Ideas For Raising The Rear Seat?

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by Fused, May 20, 2004.

  1. Fused

    Fused Full Member

    I've got a Supercrew with a 10w3 in a downfiring box under the rear seat. The main problem is I've only got about 1" between the floor and the sub. I've read that there should be aprox. 2" -3" between the two depending on the size sub. The other problem is making a bracket that will give me another 1" of room. Sounds simple but the seats pull forward when unlatched so a 1" block under the seat post won't actually work. Anyone ever done this or know someone who has?
  2. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Honestly - 1" should be fine... that works out to about 28mm, and the 10W3 isn't capable of anywhere near that excursion.
    In fact, some people create loading pannels for their subs to create this very effect. It actually increases the output of the subs, most often.
    I'd simply leave it alone.

    If you are concerned, there are other things you could do that would be MUCH less painful... such as simply recessing the sub.
    That would be as simple as cutting the hole in your enclosure large enough for the sub to actually fit through, and then making a baffle (you might need to make it in 2 pieces, sealing it well when installed) that will be screwed inside the enclosure, that the sub will actually screw to, making the sub mount flush with the outside of the current enclosure. That would buy you a full 3/4" more room, which definitely would be more than plenty.

    Just curious, if you are experiencing any negative symptoms right now at all (other than know-it-all friends)?
    I'm doubting it. B)
  3. MMats4life

    MMats4life Full Member

    i agree... i often do down fire with less than 1". unless the sub surround is hitting ( and i know thats not happening with that sub), then i would just leave it. fords tend to give a good response when downfired.
  4. Fused

    Fused Full Member

    Geo- No negatives right now just thinking it might give it a little more breathing room. On the other hand though, I'm seriously thinking about this new Koda 10 thats out, but then I would need to get a new amp for it. I'm pushing the 10w3 with a RF351m @2ohms so I'm getting 350w to it. The Koda only comes in a single voice coil whitch would put me at 175w going to it with the same amp.

    Anyone have some thoughts on a quality amp to push the Koda with?

    Thanks for the replys fellas.
  5. gixxerific

    gixxerific Full Member

    Can you maybe run a rib of wood on the downside of the box as a spacer to give you a little more clearance that way. That is how my D/F box is in my Silverado.

    But if you really want to lift the seats I have seen them for fords I was looking for one for my spplication but no go. Just hit Google and type "Seat lift kit"

    Good luck

    Here one for shits and giggles Lift kit