Any Gamers Out There?

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by Steven Kephart, Jul 19, 2004.

  1. Steven Kephart

    Steven Kephart Full Member

    I personally love computer games (not too big on consoles though). The one I seem to be most adicted to is Roller Coaster Tycoon. I am very much looking forward to RCT3 at the end of this year.

    Anyway, another series I have REALLY enjoyed is the Myst games. Sure they aren't full of shoot em' up fun. But what they lack in action, they make up for in beauty, cleverness, and storyline. I still haven't picked up the last offering, Uru. Mainly because of disapointed reviews. But I think I will now. I was just now finding out about the next installment; Myst IV Revelation. Apparently it won "best in show" at E3. Everyone is absolutely raving about the graphics incorporated in it. It sounds like they are making a bench mark in graphics, yet again.

    But that's not to say I don't enjoy a good mindless bloodbath now and then either. My friends and I way overplayed the demo of UT2004. Unfortunately I moved away when the game was released, so I haven't played the full version multiplayer yet. The "first person" part was fun, but got way too hard in the end. This is even on the easiest setting. It's sad when my team mates are the one's beating the levels, and all I can do is try to keep up. But when my friends and I play multiplayer, we would kick the computers butts even when their difficulty is set to "Godlike" (and I wasn't the worst player).

    Anyway, some of my other favorites are:
    Any Tom Clancy game (Ghost Recon my favorite)
    Halo (so much fun at lan games)
    Knights of the old Republic (AWESOME game)
    Starcraft (They really need to release it's sequel. But knowing Blizzard, it will take a LONG time)

    Steven Kephart
    Adire Audio
  2. DerrikW

    DerrikW Full Member

    Halo rocks! Unlike you though I do all of my gaming on consoles. Will they look as good as a pc? NO! Sure as hell doesn't mean I'm not going to enjoy playing them though. :D
  3. Steven Kephart

    Steven Kephart Full Member

    Oh definitely. And I admit that I have spent a lot of tmie on Goldeneye.

    I think the big difference between PC and console is what your used to. Each has it's advantages, and game types it is best at. I prefer all the extra buttons available on the computer. I just never could get used to the analog controls of the PS2.

    Steven Kephart
    Adire Audio
  4. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Mah puter's too old for gaming. I mean, it is pretty fast and has plenty of RAM, but I just don't have the video cards nessicary to do it, and frankly, I prefer console gaming. I am a PS2 head and will be buying myself an X-box soon. I like all kinds of games. The games I am currently in the middle of are:

    Grand Theft Auto Vice City: I have beaten the game, but I was not at 100%. I restarted the game and have 1 core mission to go, I am just working on side missions, assets, and rampages.

    ESPN NFL Football (2004): I am in my 5th year of the franchise with a perfect record :). Managing money and getting/keeping quality players gets tough after 3 years though, and I fear I may lose my perfect streak next season.

    Gran Turismo 3: Without a doubt the very best racing simulation ever. I am at 80 some odd percent right now, I just need a couple more endurance races and I am done with it.
  5. hobbes26

    hobbes26 Full Member

    I used to play Ghost Recon all the time - definitely one of my favourites... Too bad my comp overheats and crashes too much when playing it...

    I've been wanting to try out the Myst games for a while now, just haven't picked it up... any one in particular that you'd recommend? Would I need to start from the first one?
  6. DerrikW

    DerrikW Full Member

    My puter will probably work fine for some or alot of the games out there, there's also alot it won't play. I prefer the simpleness of just sticking in a disk and pushing the power button.

    Theres just something about playing games like halo, max payne and the others, in dolby ex, on a 55 inch tv that always gets me going.

    I can't wait til nov. when GT4 comes out, along with Metal Gear Solid. Oh yeah and halo 2, gheez, I better start saving up. lol
  7. Steven Kephart

    Steven Kephart Full Member

    I recomend Myst 3 Exile. It is an absolutely gorgeous game, and has a great story as well. But be warned, the puzzles can be VERY hard.

    BTW, they say that Myst 4 will take up 3 DVD's, and will have over an hour of video for the game.

    Steven Kephart
    Adire Audio
  8. Honest Bob

    Honest Bob Full Member

    I have both a capable gaming computer and a PS2. GT3 is awesome! Neef for speed hot pursiute is better on the PC but dosent work with win 2k or XP. Vice city on the PC along with Battlefeild 1942 Desert Combat mod. Gun Bound, Descent 3, Army Men RTS along with a few others that I play with some friends online.
  9. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member


    the previews I have seen look badass
  10. deyton

    deyton Full Member

    I got 100% in GT3, and I just started over last week so I'm ready for GT4. I probably won't leave my house after GT4 is out...
  11. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    I just walked into the store today and found the new ESPN Football just came out 2 days ago, ESPN 2K5. It was on sale for $19.99!!! I jumped all over that man. I just played 2 games. It is definately tougher than the 2004 version, but cool as hell. I'm gettin ready to go jam again.
  12. jstutman

    jstutman Full Member

    sandt all espn sports games are on sale
  13. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    Been playing Raven Shield.
    Before that I used to pay Counter Srtinke, Day of Defeat, and some other mods on HL.

    I played GTA3 for a while, but still would rather play. 2 :)
  14. _gonz_

    _gonz_ Full Member

    I've been playing a new game called Joint Operations: Typhoon rising

    (no, not THAT kind of joint :p )

    It's much like CounterStrike, in that its a first person shooter...
    However it's different, just like Battlefield 1942 all grown up.
    This game owns BF42 in every aspect, as far as i'm concerned.

    up to 150 players at one time... no lagging, no bugs, maps measured in kilometers... it's a huge online world of strategic warfare... and it's good.

    So many maps, four different styles of gameplay... all of this kinda floors me. Theres so much in this game and things that feel "new" to me, despite the fact i've played every damn shooter since CS Beta. Really nice to find something that feels fresh.

    when i say no lagging or bugs, sure there may be something on occasion, like vehicle physics can be a little odd, but it's mostly fun for it's comedy value.

    Easy to learn, even though theres ALOT to the game, you can jump in right away and just learn as you go. The curve is small. The aiming is easy, mostly it's intuitive... if you've played a shooter before, you can handle this.

    Considering this is an online game, it's really nice to find detailed tutorials for offline "training". Theres even a keyboard overlay to help you get used to your controls.

    Best of all, $40.
    No monthly fees... just $40.

    Dare i say, it might be worth $80 ? Being that i'm a tightass bastard who does'nt like paying for software, that's quite the statement right there!
  15. Honest Bob

    Honest Bob Full Member

    I just picked up Doom 3 this weekend. Pretty awesome, scary as hell too. I can only manage to play in like 10 minute intervals. :eek:
  16. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    I'll have to check it out next time I'm in BB, gonz.

    Sounds fun, I buy games and never really play the offline version I just like the online stuff. :)
  17. _gonz_

    _gonz_ Full Member

    Yeah, i'm not really interested in single player (offline) games too often...
    There are a few exceptions tho, i'm looking forward to Sims2 quite a bit,
    as sim games in general are some of the best time-wasters ever invented.

    Theres a new SWAT game on the horizon, which is great in terms of tactics for a shooter. Lead your team into terrorist strongholds etc. You command each person in your team seperately which is a cool concept.

    Rise Of Nations was quite playable... but it did get tired kinda quick. I'm not too much into RTS or RPG games, but this one was decent for sure. It's sorta like the board game Risk.

    Then theres the Tropico franchise, but the problem is, their developers suck. Game concept is quite cool, but they turn out games like casino tycoon and luxury liner tycoon and stuff so quickly that nothing comes out quality, just cookie-cutter buggy cloned crap.

    As for online gaming, nothing has come close to the comraderie of CS... that is what i love most, just spending hours among friends laughing... and killing them, in a online "world". Hopefully CS2 will be good, but... it does'nt look real promising so far, looks like a regurgitated CS. /me crosses fingers.