Bad Day

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by nismo, Apr 24, 2004.

  1. nismo

    nismo Full Member

    i had just gotten out of bed today, and i saw a truck at our front door...i figured it was the guy who was supposed to work on our roof. bout that time a knock on the door, and a poor kid said he had just hit our dog and felt awful for it. we ran out to her, but she took about 3 deep breaths over the course of a couple minutes. so after taking her to the vet, i just got don burying her. :(

    for those out there who have dogs, PLEASE keep them in the yard. ours was a farm dog who ran about a lot, so she got hit.

  2. KhaoticLE

    KhaoticLE Full Member

    :eek: whoa....sorry to hear that man
  3. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    My condolances!

    I can't even imagine if my cat died...

    He's an indoor cat, so if he ever got out, he might not even realize the dangers that really are out there, since he's so sheltered...
    I don't want to even think about that!

    I can't imagine how bad that is.
    Was the dog very old?
  4. texcon

    texcon Full Member

    I am really sorry to hear that. The loss of a pet is never an easy thing. My wife and I have two cats and they are every bit as much a part of our family as she and I are. Try to remember the good she brought to your life.
  5. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Bummed Nizzy...

    Sorry to hear that. I lost a cat I had for 16 years, and I know how tough it is.
  6. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    My friend's dog was hit a few months back also. She was histerical for a day but she has a new one now. She still misses her old dog a lot
  7. ASM

    ASM Full Member

    That's sucks man. I just had a dog die a couple months ago from heart failure.
  8. Feandil

    Feandil Full Member

    My condolances Nizzy...
  9. nismo

    nismo Full Member

    the dog was only 9 months old, but she was really a part of the family. she often backtalked when told no, just like little kids do.

  10. Fused

    Fused Full Member

    Sorry to hear about your loss.

    I know where your coming from. My lab came up missing about 3 months ago. Kinda strange cause all the gates were locked and he was gone.
  11. PerryB

    PerryB New Member

    Sorry for your loss. One of my dogs died 11 months ago from cancer.
    I never saw it coming. The vet said he went peacefully and was not
    in any pain. I miss him alot and think about him every day. My dogs
    are like children to me.
  12. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    My friend spoiled his dog and all it eats now is people food. I dont think tha snausages and hamburgers are too good for the dog's health but it wont touch dog food anymore. It seems to be in healthy shape, besides for its laziness and lazy eye. :lol: