How Many Of You...

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by Snausages01, Mar 14, 2004.

  1. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    How many of you just go out and sit in side your car at night and just listen to your stereo?

    I am sitting in my truck right now listening to some Phil Collins and sippin' a brew and am just amazed at how good it sounds. Its times like this that I am really glad that I have gotten into this hobby for SQ and not SPL.

    Oh and you can't beat being on CAT while sitting in your car and listening to the stereo. God bless wireless. ;)
  2. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    I do that as well :p

    We are a sick breed aren't we? :(
  3. fugyaself

    fugyaself Full Member


    Now that I have decided to keep my car I can definately see me doing the same in the near future. PC install with wireless so I can spend more time in the car. Gas prices will hopefully be a lot lower then. :)
  4. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    I don't...

    Because I put my Civic in storage in the cold garage... and forgot to disconnect the battery... so my alarm drained it dry, and now the battery is wilted like a prune...

    Waaaaa.... :baby:
  5. Honest Bob

    Honest Bob Full Member

    I did that on monday. Took a trip out to the car with a few good cd's and sat there for an hour or so.
  6. superman

    superman Guest

    I not only go sit outside and listen to my own car's stereo, but I go outside and listen to customer's cars after I get done installing their equipment. If anyone asks questions I just say that I am tweaking the equalizer settings (which I actually do while I am listening)
  7. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Holy cow...

    Is that even a question, where you work, as to whether that is appropriate or not?? :blink:

    You've got to give it a thorough evaluation afterwards...

    It's even in the shop's best interests, to locate any potential weak spots..
    Point them out to the customer, as potential upgrade areas down the road!

    Better to send a customer away as a potential paying future customer, than just "done", right? ;)
  8. hobbes26

    hobbes26 Full Member

    ....just don't drain the battery... :)
  9. PimpinD

    PimpinD Full Member

    i find my self in my car for two reasons. Ive gotten drunk, came up with a new amp setting, and mess around with it, then wake up the next morning and smack my self for touching my perfectly good settings. The second time in my car comes after i realized i messed up the settings, and have to re tune it, and some how i always seem to make it sound better :)
    The other night, i passed out in my car in the parking garage listening to some reggae, man was that tight. Love the sound of the brahma and my mids and high are pretty impressive for how old they are.
  10. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Sounds like me and my Crossfire dual 2/3 octave EQ...

    I try tweaking it by ear - after of course not writing my original settings down... and then smacking myself after I just mess it up worse...
    Takes me 1/2 hour to feel like I've got it to where I can't improve it anymore again...:oops:

    Until next time I hear "that one thing.. in that one song"... and think "hey man, the EQ must be set a little off..."
