Can You Help Me Find Out What Went Wrong?

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by Drkodin, Aug 1, 2004.

  1. Drkodin

    Drkodin Full Member

    posted this on some other forums, but didn't quite get the help i was looking for...

    Pics are in :)

    Well, the injured souls are:
    a PG Tantrum 1200.1 that is COMPLETELY blown, i'll get pics in a few days.
    my Directed 2400d (again :mad: ) which keeps going into protect.

    here is the curious was caused by a cd :confused: .

    My friend with the PG was driving last night plying a newly copied cd when his amp cut off and filled his trunk with smoke, needless to say not a fun time. Today he hopped in my car and grabbed the same cd since he didn't get to listen to it the night before. Well he put it on the same track that he left off at and not 15 seconds into the song my subs amp cuts out as well (at least it went into protect instead of blowing like my firend's. his amp is far beyond repair).

    so, after investigation we could only narrow it down to the cds/rcas. The fuses on the distrobution block are fine, and the component amps one the same distro are fine in both cars, so it can't be power. Two different setups with two different high quality amps so it can't be defect. Also, now my amp will play ANY cd, burned or store bought, for about 20sec and then go into protect, even though it worked before.

    The only thing i could think of, and this is pure speculation, that there is something in the recording of the cd (unintentional i'm positive) located in the bass reigon because both amps have SSFers on and both have x-overs set about 80Hz, plus ONLY the sub amps were harmed.

    anyone else want to take a shot at what might have caused the problem, or do i really have a phantom cd. Hopefully i will have more info when DEI repairs my amp and tells me what was wrong.
  2. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    What CD?

    I know you are in So Cal, Santa Margarita if memory serves me correct, what is the weather like?

    I wonder, what subs are hooked up to the amps in question and how are they hooked up (explain how they are wired). What is the HU and what are the gains set at on both amps? That PG is a total thermal failure, and I am sure the DEI is as well. I might suggest removing the constant power source (simply pulling the inline fuse will do) from the DEI for a few minutes then attempt to reinstall it and try again. It may just need a reset. If it powers up then goes into protect it may be OK yet, or it may be a fried transistor.
  3. Drkodin

    Drkodin Full Member

    2002 Hond Civic EX:
    Stock HU with generic LOC
    Diamond Audio S600s comps on a Lanzar OPTI 500.2
    (2) ED 12A (flat cone) in 4^3 @ 32Hz on the PG 1200.1
    stock alt and a red top

    0awg runs from the battery under the hood to an Audiopipe d-block giving each amp 4awg power, PG had a 200a fuse (too large i know but i was only thinking a short was possible not this) and 100a on the Opti. Subs are in series-parallel to 2Ohms. RCAs run from LOC to Lanzar, out of the Lanzar into the PG. The whole setup ran 100% perfect for over a year until track 4 of the burned CD.

    2004 Chevy Trailblazer:
    Pioneer 940MP
    Diamond Audio S600s on Opti 500.2
    (2) 12" XXX in 7^3 @ 33Hz on Directed 2400d (wired to 2Ohms)
    150a stock alt
    RCA run for each amp off HU
    2 yellow tops

    0awg runs from under the hood to the batt in the back...(to be continued, i have to go to work)
  4. Drkodin

    Drkodin Full Member

    ....(i must be blind because i can't find the edit button, anywho) batt in the trunk is grounded with 0awg, then a 4awg line runs about 2' and is split into 2 more 4awg, one for each amp. the DEI has a 150a fuse the lanzar a 60a AGU fuse. My setup worked great for about 2 months, then i blew the amp's power supply because iwas stupid, then it was fixed and worked great for 3 weeks until i put in the cd on track 4. Do i find it very had to believe that a cd could do this, sure, but i dont know why we each had problems on the same track on the same burned cd.

    My amp seems to be fine because now it plays for a little just fine, then goes into protect, i thought about the resetting idea and just haven't gotten around to it yet (i've been at work and only thought of it late last night).

    So both setups were quite different in wiring and fuse ratings, both had good quality amps that broke, and both went bad on the same cd on the same track. I am 100% confused why his blew and mine went into protect and why each one went to begin with.
  5. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    The only thing I can speculate, is possibly that both of you had your gains too high...
    And that CD was recorded at closer to the maximum -0dB recording level than most other tracks - or at least had some tones in it that were.

    Therefore, when you played it, your signal exceeded your preamp clipping threshhold to the degree that most other CD's didn't.

    And I'd speculate, due to the fact that that level of clipping could have actually thermaled your amplifier - that the gains were already set to a degree of clipping to begin with.

    It's either that, or :alien: in your system. :lol:
  6. Drkodin

    Drkodin Full Member

    Hmmm...never considered that it could be a single "note" recorded (or mis-recorded since the origional is fine) higher than all others. His gain, knowing him, was probably cranked; I myself would have thought to have been set correctly, but looking back it did happen when i was in the process of raising the sub-out from -17(normal) to 0(very rare). How high could that "note" have been recorded?

    Would this possibly explain why my amp will play fine (i say fine, but i swear i can hear it extreemly slowly lose output before it goes into protect. also could be mind games) for random amounts of time, usually dependent on volume, and then go into protect? then come out and repeat the process? Should i try "resetting" it like seth suggested?
  7. Drkodin

    Drkodin Full Member

    and thanks a lot Seth and Chris (and anyone who joins later :) ) these are exactly the answers and help i was looking for. Most people just said "that sucks" and looked at the pretty pictures, lol.
  8. fugyaself

    fugyaself Full Member

    Try resetting your amp as mentioned but also reset your gains. Then check with a CD you are VERY familiar with on your setup. If it keeps cutting out turn the gain down until it doesnt.

    When you originally set your gains what was the sub level set at? Going above that level will induce clipping at a lower volume level.

    Maybe check the resistance of the voice coils of the subs too. Maybe the amp put out too much power and heated them to the point where the resistance became lower and its causing the amp to go into protection? Just a wild shot in the dark ;)
  9. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    When you set your gains - use a CD, recorded with test tones - generally they ARE recorded at the maximum -0dB recording level.

    Also, since it's harder to hear distortion at low frequencies, temporarily disable your low-pass filter, and use something a little higher to set your gains with... 200hz, 300hz, something like that. B)
    (and then, reenable the low-pass, of course)

    Your other symptoms might be the result of damage from shorter-term exposure to the clipping, where this one CD just really did it in.
    Setting your gains as I mention will avoid this in the future - there won't be any shorter-term damage, much less long-term damage. ;)
  10. Drkodin

    Drkodin Full Member

    maybe i should be a bit more clear. MY gains are set at 1/4 with a 6.5V input which according to DEI is correct. I also hardly ever run the amp hard and it is basicly brand new so i know there isn't a lot of wear and tear on the amp. So, i'm not eliminating the option that the cd did it with a clipped tone, but i know for a fact i haven't been running a clipped signal.

    Also, something else i dont think that i have explained is that when i say it cuts out and goes into protect, this is on cds that i know very well and are both store bought and copied cds. It never had any problems on these cds until this mystery started.

    Now with that said i will of course reset the amp and see if that fixes anything (have to wait till tomorrow obviously), if it doesn't then there is no point in resetting the gains since it will go into protect so i'll just send it to DEI for repair. Didn't mean to sound rude or anything in this post, i just dont think i explained some things well enough. I know about basic clipping and installation issues and have pretty much eliminated then as the main cause (like i said, i know my buddy pushed his amp hard), i would hope i'm not that limited in my knowledge :eek:
  11. fugyaself

    fugyaself Full Member

    There is no right based on your pre out voltage. Each amp will vary. The only way to tell is by setting it to the point where you detect clipping and then turning it down until you do not detect clipping. How you detect clipping is up to you. Oscilliscope, ears, or dmm guessing.
  12. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    That was what I was figuring and alluding to in my questions... I see you caught that B) . Actually There are certain CDs that are recorded higher than 0dB for effect, which was why I asked about what CD it was. Alot of rapers and bass CDs are recording their bass tracks at 3 and even 6dB clipped. That'll thermal an amp so fast it isn't funny.
  13. Drkodin

    Drkodin Full Member

    it was some latin house cd, i dont know any more because it was my firend's. I do know that it was a copy off an origional, but the origional was never played in a "system" before and they person who copied it is known to make really shitty copies :p
  14. Drkodin

    Drkodin Full Member

    thanks seth, you were right all i needed to do was reset my amp. i also called DEI and they thought they same that all you did, there was some garble of tones or something that clipped my buddy's amp to hell and sent mine into protect. But everything is fine for me at least :)

    now, after you guys saw that damage, and considering the situation, do you think PG will be willing to help my buddy out even though he got the amp over a year ago off ebay?
  15. fugyaself

    fugyaself Full Member

    I doubt they will warranty it but you may get lucky and only have to put out $100 or so.

    Good luck though. Hopefully they take it easy on you.