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Free Netfilx Subscription For 1 Full Mo

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by The_Ancient, Sep 10, 2004.

  1. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

  2. Steven Kephart

    Steven Kephart Full Member

    I get those offers in the mail all the time.

    I just signed up with Hollywood Video's version of that. It only costs $10 a month, but it is unlimited rentals. I can take home 3 at a time. The only downside is that if you bring them back late, they will charge you. But they are like 2 blocks from my house, so that shouldn't be an issue. The other downside is new releases can't be rented till they are out for 2 weeks. But that's not bad.

    BTW, I just rented Rundown (with the Rock) and was surprised to find that it was a good movie. It was very funny. I recomend adding it to your list if you haven't seen it yet.

    Steven Kephart
    Adire Audio
  3. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    most netflix offers are for only 2weeks not a month ;)

    and Netflix is the Best, I have been a Member since november 2003 and I will not even think about a differant service.. Cheaper or not,

    They have a Great web interface, Super Fast shipping (next day ), no restiction, infact Netflix gets some movie before even blockbuster ;) , Every title imageable, even TV shows that alot of Retal places will not carry, Lost discs are not even questionion, I reported 2 discs lost in the mail about a month ago, Replacements were sent the next day with out question.. Great customer Service

    I am on the Most expesive 8 out at a time plan, I have 3-4 movies in Tranistion at all times///
  4. Steven Kephart

    Steven Kephart Full Member

    That is great to hear. I was seriously considering Netflix for a while.

    BTW, another thing I didn't care for about Netflix is that on DVD's with dual discs, they count it as two. I thought that was kinda dumb.

    Steven Kephart
    Adire Audio
  5. PolkMM

    PolkMM Full Member

    how much are you paying if you dont mind??
  6. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I understand the Logic, the prices are based on Shipping Costs. you can more or less est the max number of disc a person can get in a mo so you can set prices..

    that is why they do that

    it sucks if your tring for a tv series, but most of the movies I never get the second disc anyway since it is just bonus feature I never watch

    @Sep 10 2004, 09:54 PM
    how much are you paying if you dont mind??
    [post=21947]Quoted post[/post]​
    $49.99 + tax which makes it $52.99

    other plans

    8-at-a-time for $49.99
    Unlimited rentals - up to 8 movies out at a time for a flat monthly fee of $49.99.

    5-at-a-time for $33.99
    Unlimited rentals - up to 5 movies out at a time for a flat monthly fee of $33.99.

    3-at-a-time for $21.99
    Unlimited rentals - up to 3 movies out at a time for a flat monthly fee of $21.99.

    2-at-a-time (4 rentals a month) for $14.99
    Up to 4 rentals a month - up to 2 movies out at a time for a flat monthly fee of $14.99

    I had 3 at a time for a LONG time, just changed to the 8 at a time last mo
  7. PolkMM

    PolkMM Full Member

    does anybody know how to burn dvds?
    not that i would get these and burn them...it would STRICTLY be for back ups of dvd's i already have
    i have Sonic DVD burning software that came installed from dell...i also downloaded dvd shrink
    i save it on my computer after i use dvd shrink and burn it from there but it never works :(
  8. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    ofcourse no one would rent a movie a burn it, to do so would be illegal ;)

    However if I would to partake in such terrible activities :) I would use DVDShrink in combination with Nero. Because DVD shirk will detect Nero 6 and automatically burn it for you using Nero. with no imput needed from you, "One Click" on the "backup" button in side ot dvd shrink

    But ofcourse I dont partake in such activites doing so would be well UNTHINKABLE ;)
  9. PolkMM

    PolkMM Full Member

    is there a particular version of Nero?
    thanks for your help in my quest of making back-up copies of my dvds
  10. PolkMM

    PolkMM Full Member

  11. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Nero 6 is the only version with DVD burning

    @Sep 11 2004, 02:11 PM
    i thought this program was illegal?
    [post=21961]Quoted post[/post]​
    Any and all DVD Copy'ing software is illegal, 321 studios was made to stop distibuting dvd x copy


    Those sites are not "authorized" ;) by the publishers of dvd x copy, so you may or may not get the "real" program, as it is no "offically" sold anymore ;)

    Plus it sucks anyway, Dvd Shrink is BY FAR the best

    also remember that Unlike CD's the Media is VERY VERY VERY important, not all dvd players will play all dvd Media, most common problem arise from dvd+R vs dvd-R

    Personally I use RITEK G04 dvd-r's from www.cdrdvdrmedia.com
  12. PolkMM

    PolkMM Full Member

  13. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    yes if you want to pay for it ;) :p
  14. PolkMM

    PolkMM Full Member

    how do i get it for free?
  15. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    there are many ways to get software, any software. free illegally...
  16. PolkMM

    PolkMM Full Member

    Michael, YGPM ;)
  17. Steven Kephart

    Steven Kephart Full Member

    Well I decided to trade in the movies I had for some new ones, then go to watch them on the big stereo at Adire. One I got was Cold Mountain. That movie is a chick flick. And this is coming from a guy that usually likes the mild chick flicks. It is slow, boring, and way too long. The only good part about it was Natalie Portman. But what do they think, adding in a bunch of nudity is going to make it a "guy" movie? Not for me. What a waste of 2.5 hours.

    Steven Kephart
    Adire Audio
  18. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    you know what really sucks, when you rent a movie EXPECTING nudity, but there is NONE :ranting: :ranting: :ranting:
  19. PolkMM

    PolkMM Full Member

    would it be better to save the DTS 5.1 or the AC3 5.1?
  20. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    all depends on your Setup

    DTS is better Quality IF your dvd player supports it

    AC3 will play on anything.

    Normally I leave the Disc as it is, unless I have to deselect it for Space Reasons. Which as only happened one time

    I have yet to see any Visual Drawbacks from Compression