I just want to say...

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by superman, Apr 8, 2002.

  1. superman

    superman Guest

    ...I am very pleased with how this forum is functioning. Sure we don't have tons of members, but the environment here is so healthy and informative. I haven't really had any bad experiences here, everyone seems to have a great sense of humor. You guys can take some good natured razzing without being defensive, I love that. I guess I just wanted to say that...I love you guys... ...LIKE A BROTHER!!! :D

    I love helping you guys out when I can, and I really appreciate the wealth of knowledge that this forum holds contrary to how many members it has. The feeling of this forum is very personal, I won't drag this into a CAF bashing session, but many of you guys know and can appreciate this forum even more because of how CAF is these days.

    There, I just wanted to say that to all you guys that make this forum great, you know who you are! :)
  2. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    :gay: :dance: :throwup:
  3. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    It looks like im not the only one desperate to raise my post count............Rock on Brotha:headbang:
  4. bigsexxxy69

    bigsexxxy69 Full Member

    ::::wiping tear from his eye::: you like me you really like me, I love you all too in a non fag type fashion. :beer: :clap: :dance: :laugh:
  5. superman

    superman Guest

    :D I guess Nat Man is a little too manly for the rest of us. :p
  6. cowboy

    cowboy Full Member

    Can I raise my posts too?
    I wish that i was smart enough to help people out...
  7. spyder3634

    spyder3634 Full Member

    lol, i was just noticing how much info the general forum has. no gay "what sub is the best"crap.

    and for raising your posts, just post a lot in pic section:D
  8. striker754

    striker754 Guest

    hmmm maybe I should turn off post count for pic forum...:confused:
  9. Civic96

    Civic96 Full Member

    I realized what I wanted ot say was pretty dumb so I will just say this........:headbang:
  10. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Sorry guys...

    I love you guyth. You are the greatetht bunch in the world!!!:gay:

    Seriously, This forum has been a great place to be. I am so pleased with the fact that we have all remained friendly and respectful of each other (except for big and his damned DDs). It really gets tireing to go to a forum and laying an opinion or a fact down and being hammered for it. I know what I know, and I don't try to ram it down your throat (unlike big and his damned DDs). I also have certain feelings about certain things. If I don't know personally I always try to say "i've heard", or "I've been told". Most of what we are doing here is based on personal perception of how we feel music should be delivered, and I think that, thus far, we have done a fantastic job of realizing this (except Big and his damned DDs).

    I want to say that I am proud of being a part of this fantastic group of people, even big and his damned DDs. I hope we continue to grow and develop as friends, mentors, and students.

    We are all here to learn, and I'm glad we're doing it together!!!
  11. bigsexxxy69

    bigsexxxy69 Full Member

    hahahahahahahahaha omg rotff lmgdfao, thats some funny shit. Hey sandt does cadence or brahma ring a bell. hahaha ;)
  12. bigsexxxy69

    bigsexxxy69 Full Member

    alright guys Im done with dd, its nothing but pyle, pyramid, thump and sparkomatic from here on out :bs:
  13. spyder3634

    spyder3634 Full Member

    for me my new company is jensen:rolleyes:
  14. superman

    superman Guest

    Wow this thread got off topic...WAIT!! THIS IS THE OFF TOPIC FORUM!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA :D
  15. spyder3634

    spyder3634 Full Member

    :werd: :smash:
    man the smileys are great
  16. Warchief

    Warchief Full Member

    yeah man, what he said, sparkomatic.........:laugh: