caraudioforum down today?

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by zabooza, Apr 19, 2002.

  1. NVRloudENUFF

    NVRloudENUFF Full Member

    michael how old r u and what do u do for a living?
  2. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I told you

    I am older than Dirt

    and I am the owner of American Audio,
  3. spyder3634

    spyder3634 Full Member

    ok guys look the CAT vs CAF really needs to be put to a stop. i know i might have started it but now im gonna end it, at least for now.

    CAF has more members because its been around for like 4 years. this has been here for about 3-4months.

    CAF has its benefits
    1. lots of people
    2. tons of info
    3. very knowledgeable members

    It also has its disadvantages:
    1. lots of people (yes it can be a disadvantage)
    2. too much info
    3. lack of moderation
    4. dumb posts such as "what sub is the best"
    5. only a forum

    ok now CAT has its benefits:
    1. very smart members
    2. lots of GOOD info
    3. more than a forum
    4. moderation

    and a few disadvantages:
    1. not a lot of members (yet)
    2. threads like this pitting certain people against each other


    sorry this is so long, had to vent:)
  4. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member


    You like slam fests?

    I am disapointed in CAF of late. Alot of the old guys have disapeared. CAF was great, now it's so busy that you can't keep up with it. Also, most of the advice anymore is WAY off. "If you wire a DVC sub in stereo it can rip the coil to peices", what? Don't get me wrong, there still is some good stuff, but unfortunately it seems more rare as time goes on. I don't post over there very often anymore. It's not really worth it for me to post something I know is right and having some 15 year old kid who just installed his first RF/Sony system telling me I don't know what I'm doing. I've been farting around with car audio longer than he's been alive. Mike is older than dirt, well I'm older than older than dirt. Also having your opinion shredded is stupid. You can never change an opinion by being an asshole to someone. If you have info to back it up, you may change my opinion, but most often anymore it's mindless, unsubstantiated babble.

    Don't get me wrong, Caf still has good points. I just think that we have a few more here. I still go to CAF and sometimes I post. If it winds up someone starts being an asshole, I quit the thread. It's not worth it to me. Here we have a tremendous amount of respect for each other and we have learned to joke around and not take everything as a personal assault. It's an all around good feeling. If I wanted to fight, I'd get off this computer and start a conversation with my wife:rolleyes: :D . We are still small, but we're getting there.
  5. streetrace_r

    streetrace_r Full Member

    hahaha, that was funny
    some people still don;t get that sub bass notes are recorded mono anyways :rolleyes:
    caf is still down :wtf:
  6. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Not only that, even if you wire the coils on a DvC driver out of phase, all it does is creates 2 opposing magnetic fields and acts as a "sub brake". No ripping of the coil can occur:rolleyes: .
  7. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    I have been doing some DNS research and it looks like CAF is hosted by

    and at the prices I seen on that site for hosting I would DEMAND 99.9% uptimes, I would have definalty dropped that service by now as offten as CAF is down, hell we are on the 3 day now, maybe it is down forever
  8. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    No but you sure will blow a sub up like that

    I did it once:p
  9. streetrace_r

    streetrace_r Full Member

    I can see that happening
    the coils don;t move, but are still getting power, heating them....
    heat them to a certain point and buh bye coils :headbang:
  10. CWeed

    CWeed Full Member

    They also get more space and data transfer than you do mike :(
  11. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    what does that have to do with anything?

    If I need more space or more bandwidth I just buy more:rolleyes:

    if i am going to pay for a dedicated server for $100 per month I damn well better have 99.9% uptime or I will find a new host, there are 1000's
  12. bigsexxxy69

    bigsexxxy69 Full Member

    :wtf: they are still down today :fucku:
  13. NVRloudENUFF

    NVRloudENUFF Full Member

    thats sucks that it is down
  14. GTAutumn

    GTAutumn Guest

    I dont want more duties, im under payed as it is.
    Yeah they probabally would fire me, but you see, the great thing about working at a financial institution is that if another employer contacts them they cannot tell them ANYTHING bad, if i was fired they cant tell them that. The only thing they can tell them is if im elligable for re-hire or not, and the only way your not elligable for re-hire is if you stole money, so id just go to one of the other financial inst. in my town and get a job there, there is a big demand for loan officers who have 2 years experience at 21.....second, those people need me, im 21 years old been there for 3 years (youd be amazed at the turnaround at financial institutions)
  15. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    If a potentional employer contacts and former employer they can get

    Reason for Termination (if fired)
    Avg Attendance (good or Bad)
    Dates of Employment
    postion Held

    And dont think for one second the HR dept dont "talk under the table" about people

    Trust me I was a Supervisor over a Large Warehouse here locally at one time, I know how these things work

    I hired and fired ALOT of people

    When i first took over I went through about 30people in 2mos time
  16. GTAutumn

    GTAutumn Guest

    What you all seem to be foregetting is that this place would have no membership if it wasnt for CAF. 9 out of 10 (if not more) of the members here are from CAF and heard about this place from CAF.

    Im not saying that this place isnt good, im just saying CAF is better.

    True, CAF doesnt have the Tech articals or anything like that, but places like ECA do, and eca blows this place out of the water in every aspect

    moderation? your going to argue moderation? moderation sucks, at CAF we moderate ourselves
  17. GTAutumn

    GTAutumn Guest

    LEGALLY they cant tell anyone anything but dates of employment and position held and the other thing i mentioned in the above post. Its a bit different with financial institutions
  18. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    No offense but if ECA and CAF are better why are you here?

    I think ECA Sucks, and CAf just has more people but is down 50% of the time
  19. GTAutumn

    GTAutumn Guest

    because the people at ECA are assholes and CAF is down. I didnt say i didnt like this place.....i just said CAF is better.
  20. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    People Make the Forum, the People Here are not assholes, thus we are better
    the only thing ECA has that is better is the Reweiws section, and Trust me Once I am better at PHP (which I am still learning) you will see this site have some neat ass shit

    And this make us better than CAF, This site work 99% of the time