I have a New Program I am still working on. if anyone has any Gmail Invites they dont want or need I would like to ask for them to be donated to our little Community the New Program is not far enough along for a Public Announcment however if you want to know what your invites will be used for Email me or PM me and I will disclose this to you privately Thanks
lol, it si not that I had Gmail, there are things I did not like about it, and still dont YOu have a PM
thanks everyone for the offers I will let you know ASAP after I finalize the details, which are still being worked on...
I have a Plan laid out, and will be coding the small Script need to implement this plan either tonight or tommrow Once that is done and tested, I will Post an announcment about the new program Thanks for all of offers everyone will know shortly why I asked this
The Swerve has a grand total of 6 that he will never use. Since he has no friends he's willing to donate to the cause! -adam
Ok basically what I am going to do is run a community Gmail Pool there really is not "goal" I am not striving for anything I am having some problems with the Bar Graph Script not working will with the Skin System so I am still working those bugs out but if you want to send the invites to the pool the email address is gmailpool@caraudiotalk.com Once there they will be stored and I will have a form for Members ONLY (no guests will be able to request) to request one of the invites from the pool the Request will be processed at 7PM each day by me... at that time the Stats Pages (that I am still working out the bugs on) will also be updated so if you still wanting to send the invites (all or part of them) send them to the above email I hope to have the page worked out by monday
No really perticular becuase I will just be fowarding them on to other members that want them,. so CarAudioTalkPool or Michael or what ever Here is a Preview of what I got so far, had to do a Elementary HTML Hack because the Javascript would not cooperate with the Skins http://caraudiotalk.com/forum//index.php?pg=gmail