3 Porsche's

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by Steven Kephart, Jun 24, 2004.

  1. Steven Kephart

    Steven Kephart Full Member

    This weekend I am doing a custom install in a Porche. It is one of Dan's friends from church. It will be a fiberglass ported enclosure for his Brahma 10 on one side, and a matching fiberglass cover on the other side covering the amp rack. The fiberglass will be covered in factory vinyl. The owner tells me that his car will be in a magazine coming up, so I'm really excited.

    But then today talking to one of Dan's partners, he wants me to do a custom install in both his Porche's. He has two matching, one for him and one for his girlfriend. I will probably do a single Koda 10 in each car, and koda's in kick pannels.

    I will take pictures throughout the whole process. I will also try to get specs on the cars for those who want them. Here's what Dan said about one of them on AVVA: "It's a Porsche 944S4 with a full race prep engine. One of only 300 made. Grey, with a black interior." The difference is that it is now painted blue. The other one is red and also a 944. I don't know if they are completely identical.

    Anyway, I'm excited about it and just wanted to share. I never thought when coming up here I would be doing high-end installs in high-end vehicles. :yes:

    Steven Kephart
    Adire audio
  2. hobbes26

    hobbes26 Full Member

    need help?!? :D

    maybe i could learn a thing or two about installing...

    sounds pretty cool to work on some Porsches....
  3. Steven Kephart

    Steven Kephart Full Member

    Sure. That would be fun to have you come by. Then I would have someone to take pictures when my hands are sticky. B)

    I will be doing the first one this weekend, and possibly next weekend if needed. The other two I'm not sure about timeframe. Hopefully it will be soon though.

    Steven Kephart
    Adire Audio
  4. AustinKP

    AustinKP Full Member

    Say, you wouldn't happen to be installing this is UT, would you? Of course after it's installed, you have to drive the car to make sure the subs work and sound good at high speed, during heavy cornering, etc... :D
  5. Penguin4x4

    Penguin4x4 Full Member

    Whatever you do.....DON'T SCREW UP :lmfao: :bye:

    It's Porsche, not Porche, :p :blow:
  6. hobbes26

    hobbes26 Full Member

    hmm.. busy this weekend and next (got some experiments to run) too bad.

    didnt you get the memo? he's fiberglassing some speakers to a porch deck so he can hear them when he's outside... lol
  7. mustatang

    mustatang Full Member

    Stephen can be your test subject. :)

    I thought somebody wanted speakers on their his and hers porch. I know I do. Don't you?
  8. Steven Kephart

    Steven Kephart Full Member

    I knew there was something wrong, but couldn't figure out what. For some reason it didn't sound right with the added "s" either. I guess I better be careful though before someone mistakes me for Michael. :p

    Steven Kephart
    Adire Audio
  9. Steven Kephart

    Steven Kephart Full Member

    That is too bad. I will try to let you know when I do the other two. Maybe you could come down then.

    Steven Kephart
    Adire Audio
  10. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I knew there was something wrong, but couldn't figure out what. For some reason it didn't sound right with the added "s" either. I guess I better be careful though before someone mistakes me for Michael. :p

    Steven Kephart
    Adire Audio [/b][/quote]
    that would be impossible, you have way to much tact for that to happen :p
  11. Penguin4x4

    Penguin4x4 Full Member

    Ohhhhhh, well then that makes more sense....though pressure treated lumber would look a bit better...
  12. Steven Kephart

    Steven Kephart Full Member

    Day one done. I think most of it was spent laying down masking tape and drop cloth. I used a roll and a half of tape, which is a lot. But I prefer to be thorough. In the past I have always used tooling resin, or UV resin (the coolest stuff). This stuff was laminating resin, which the guy said would work just fine. I was surprised to see that it was blue.

    It has been about a year since my last fiberglass project. I was surprised that I did so well in MEKP mixing. I have never used those measuring bottles, but instead usually just guess. Well my first batch turned out great. The second batch I added a little more hardener to make it gel faster which was a mistake. I lost a little bit of resin because of it, but it wasn't too bad. Anyway, I was able to get the side molds for the amp rack cover done, as well as most of the sub enclosure's molded area. All I have to do is add another layer to the sub box, then I can pull it out and stretch it. While I was waiting for the resin to harden, I made the MDF rings for the Brahma 10 and Koda 6's. I also finally did some rings for my car, which I have been planning on doing for a year and a half now. Better late than never I guess.

