Democracy Kills Freedom

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by The_Ancient, Oct 1, 2004.

  1. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

  2. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

  3. The_spacemonkey

    The_spacemonkey Full Member

    I didnt read it all, but what I saw was very right. We are NOT absolutely NOT a democracy. We are a constitutionally limited democratic republic. BIG difference. Democracy is mob rule, and that rarely works out well.

    The way we are set up is so that the people supposedly have the power, but there is a sort of governmental "filter" that keeps us from doing anything stupid. At the same time, the government is supposed to be directly responsible to the people, and we can overrule any decision they make. The problem is people dont know how to use the power we are given and it then turns to a system more heavily weighed on the governments side.

    People should check out the Libertarian party's platform and see what they think.
  4. flawlesskid

    flawlesskid Full Member

    Very interesting read indeed. It really let me know that i need to brush up on my understanding of political issues.
  5. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Amazingly, the most perfect form of government is Communism ;) .

    However, all politics have become bastardized in some form or another... yes, including your own "democratic" government.
  6. joelsbass

    joelsbass Full Member

    comunism only works when people are willing to be selfless... but as we all know, greed rules human nature.... interestingly enough the origional new testament church (post death/resurection of Jesus) was basically communistic....
  7. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    You sir are correct ;)
  8. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I haved been saying that for year, But you better be Careful, the government will lock you way

    your a Terrorist now,
  9. joelsbass

    joelsbass Full Member

    what's so bad about that?? weightroom for exercise, 3 square meals a day and a good nights rest? i can think of worse things :p

    hell i could even finish my degree from prison with all of you picking up the tab ;)
  10. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    you dont understand

    you would not go to prision you would disappear

    kept for as long as they want with no lawyer or Due Process,,,,

    no plush federal prision for you

    thanks to many of the post 9/11 laws that were inacted