And Now For An Amp, And A ? For Sandt

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by jstutman, Mar 18, 2004.

  1. jstutman

    jstutman Full Member

    First The Question.....

    Sandt When do you believe phil Will Have some designs of the boxes for the brahma's?

    I will be in contact with you about a possible combo, the combo would be 2x 15" Brahma's, Koda's 6.1's.


    Second to the End. Now Im On Bending Knees for a good reccomendation for Some Amps to Push These Bad Boys. On a side Note, I LOVE cadence Amps....

    I own a z9000 and this thing is awsome..... But dont let it keep you from Reccomending Other Amps Out there.

    I would totally appreciate all the help and info you could give

  2. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Hit me up before you order. I'll make you a kind deal. That is alot of gear you are looking at there, so I am sure we can play with some figures.

    Phil has some plans for some enclosures already. He is taking a little personal time right now, so give him a bit. He will beat the S-Z prices, no problem.

    Amps? Cadence of course. Look intto the ZRS series maybe (strap 2 ZRS8s for 3000@2 ohms), or maybe a second Z9000. The Z9000 will push the Brahma VERY well. I like 800 apiece. If you want a small 1 amp solution, the Z1500 offers 2X750@1 ohm (1X1500@2ohms).

    Also, DEI or Viper 2400Ds will work awesome. 2400WRMS@2 ohms... Viper/DEI 1100D, a pair of them. Each rated at 1200@1 ohm.

    Just a few Ideas. My heart is where yours is bro... I love Cadence power.
  3. Imready77

    Imready77 Full Member

    Is cadence for sale online anywhere?
  4. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    have you delt with him?????

    I have, I would not again
  5. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Why not, Michael?

    It's backed by a church... I'd hope that their integrity was there! ;)
  6. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    lol, The guy that owns that is a Real Asshole, if you think I am an ass, he is about 100X worse than me, if that tells you anything ;)
  7. Imready77

    Imready77 Full Member

    I thought cadence wasn't allowed to be sold online anymore.
  8. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    it NEVER was, but the sales were Unauthorized

    cadence, like alot of brands, does not want their products sold over the internet, and they cut off dealers and distibutors that do, Part of that is tracing Serial Numbers, which is how the vast majority of honest dealers like myself were cut off, not if I was cut off because I was honest, how does that guy not get cut off? one guess only needed
  9. jstutman

    jstutman Full Member

    Thanks for all the reccomendations, I have decided that im going to drop my request down to 1x 15" Brahma. My ears cant handle that Dual Power. I got about another few months before i make my purchase so timing for the box is no rush.


    btw sandt you got PM
  10. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    YGPM back B)

    when phil is ready to go we will talk bud...