    Tomorrow after Church I will continue the project. I should be able to stretch the enclosure and amp cover. Unfortunately the lady at Wal Mart said they didn't have any grill cloth. So I checked the dollar bin and found some great stuff. It is just as thin as grill cloth, but much more stretchy. I think it will work better. I also think I will need another gallon of resin.

    Oh, and don't worry. I have been taking pics all the way through the project. This includes pictures of the car. IIRC it is a 928.

    Steven Kephart
    Adire Audio
  13. luvdeftonz

    luvdeftonz Full Member

    Sorry, Steven. I'm anal about spelling and I had to correct the spelling for the title of this thread. For whatever reason, it was driving me nuts... :oops:

    I definitely can't wait for the final pix, though. Did you take pix in a "DIY tutorial" fashion, or just pix whenever you thought of it?

  14. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    man are you on the wrong forum if your "anal about spelling" ;) :p

    Steven Kephart, cant wait to see the pictures...
  15. Steven Kephart

    Steven Kephart Full Member

    No problem. I usually am too, but some words that I don't spell often just escape me.

    And yes, the pics are done as a DIY tutorial.

    Also, for whoever fixed the topic name, thanks.

    Steven Kephart
    Adire Audio
  16. Guest

    Guest Guest


    I went to Wal Mart to get some grill cloth for stretching the enclosure's. Unfortunately they didn't have any, so I found some super stretchy material to use. It looks like nylon material, but thicker. Well as I just found out, it is too stretchy. I was stretching the amp rack cover, and was disapointed that as I stretched it more, it drooped inward. Well I got it to a satisfactory point in the stretching and decided to soak it with resin. Well when I added the resin, the added weight made it droop even more. This also caused the sides to become wavy. So I don't know if this is going to work. Right now I'm worried that I will have to add up to an inch and a half thick of body filler. Luckily I bought a gallon of Duraglass. But this sucks. Luckily since I can stretch to the bottom of the enclosure, the other piece should be as bad......................hopefully.

    Steven Kephart
    Adire Audio
  17. Steven Kephart

    Steven Kephart Full Member

    There, now loged in.
  18. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    what Material was it

    alot of people told me Felt works well.......
  19. Steven Kephart

    Steven Kephart Full Member

    I'm not sure. I can see how felt would work. I've always used grill cloth in the past because it is cheap, thin, and stretches well. This stuff does as well, so I figured it would work. Apparently not. Now that the resin is tacked up, it isn't solid like grill cloth is. And what's worse is that every place I can get grill cloth from will be closed for the next couple days, which is the time I set aside to do this project. Maybe I will get some t-shirt material from Wal Mart. They should be open.

    Another annoyance, I think Fiberlay ripped me off. I bought 4 yards of fiberglass mat from them. Well I've used just over half of what I got. I just measured what's left, and I only have 2 feet. There is no way I used 10 feet of mat so far. I think what they did was gave me what was left on a roll, hoping it was around what I wanted. Well it most definitely wasn't. So now I have to go buy more mat as well. :ranting:

    Steven Kephart
    Adire Audio
  20. Steven Kephart

    Steven Kephart Full Member

    Well I stretched and fiberglassed the top of the sub enclosure. After trimming it, I noticed on the test fitting thatthe front mold was pulled away from the rear seat. This is even after my supporting it with a piece of backstrap and hot glue. I'm a perfectionist in these things, so this just wouldn't do. So I took the sander and ground down the edge until the top released from the molded part. I then put the piece in the vehicle and used backstrap and hot glue to pry the moled part into the proper location. I will now fill that gap with fiberglass and make it like nothing ever happened. That's one thing that is nice about fiberglass.

    I decided to modify the amp cover as well. When stretching the sub enclosure, I noticed the material worked great when I REALLY stretched it tight. Because of this, it didn't sag like the amp cover did. Well after applying some Duraglass to the surface and realizing I'm going to probably need more than the gallon I had, I decided to re-stretch it and just do it over. When I fiberglass it, I will then go in with the saw and cut out the bottom stuff as it won't be needed. I think it will look a lot better now.

    I am definitely learning a lot in this process. But unfortunately it is getting VERY expensive. I've already spent $250 in materials, and need more resin and mat. So after 5-6 weekends and $300 in materials, I definitely underbid this project at $500. But oh well. Now I know how much to charge for the next projects. Dan tells me this kid has a lot of rich friends. B)

    Steven Kephart
    Adire Audio