Cold Weather

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by geolemon, Dec 11, 2003.

  1. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Not really...
    That's why I've got a turbo-heater to put out there and aim blasts of heat in my direction! B)
  2. trifle

    trifle Full Member

    haha f'real...dress warm....

    i dunno i don't even wear a coat in the winter really...i don't get cold unless the wind is blowing and it's below 30....
  3. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    well 30 would be WARM

    considering it is currently 16deg. outside
  4. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    We got our first snow today...

    Since Lake Erie isn't cold yet, we're getting snow that most areas of the country would consider 'normal' snow...
    Slow, steady snowfall... we've just got enough to not quite cover the grass... a few blades poking through.
    No plow trucks out yet, so actually these are the worst driving conditions we'll have all year, they haven't salted or sanded anything yet.
  5. PolkMM

    PolkMM Full Member

    its around 70-75 here in Texas :D
    we got a cold front at the beginning of the week, at night it was in the high 30s, during the day it was in the low 60s
    i love this weather...
  6. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    well we have had 2 snow's, both about 2-4 inchs each

    and to tell you how smart out road crews are, they were out put down the liquid calcum chloride when it was 50deg out :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

    and then when we did get freezing weather, where were they?????

    I wish I knew

    they are the worse buch of SOB's, and the most overpaid
  7. trifle

    trifle Full Member

    here in NoVA we had around 8 inches till the rain melted it a few days later
  8. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    I'm origionally from Buffalo, NY where Geolemon is from. It doesn't really get that cold (hey, look at Minnesota, that is cold) but it can. I remember in 86 or 87 it got down to 35 below with a windchill of 60 below. I had icecles on my moustache about 3 seconds after I stepped outside.

    But I moved to San Deigo, CA. I remember the first year I was down there. On Christmas day I called my folks and told them I was sitting in the sun in shorts and a tank top. Boy, that was the top of the world. Every year I spent out there I got more and more depressed at Christmas. There was no fall, no leaves changing, no snow at Christmas... It just didn't seem like the holiday season to me.

    I've since moved to NC, where the winters are considerably milder :bag: , yet we still get some snow (and oh boy, get 2 inches down here and the whole world comes to a stop :rolleyes: ), and we have fall. The leaves aren't as vibrant as they are in NY (the quicker cold and wetter summers in NY make the colors AMAZING!!!). It just seems like the holidays.

    For those of us from the cold weather states, these things are ingrained.
  9. Tirefryr

    Tirefryr Full Member

    Michael, where you located man? I'm in SB. Nice to see a fellow Hoosier. By the way, I hate Indiana.
  10. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    Good Old Battle Ground, about 10-15miles north east of Lafayette
  11. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    It really is very nice having a real 4 seasons...
    One heck of a beautiful, cheerful spring...
    Nice, warm summers, gets up into the 90's every so often...
    Beautiful, colorful fall... lots of trees here, lots of green....
    White winters... and since we always get it, our road crews are always prepared, it's never handicapping - it doesn't matter how many feet of snow, the roads are clear. More plow trucks than police cars, I'd bet. Well, close anyway. :lol:

    The only downside honestly is shoveling the driveway in the winter...
    But the style of snow we get around here, it'll fall several feet over night, you blast it all out of the driveway with the snowthrower, and then hardly have to touch it up with the shovel but a few times maybe in the next couple weeks. Not bad at all.

    And.. I'm within 45 minutes of at least 5 ski resorts. ;)

    I still want to move somewhere else though, check out the rest of the country a bit more...
  12. The_Ancient

    The_Ancient Full Member

    all the plows in the world would not save us, why??? because the fat SOB's that drive the trucks dont understand that for a plow to work is must TOUCH THE GROUND :rolleyes: :p

    But what the hell, I have a 4x4 now so it is of little concern of mine

    I see about 2 inches of fresh snow right now on the ground :)
  13. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    So it would be wrong to entrap them with spike-strips across the road then, would it?

    "Alright sucker... if you've got your plow plowing like you should.. you'll scoop this thing right off to the side of the road and drive off safely doing your job like you should...
    If not, prepare to go pop, pinhead!"

    Alright... maybe I wouldn't make the world's best manager now that I think of it... :p