Question About Tube Amps...

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by w00t, Dec 17, 2003.

  1. w00t

    w00t Full Member

    I knows this questions isn't about car audio, but this seems like a friendly place, and has plenty of people that know plenty about audio in general. Now I know there must be a difference between a tube amp, and a....."normal" amp...but I don't know what it is. So that's why I'm asking, why are tube amps so great, and why do they cost so much when they only put out 10 to 20 watts?

    Also, WTF is up with all those smileys?!?!?



    I don't get it :blush:
    ah well, thanks for the help kids...
  2. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Tube amps where the first form of amps really

    that use vacum Tubes instead of solid state electronics

    many people feel they sound "warmer" or "better" I have never used them (and proabally never will)

    they do make car audio tube amps, but unless your competing they are pointless IMO< and even if you are, they are still pointless IMO
  3. w00t

    w00t Full Member

    Well I was asking more for home audio, instead of car. I'm just deciding I'd like to get a home theater setup, so I'm trying to learn the basics of it all. Kinda figure out what's what. I tried google, but got mostly vendors of tube amps. Once place said tube watts are different...not sure if this is really true, but would make a little more sense considering tube amps only put out 20 watts or so, and still drive speakers very well. :unsure: So yea, I'm new to it and hoped maybe some stuff on it could be explained. If this is too :eek:t: I'll take it to a HT board, otherwise...fill me in :bye: Until then, I'm new to it all :baby:..........
  4. ASM

    ASM Full Member

    I know there are a lot of people on this board who can answer this a whole lot better than I can.

    But from what I understand the tube amps actually add a little bit of distortion, giving it that "warmer" or "colored" effect. You can buy processors that add in this effect to the signal with a normal amp.

    That's what I was always told anyway <_< . Could be way off.

    There are tube amps in car audio. I don't see why this post would be off topic here.
  5. hoss

    hoss Full Member

    tube amps are the most primitive form af amplification methods, perhaps you can think of them as the flat head engines of the days of yore. flat heads were terribly inefficient, yet they created gobs of torque and low end output. much like tubes can add a "warm" sound, or a somewhat more desireable effect (to certain people). what it all boils down to is this, you gotta learn to crawl before you can walk, and tube amps were just the simplest means of amplifying power.

    tibe amps have been used in several competition winning car stereos, as well as thousands of astonishing home stereo's. now here are some things to comsider if you are thinking about tubes:

    they are expensive. if you want tube amps, then be prepared to shell out the big bucks. and on top of being expensive, the tubes can blow. these tubes can be expensive to replace and/or hard to find.

    they dont put out as much power as traditional amps, most of them anyways. they may be under rated, but bang for the buck, you are going to get more power out of a traditional solid state amplifier.

    as for the "warm" sound they have, it is actually a form of harmonic distortion (i forget exactly which harmonic). so that extra "nice" sound that you are hearing, is actually a noise that the amp is adding into the recording and it harmonizes. if that is what you want, then go for it, but if you want to hear the music as it is truly meant to be heard, i would steer you towards a solid state amplifier. not to say that the sound is bad, but there are certain circumstances where the sound is more desirable(think guitar amp), and times when it is less desireable.

    hope that helps you out :) .
  6. nismo

    nismo Full Member

    tubes do more even order harmonic distortion...and mentioning a guitar amp is unfair. they are usually solid state, and have distortion intentionally introduced.

  7. hoss

    hoss Full Member

    true... but the sound of a guitar on a tube amp is the most sought after sound for guitarists... i was just making a comparison. but there are a surprising number of tube amps for guitars out there, more so than one might think. they are even more popular than home or car stereo tube amps.
  8. w00t

    w00t Full Member tube amps aren't that great...prolly just all the hype about them that draws people in? Oh my gosh, they cost so much and are vintage, they must be the best of the best? Is that basically it? I wish Dan would comment on this, considering the amps from Adire are all tube amps. Find out his opinion on them... ;) Also, I think you should add a HT section to this forum. Sure it is CARaudiotalk....but HT would be a good section too, then I wouldn't feel OT whenever I reply or ask a question. =P

    MEOW! :cat:
  9. ScottS

    ScottS Full Member

    Personally i love my tube amp. However it is not a true tube amp. It uses a tube on the input stage to give you the distortion in which i desire. First think i noticed running from a solid state to the tube sound was the midbass. THe midbass became smoother and more thransparent. at the same time more noticed. Now that i have gone tube after 5 years of solid state i can honestly say i dont think i can go back.

    just my input :boxing:
  10. ASM

    ASM Full Member

    There is a HT sister site to this one.
  11. w00t

    w00t Full Member

    woah...sweet ass..sweetness. adios guys, i'm moving to HAT :)

  12. hoss

    hoss Full Member

    haha. hat.

    am i the only one that finds that humorous??
  13. nismo

    nismo Full Member

    so its CAT and HAT?

    eric :D
  14. w00t

    w00t Full Member

    CAT and da HAT that is... :rolleyes: But not many people post over there yet... :( oh well...

    MEOW :cat:
  15. hoss

    hoss Full Member

    now if CAT was in the HAT, that would be undeniably funny.

    but we all know that the CAt is way more important than the HAT ;)
  16. w00t

    w00t Full Member

    I think CAT should be a part of HAT. it would definately be clever.... =)
  17. nismo

    nismo Full Member

    you gonna stitch the CAT into the HAT? ill be amused...make sure to take pics.

  18. PolkMM

    PolkMM Full Member