lol, people are just now seeing this??? I predicted this was going to happen before cliton left office the writting was on the walls then............... Most trades that are historiclly done in dollars (say Oil for Example) have been moving to the Euro since in induction. this weakens the dollar... However the Bad thing is, the Euro is not strong either,
Hey Seth, where did you get that article? To be honest, it sounds very much like left wing propaganda to me. They compare the trade deficit last September to this September, but forget to mention that this year was an election year. Maybe that had something to do with the difference? To me it is just scare tactics pointing out strategic items to the general public that is ignorant of the system in an attempt to disuage them against the current administration. But then I could be wrong. I did however like this one: "The administration rejected a request Friday from 30 members of Congress to pursue an unfair trade practices case against China over the currency issue. Administration officials insist their diplomatic efforts eventually will produce results." You mean the current administration, as blood thirsty/warmongering as they are, are trying to diplomatically take care of a problem instead of being antagonists? Steven Kephart Adire Audio
RR homepage was the source (and if you look (AP) next to Washington stands for Associated Press), far from a liberal rag. It is Time Warner/AOL. Actually if you read the article they do pinpoint a 4 year slide with the focus on a 2 year span, not just an election year droop. Did I just read that right a 10 fucking percent drop in 2 years? Not only that, but another interesting note is that we have fallen an additional $100 billion in the hole over the past year alone. I did however like this one: "The administration rejected a request Friday from 30 members of Congress to pursue an unfair trade practices case against China over the currency issue. Administration officials insist their diplomatic efforts eventually will produce results." You mean the current administration, as blood thirsty/warmongering as they are, are trying to diplomatically take care of a problem instead of being antagonists? Hahahahahaha!!! No. I'm sure Bush will figure out a way to blame China for the nations economic shortfalls and nuke their asses before it is all over too. Not entirely too surprising though that they would be starting to point fingers at outside causes, rather than focusing on the actual root of the problem. What would that be? The opening of doors that allowed the 2.4 million jobs that were lost (read the article above) to go to Asia without consequences, a plan enacted by... The Bush Administration!!! :detective:
would kerry have made it better???? More than likly no... things cant always go good... We have not had a major econmic problem since the 30's Simple law of Physics "What goes up MUST come down" I dont want to defend bush. but I dont think it would have been any differant with any other person in the position
Actually I don't know that anyone will make anything better in the next 8 years or so. No matter who was elected this time around would have been mired in the economic pitfall this country has become in the last 4 years. This will require at least 8 years of repairations. Consider what Regan had to do to clean up the mess in the 80s. It took most of his term to begin to pull us out of our situation, Bush Sr fucked it up for the next 4, then Clinton Re-inacted Reganomics (under the guise of "Clintons Economic Policy") to create a turn around. So you can safely figure 12 years to recoup what was lost in the 70s, which was less than our current hole. However, I believe that with the public being so much more directly involved with the economy and the market (thanks to Al Gore for the internet :lmfao: ) turnaround times can and likely will be quicker. Would any candidate have been able to pull us out of the hole? Not likely with only 4 years to play with. But I would say a great economic plan should dig us out in 8-10 years. Besides, we wouldn't have to worry about the Rice/Hilly battle in '08 if Kerry had been elected :blink:
no if kerry would have been electged in 08 we would have Sec Soc tax at 15++ % Income Tax at 3+ points higher Gas Prices at $3/gal or more Higher Unemployment rates Medical Insurance up 25% or more great plan like I said before, I may get Blown to Hell under Bush, I by damn I will keep my money
SS tax at 15%? So what? We are all paying to the maximum per year anyways I am sure. I know that once you are making over $25,000 per year you have already paid your full amount annualy (There is a cutoff to your maximum annual payment. Tax at 3 points higher? Nah, maybe more for the rich ( <_< ) and maybe a shade more for the poor, but not 3 points across the board. Unemployment higher? Maintaining Bush's policies will do that by itself. Medical insurance higher? How do you figure? A government funded medical program woln't increase rates.