43% (Yankee). Barely into the Yankee category. I've lived in the Buffalo, NY area my whole life, so hey.
Ok this thing is highly inacurate. I scored 75% Dixie and I have never been to the south. I was raised in California and souther Oregon. And I know I didn't watch the Dukes of Hazard THAT much. But then a couple of those I could answer a couple ways.
Yeah, but I was raised in Buffalo and still scored yankee like a SOB. oh yeah, if you look, "You All" also includes "You Guys" in the subscript. I know you say you guys (it is a Buffalo thing), so you may want to change that
That's funny 'cause in So Cal I noticed very little of my dialect was non-So Cal. Except I said "sneakers" and "Cah" (car) and "pop" (soda).
I am in North/mid Western Indiana, But my "Dixie" come from my Dad who Spent a few years of his Life in Georgia in the army and the fact he is a truck driver and picks up dialectsw from all over the US
87% (Dixie). Did you have any Confederate ancestors? :lol: 87% normal... 13% friggin weird..... oh yeah... 1/2 cuban Raised half my life in South Louisiana Spend the rest of it in Memphis TN.... Go figure....