New Skins

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by The_Ancient, Oct 31, 2004.

  1. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    New Skin Just Added


    I will be Adding a Logo to the Top before long but that is all

    Take a Look and tell me what you think

    To change the Skin simply select it from the very bottom of the Screen

    Should be a Drop Down Form Box located at the bottom left
  2. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Yet another New Skin has been added


    This is a Light Colored Skin.

    Also note each skin set has 2 version

    Exp == Expanded Edition meaining it Adjust to full screen no matter your Screen Resolution

    Fixed == Fixed Edition meaning is has a Fixed Pixel Width normally 750-800 px range
  3. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Ambience EXP skin has been Branded to Car Audio talk.

    if anyone can not figure out, or does not see the skin changer let me know

    I would really like your feedback on the new skins

  4. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Tren_Z Branded to Car Audio Talk

    if anyone can not figure out, or does not see the skin changer let me know

    I would really like your feedback on the new skins

  5. fb4076

    fb4076 Full Member

    In the logo, the there is an audio spelled audiio, sorry, kinda driving me crazy
  6. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    your a picky SOB :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p

    What do you think of it other than that SMALL ;) error

    and what about the other new one.. ambience .. that is my personal favorite
  7. Jamesr316

    Jamesr316 Full Member

    Can you make your own skin? If so, would you accept submissions?
  8. fugyaself

    fugyaself Full Member

    Both are nice. Not sure which I like more. Since my current windows scheme is light though I think I will use Ambience.

    On the Tren though the "slogan" is a bit difficult to read. Might want a slight change in color.
  9. slovanova

    slovanova Full Member

    Ambience for me B)
  10. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I can make my own, but I dont want to.......

    and what do you mean by "submissions" the question seems to be Phrased Wrong or I am just stupid this morning :p
  11. AustinKP

    AustinKP Full Member

    I really like the look of Ambience. One small thing I noticed on Tren_Z besides the Audiio is that there are funny white spaces around smilies and such. Ambience is great though.
  12. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Tren_z came with its own smile pack, I am just too lazy to upload it :p :p :p :p I will get around to that one day :(
  13. fb4076

    fb4076 Full Member

    Wow, It looks like I am the only one that is using Tren_Z. I think that it is better looking, it will be MUCH better once the smilies don't have those white spaces..
  14. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    well the only problem will be the Tren_z will not have as many... it only comes with a color matched versions of the Invision Defualt Smilies,

    and I sm sure there will be others that like the Tren_z, I dont "dislike" it but I like lighter skins, vers darker skins

    however I know ALOT of people like the darker ones, just forsome reason they dissappeared...
  15. Imready77

    Imready77 Full Member

    i like them both. good job.
  16. Jamesr316

    Jamesr316 Full Member

    I meant, can WE make them and submit them to you?
  17. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member


    hell if they are good enough I will even pay for them (small fee ofcourse)

    show me what you go, My offical reopening is in Jan 05

    if anyone else is intrested maybe we can have a contest of sorts???
  18. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    with that, if any one wants to finish the "Empty Bottle" skin I can export it and give it to you

    I just dont have the time to mess with skins right now
  19. AustinKP

    AustinKP Full Member

    What do you use to create them? I'd like to try making one for fun.
  20. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    well Skins are very indepth and you really have to have a good grip on HTML

    it is not something you can do in Frontpage

    Skin Sets are Imported and exported in XML

    if you want Sign up for a new account at and I will give you limited admin access to the backend so you can take a look at the skin management area

    everything is sliced in to differan template bits, numbering in the 100's

    however believe it or not Empty bottle went from the defualt Blue to what it is not with just CSS changes

    it is not easy, but it is not hard either.