say that smoking weed is as harmfull as smoking ciggies... While you do usualy get more tar from smoking a joint than a ciggie its probably due to the fact that pot smokers hold the smoke in their lungs much longer than the average ciggie smoker... But other than that weed is much doesn't have all the poisons and addictive additives and all the other things that they toss in cancer sticks for "flavor" =P
The only thing I'd like to say is that there is a difference in performance between weed and cigs.... meaning that while smoking cigarettes is instantaneously harmless to all body functions, smoking weed can alter perception, reality, decision-making processed, state of awareness, etc. I know not all people suffer from these things, but the risk is still there. More people get tripped out on weed than tobacco. I mean, that is the idea, right? That should be proof enough
are you making this arugment as to way it should be illegal? I am sorry but LEGAL alchol is more harmful to motor skills than weed is
Oh, no doubt. Not trying to deny that. But marajuana can impair spacial skills and judgement, etc. Makes you do some weird, irrational things....
have you ever smoked weed? I have never done irrational thing while under the influance of weed, alchol I have though,
I've never done anything that I would ever regret after smoking weed...I've done some irrational things like once I tried to prove that I could drink 4 of those giant milk shakes from checkers without getting sick...and i always laugh at things that arn't really all that funny....but other than that *Shrugs* It's not like you're not in control anymore, you're just more prone to say things that under normal circumstances would be completly retarded...I would still know better than to go hop in my car and drive down the freeway or hop on some girl that I've never met before and try to stick my balls in her mouth...I don't see where it would ever cause any kind of problem in that respect
Oh hell yea, I hate those commercials. "Drug money supports terrorism" *NEWSFLASH* Oil money supports terrorism more than drug money does
Re: Re: "the anti-drug" commercails I wish I had the money to make a commerical saying that and make it look JUST LIKE one of those stupid commercails
Re: Re: Re: "the anti-drug" commercails :werd: But since George W. has his greedy little hands into it, nobody brings up. Kinda hypocritical. I myself don't do or like drugs for myself, but if you wanna do em, more power to ya, but do they not realize how stupid they look when they say that?
Re: Re: Re: Re: "the anti-drug" commercails I think the people making those things are doing a little magic dust on the side
the only problem with weed is its illegal ... the only way it causes problems is by getting arrested I wrote a paper in english on why it should be legal, my teacher actually agreed ... -police would have more time to deal with real criminals murdering people -the goverment would tax it and make a shitload of money as opposed to spending 900 billion trying to arrest people importing it only for the drug cartels to find another route those commercials are garbage, I dont even smoke weed anymore because i have been in too much trouble and flat out cant be in anymore ... i dont wanna work at mcdonalds the rest of my life because my 4 arrests for weed whatever, ill go into a rant about this ...
you ask why? Do some research Ill give you a hint, it has to do with marijuana's classification as a drug.
This is VERY VERY VERY rough, but you get the idea back in the days when marijuana and hemp were legal in the Us companies like dupont and paper manufacturers started to freak out because of the growing popularity and use of hemp in textiles and to make paper. People from these companies started to make things up and took it to the courts to have marijuana made illegal basing it mostly on marijuana's hallusinagenic properties. (marijuana's classification) now, I ask you....if you knew the answer why would you ask the question? thats kind of a stupid thing to do if you ask me...... I never said if it should or shouldnt be legalized Ill will say that it never will be....sorry guys If anything cigarettes will be outlawed.