I have noticed recently that a lot of the young female actors are trying to get into the music scene. I think most of them can sing OK, but they do well mainly because of their looks. Well I just bought Spy Kids 3D (don't laugh, I really liked those movies) and they had the lead girl singing. She really can sing. I was most impressed with her talent. That and I kinda liked the latino flavor she added to the songs. If you guys get a chance, check her songs out. Of particular interest is the "Game Over" song. There is a part with an acoustic guitarre that was played VERY skillfully. Definitely good music to check out.
Legal?!?! Who cares about legal! Its just a concept created by our government to keep people in check. Who are they to say I cant enjoy a lucious Spy Kid? When Im stuck in one of life's crossroads, I take a second to ponder and say to myself: WWRKD? What would R.Kelly do?! LOL :lol:
Instead of making fun him for his daring post I decided to go listen to it myself. (OK so I did make fun of him in my head while I was reading it too) I went and searched for the game over song. What came up right away was some stuff by a person named lil flip. Now since I haven't seen the movie and Steven didn't mention the name, I figured this might be it. So I'm listening to it thinking she sounds an awful lot like a black rapper, but I guess that would be ok; I mean to each his own right? Then I though that there wasn't any soft acoustic guitar and realized it wasn't her, thank goodness. I found the real thing and she's not bad. Seems better than a lot of them out now-a-days.
I was being made fun of? Wow, I must be slow. But thanks for gettin my back ASM. Well after a quick search, here's what she looks like: I definitely wouldn't say ugly.
She looks like a 13 year old whore. I guarantee you her mom shat her pants when she saw her wearing those clothes,lol. Dirty WHOooooAAAAAAA! She defintely needs to be fucked in the ass and straightened out :lmfao: