Reconed Brahma...

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by explicit6486, Aug 10, 2004.

  1. explicit6486

    explicit6486 Full Member

    My Brahma is on my doorstep..

    I've been waiting for it to be reconed since May.. I forgot how loud it was :lmfao:

    I can't wait to put in :)

    All I need now is the other Brahma, and I'll be set.. :gunsmilie:
  2. texcon

    texcon Full Member

    Who's the chick in your sig?
  3. DerrikW

    DerrikW Full Member

    That's what I wanna know. I will also need her name, address, and phone number. K thanks.
  4. vitveet

    vitveet Full Member

    you're so lucky :( Mine has been with them since may 13th and it still hasn't even shipped yet. They told me that mine was going to be one of the first ones out (Brahma 15). It better ship this week!!!

  5. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    That's his girlfriend... What a lucky bastard huh?

    I had to ask him because she is simply beautiful.
  6. DerrikW

    DerrikW Full Member

    That's affirmative. Beautiful indeed. Now the next question. Is she into car audio?
  7. explicit6486

    explicit6486 Full Member

    haha.. I'd have to marry her on the spot if she was.

    She's into my stereo (ie: she likes it...) ... but she couldnt tell an amp from a crossover.

    You can only get so good. To get a great looking girl and a girl that is into car audio, that would be a blessing.
  8. explicit6486

    explicit6486 Full Member

    Oh yea. I just hooked the Brahma up...

    My ears need to build up some wax before I can listen to it at a reasonable level again... :lol:
  9. Steven Kephart

    Steven Kephart Full Member

    We shipped your sub out on the 5th. You should have gotten a tracking number for it. It says it is sceduled for delivery on the 12th. If you want I can e-mail the tracking number to you tomorrow.

    Steven Kephart
    Adire Audio
  10. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Dude, I don't mean to push on about this, but if your girl is even 1/2 as sweet as she looks you have already been blessed a hundred times over.
  11. DerrikW

    DerrikW Full Member

    No shit! I don't even like coming into this thread anymore, everytime I see her picture I get all warm and fuzzy inside. :blush:
  12. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    is that from all the blood leaving you body ;) :lol: :blink: :lmfao:
  13. objext

    objext Full Member freaks made him shrink the picture :p

  14. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    I know, and he had best enlarge it or we will be forced to :ban: him :p

  15. _gonz_

    _gonz_ Full Member

    :lmfao: now thats funny!

    "Stop looking at her!!!" :ranting:
  16. objext

    objext Full Member

    "She's mine, all mine!!! My preeeccciiious"
  17. explicit6486

    explicit6486 Full Member


    Hey- all of us audiophiles here share something in common. So, without further ado, check this out..
  18. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    You are a fucking GOD!!!!
  19. _gonz_

    _gonz_ Full Member

    I'd buy that for a dollar!

    she really is fucking hot dude, but how old is she? Looks damn young IMO
  20. texcon

    texcon Full Member

    :jawdrop: :yes: :baby: