OT: Somebody talked me into listening to

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by flawlesskid, Apr 18, 2003.

  1. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member


    If you are serious, you are a fuckin idiot in respect to music.

    Roger Waters is a living legend. If you think that Maynard can compete with Roger Waters, you absolutely have no idea what you are talking about.

    You would get LAUGHED AT so hard if you put that up on any musical forum. There is absolutely no comparison.

    Maynard couldn't come up with anything that is half is good as "The Wall", not even close to DSOTM or Wish You Were Here.

    That has to be the funniest thing I have ever heard.

    The Beatles
    Led Zeppelin
    The Who
    Pink Floyd

    ------------are the 4 major super-bands that no band today could ever compare to---[/b][/quote]
    Actually, you sir, are the fucking Idiot . While you may consider those 4 as the superbands that no one can compare to today, many will disagree. Old schoolers like the Doors (Jim Morrisons lyrics are beyond all the bands you mention) and modern day (or semi-modern day) lyricists such as Kurt Cobain and Maynard surpass the simple lyrics of Waters and the Beatles as well as the Who and Zeppelin. The music of Cobain created a new genre of a new decade. I'm not saying I don't like all the bands you chose to mention, but reality of musical dominance is merely how one perceves it.
  2. Honest Bob

    Honest Bob Full Member

    Ahh yes Nirvana. Probably the only band that I can listen to every album right in a row and not get tired of it.
  3. air1438

    air1438 Full Member

    Actually, you sir, are the fucking Idiot . While you may consider those 4 as the superbands that no one can compare to today, many will disagree. Old schoolers like the Doors (Jim Morrisons lyrics are beyond all the bands you mention) and modern day (or semi-modern day) lyricists such as Kurt Cobain and Maynard surpass the simple lyrics of Waters and the Beatles as well as the Who and Zeppelin. The music of Cobain created a new genre of a new decade. I'm not saying I don't like all the bands you chose to mention, but reality of musical dominance is merely how one perceves it.[/b][/quote]

    Your general stupidity with music still amazes me. The Pixies were much more influential than "Nirvana." It just goes to show you how uneducated about the topic you are, because Mr. Waters lyrics are anything but simple. It is your inability to recognize this that is quite concerning; especially for someone of your age. Let me say this, if you think Tool or Nirvana will have the lasting effect like Pink Floyd (who still sells 1 million records/year) or Led Zeppelin (who is the best rock and roll band ever), you are a damned idiot. Nirvana was a great band, but it is generally accepted throughout the music community that they were a little overrated. It is obvious you have no idea what you are talking about. I don't doubt your competency in the fields of audio and mechanics, but the statements found in your above post couldn't be farther from the truth.

    I will agree that The Doors (really Jim Morrison) lyrical ability is up to par with Roger Waters, however, his catalog isn't nearly as broad, or in-depth, of Roger Waters. Roger Waters, Jimmy Page, Pete Townsend, John Lennon simply make a mockery out of Maynard and Cobain.

    Go post your comments on any legitimate music board and watch people flame your idiotic comments.

    If you were inclined to look up the five most influential rock and roll bands of all time, I wonder who you would see?
  4. BlkX

    BlkX Full Member

    Does anyone else see the pointlessness in this argument?

    What if i say Metallica is the best band ever? Who are you to tell me they aren't? Who am I to tell you that Pink Floyd isn't the best band ever? What's the point here guys?
  5. Snausages01

    Snausages01 Full Member

    Haha....Yea they tell it EXACTLY how it is. :rolleyes:

    And none of the rappers you listed sing about weed or anything of the such right? :rolleyes:

    You must not know very many people :D
  6. Audio Nut

    Audio Nut Full Member

    lol...diss me if you want...but i think its all a bunch of hippie/druggie, middle aged, old people music

    :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

    yet...musical/artistical dominance is sololey(spelling?) dependant on each person...

    is pink floyd the best band of all time....


    is metallica the best of all time??



    you cant judge because...theyre all in different generations...(getting back to the doors...etc)

    honestly...i hate the shit...i think its all old people/druggie music...and everyone i know who listens to pink floyd is a pothead...yes...middle aged people...every single one...

    the point here is that...even if you were to say...pink floyd was the best of its time/generation would be an ignorant statement...period because its all OPINION...not fact...

    and just for the record....record sales DOES NOT go hand in hand with talent...(i.e. Puffy)

    'nuff said'
  7. trifle

    trifle Full Member

    i'm a rap/hip hop head but PF, LZ, etc are straight ill...i don't listen to them much, and the more i've been listening to some old rock the less appealing it's become...but i can't say that i didn't love that shit before...but yeah it's definitely drug culture type, but not as bad as phish!
  8. luvdeftonz

    luvdeftonz Full Member

    The Pixies may have been a huge Nirvana influence, but to say they were more influential is ludicrous. Most people can't even name a song by the Pixies, let alone point out how exactly they were "influential" (btw, I love the Pixies 10x more than Nirvana...this is in no way a knock on the Pixies). Nirvana started a whole generation of music by sniveling cry baby Gen Xers having to grow up. Most rock of the 90's has a very obvious influence from Nirvana, even a lot of the feel-sorry-for-me Rap/Rock bands.

    As far as what band is the best ever. That's totally personal. It's arrogant as all hell for you to tell me what the "best" band of all time is. It sounds like your favorite band was chosen by these losers on the music boards who have nothing better to do than "interperet" song lyrics and then release the opus for the online masses to read. If you need some poll, or rely on a forum of music fans to tell you what your favorite band should be...then you're not really a music fan to begin with. Just a lemming. If they tell you to drink the red Kool Aid...run! Sales mean dick, too. N'sync sold like 2.5 million CD's in their first week of release. That's a number Nirvana, Pink Floyd, The Beatles, The Who, Metallica, NOBODY, has even come close to. Do you think they're the best? Eminem is second, with almost 900,000 less total first week sales. I know some local bands, who if they're lucky, will sell 1000 CD's after their shows. That's 1000 overall. IMO, they're better than most "popular bands". Please, don't use sales figures to determine...anything. Or to use a car audio analogy...MTX probably sells thousands upon thousands more subs than Adire...conclusion MTX makes better subs :rolleyes:

    Basically, the best band is whoever I think is the best, not anybody else and sales mean nothing!

    BTW, Barry, you're way to uptight. You need to get laid or something...geeze.
  9. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    I think luv hit it hard on the head. In every aspect. But I guess according to your theory, N-stink is the best band of all time. Get real. Your stupidity (and desire to point out my lack of knowledge) is what is so funny. As a former musician I see alot more in music than someone who puts a CD in their car and listens on his/her way to work.

    Who are you to say what is the best music or band out there? Who are you to say that only the influencial bands are the only great bands out there? Who are you to say that Townsends endless rambleings about masturbation are lyrical masterpieces? Maybe you feel that Water's paranoid statements of forever being trapped, and wanting to be free are lyrical milestones, but the depth and complexity of Maynards dilusions and lyrics are far greater statements of life as we all know it, but may be unable to see it deserve due credit as well. For someone who owned Tools weakest album for 2 weeks you seem to know alot more about what he is saying, throughout his entire career, that someone like me, who has been listening to them (as well as seeing them live, like I saw Zeppelin, the Who, and Floyd, the latter 2 several times) since Opiate was released in 1990 :rolleyes: .

    Nirvana's influence on popular music is undeniable, even to this day (quickly, 3 Doors Down, Audioslave, Tantric, and Stained all fall under the still influenced by this band that lacks influence 10 years after their singers death). For you to say the Pixies had more impact on society in the '90s further backs my statement that you know little of what you are saying. While you are correct in the statement that the Beatles, The Who, and Zeppelin all changed the face of popular music in their day, Floyd has few followers into their genre. How can you call them influencial based on your popular influence statements? In this respect, the Dead are a greater band than Floyd, and while I have seen the Dead as well, and enjoyed their shows, Floyd is definately a better band. Talking in circles is not getting anywhere as your facts of a bands integrety and greatness all seem to stumble on your reasons for displaying what you consider to be fact.

    If musical ability is what you want to base your belief on, modern day musicians like Rush will lay waste to Floyds talent, and thus should garner a huge ovation as their sheer knowledge and use of this ability is mindblowing to any musician. Not to mention the sheer talent involved in any large orchestra or big bands of the day...

    Here is the simple fact... Music is what one percieves. Frankly, your steadfast desire to prove anyone wrong if they don't say Floyd is the greatest bands of all time is quite inane, and deserves little note. Your desire to display that "legitimate music boards" will back you up is foolish. I can easily choose a board where my beliefs would be ridgidly backed as well. Why? IT IS JUST AN OPINION!!!

    You are right, somebody my age does recognise the music for what it is. Somebody like me who saw Zeppelin and the Who while you were still in diapers knows what that music was all about. I know what the feeling in the country was at that time, what the bands were trying to say, I lived it. Somebody your age should realise that all you are getting from the music is a glamorised, romantic version of what it was... A history book so to speak. And we all know that authors of such histories color their books with what they want the reader to percieve, oftentimes hiding or altering fact to suit their story. So put down your "Hammer of the Gods" and listen to what people who were there have to say about the time that music was made in. It was the biggest influence on the artists, not some biographer following them with a pencil and camera :rolleyes:
  10. squatchie

    squatchie Full Member

    music is music, think what you will it doesnt really matter. besides, vanilla ice was cleary the best musician to ever grace this earth. every genration is and will have their own music that is 'the best' for whatever reason.

    as far as pink floyd goes (the original topic here) i dont like it at all. i wont say it sucks for only the fact that it insults a lot of people, and musically it seems pretty sound and original to me. just dont like it.

  11. air1438

    air1438 Full Member

    I think luv hit it hard on the head. In every aspect. But I guess according to your theory, N-stink is the best band of all time. Get real. Your stupidity (and desire to point out my lack of knowledge) is what is so funny. As a former musician I see alot more in music than someone who puts a CD in their car and listens on his/her way to work.

    Who are you to say what is the best music or band out there? Who are you to say that only the influencial bands are the only great bands out there? Who are you to say that Townsends endless rambleings about masturbation are lyrical masterpieces? Maybe you feel that Water's paranoid statements of forever being trapped, and wanting to be free are lyrical milestones, but the depth and complexity of Maynards dilusions and lyrics are far greater statements of life as we all know it, but may be unable to see it deserve due credit as well. For someone who owned Tools weakest album for 2 weeks you seem to know alot more about what he is saying, throughout his entire career, that someone like me, who has been listening to them (as well as seeing them live, like I saw Zeppelin, the Who, and Floyd, the latter 2 several times) since Opiate was released in 1990 :rolleyes: .

    Nirvana's influence on popular music is undeniable, even to this day (quickly, 3 Doors Down, Audioslave, Tantric, and Stained all fall under the still influenced by this band that lacks influence 10 years after their singers death). For you to say the Pixies had more impact on society in the '90s further backs my statement that you know little of what you are saying. While you are correct in the statement that the Beatles, The Who, and Zeppelin all changed the face of popular music in their day, Floyd has few followers into their genre. How can you call them influencial based on your popular influence statements? In this respect, the Dead are a greater band than Floyd, and while I have seen the Dead as well, and enjoyed their shows, Floyd is definately a better band. Talking in circles is not getting anywhere as your facts of a bands integrety and greatness all seem to stumble on your reasons for displaying what you consider to be fact.

    If musical ability is what you want to base your belief on, modern day musicians like Rush will lay waste to Floyds talent, and thus should garner a huge ovation as their sheer knowledge and use of this ability is mindblowing to any musician. Not to mention the sheer talent involved in any large orchestra or big bands of the day...

    Here is the simple fact... Music is what one percieves. Frankly, your steadfast desire to prove anyone wrong if they don't say Floyd is the greatest bands of all time is quite inane, and deserves little note. Your desire to display that "legitimate music boards" will back you up is foolish. I can easily choose a board where my beliefs would be ridgidly backed as well. Why? IT IS JUST AN OPINION!!!

    You are right, somebody my age does recognise the music for what it is. Somebody like me who saw Zeppelin and the Who while you were still in diapers knows what that music was all about. I know what the feeling in the country was at that time, what the bands were trying to say, I lived it. Somebody your age should realise that all you are getting from the music is a glamorised, romantic version of what it was... A history book so to speak. And we all know that authors of such histories color their books with what they want the reader to percieve, oftentimes hiding or altering fact to suit their story. So put down your "Hammer of the Gods" and listen to what people who were there have to say about the time that music was made in. It was the biggest influence on the artists, not some biographer following them with a pencil and camera :rolleyes:[/b][/quote]
    I should of put this in my last post that selling records as a way to measure success and or talent is an extremely sharp dual-edged sword. One can't use this argument for bands like NSync, BSB, Britney, Christina and the likes due to the fact that the music isnt written by them; they are merely performers, or entertainers if you will.

    How fucking idiotic are you to say that Pink Floyd has few followers in the genre? Have you no idea to what you are talking about? For the love of jesus christ, Pink Floyd has been making superior music for about 35 years now. Their music and words are still influencing people younger generations WHO STILL BUY THEIR RECORDS. PINK FLOYD HAS SOLD ALMOST 200 MILLION RECORDS. David Gilmour is to be considered one of the best guitar players in the world (usually top 6 or 7 among world polls), and I don't even need to explain with Roger Waters. Your inability to recognize his supremacy among his peers is concerning. Time has gone by, and his work still sells more records than most of your "newer" bands will. Why does PF Music still sell in MASS QUANTITIES TODAY over your other bands? Oh, because it is genius. It is influential. It is has a very refined, polished sound to it. They are ORIGINAL. They are the prime example of musical expiremtalists. If you deny this, you clearly are under the influence of drugs and or alcohol. In this case, we can apply my theory to mega bands like PF, LZ, The Eagles, The Who with selling records because of their enormous talent.

    Has your beloved "Tool" done anything nearly as great as Dark Side of the Moon, The Wall, WYWH, Animals, Hotel California, Desperado, Led Zeppelin 1-4, Quadrophonia, Who's Next, or Physical Graffiti? Absolutely not! I can't believe you even mentioned "Staind" in the same post as these great bands we are discussing.

    Pink Floyd isn't involved with as much popular culture merely because they were a "behind studio doors" band. They weren't out in public a lot, they kept to themselves. They weren't involved in a lot of PR. For you to say Pink Floyd hasn't been influential is perhaps the stupidest thing you have said to date. That is just absolutely idiotic. To compare Rush with Pink Floyd I can accept, however, they aren't nearly as strong musically as Pink Floyd is. Getty Lee is a great writer, but he is no Roger Waters. They haven't hit the pinnacle of success as Pink Floyd has. This is irrefutable. I am a big Rush fan, and I am big fan of Alex Lifeson and Neil Peart.

    So, explain to me, how Pink Floyd isn't influential Seth?

    NO ONE DENIES THEIR UNBELIEVABLE TALENT, and their records from the 70s (Obscured By Clouds, Meddle, DSOTM, WYWH, Animals, The Wall) still sell in mass quantities to the younger generations. They are in the rock and roll hall of fame. They have sold nearly the same amount of records as LZ and The Beatles.

    But yeah, their not influential, right?
  12. luvdeftonz

    luvdeftonz Full Member

    I think I can speak for Seth to conclude our thoughts. Both of us don't deny, not even a little, Pink Floyd's influence or talent. Nor the influence of Zeppelin, The Doors, The Who, The Beatles, Grateful Dead, Rush, etc. I think the friction rose when you tried to tell us what the best band(s) ever are. You think PF is the greatest ever. My 6 yr. old niece thinks Britney is the best ever. Half the people I work with think 2Pac is the greatest musical talent ever. We all think differently (I hope), we all come from different backgrounds, most come from different eras, different cultures, and even different levels of love for music. Just as people don't like others to force their religion on them, people also don't like other people saying "Band X is the best ever, if you disagree, your a musically ignorant idiot". While I don't go a day without listening to Deftones, you could probably care less about them...and that doesn't bother me.

    It's one thing to say "Pink Floyd is my favorite band", and quite another to tell someone else what their favorite band should be. There's no need to be rude or condescending.

    BTW, Deftones is the greatest band ever... :lol:
  13. Audio Nut

    Audio Nut Full Member

    yeah...what he said...lol...

    honestly...it seems like this guy really needs to get a grip...

    its wierd how thiers a shitload of teenagers to middleaged adults who are absolute potheads huh?? maybe the reason why their getting more record sales...is because people get so high...and just fuckem up cuz they dont know what theyre doin...or another weed druggie steals it...or they loose it...etc...think for a minute there buddy :rolleyes:

    *shakes head in disgustment*
  14. trifle

    trifle Full Member

    barry, damnit...opinion man...opinion....some people have different ones...chill.
  15. air1438

    air1438 Full Member

    I would shake your head in disgust for you considering the era I'm talking about with the Floyd weren't influenced by drugs whatsoever, and this is for fact; yes early Pink Floyd with Syd Barrett was, but not in the era that I specifically pointed out---

    before you make stupid comments like that, i suggest you educate yourself on the topic-----by the way, do you specifically know of all the younger generations that buy their records? How do you know that they are all pot heads? Have you done a census testing on all of them? Have you made some sort of worldwide poll to accurately find this information out? Or, are you using you preconceived notions and using them to base your own incompetent conclusions?
  16. air1438

    air1438 Full Member


    I have full respect for people like you and Sandt38. Sandt38 probably thinks the opposite, but it is true. You two are good people and seem to have an extremely solid moral foundation. You both are productive and I am probably should of toned down my posts a little bit to Sandt38.

    The thing is, poll after poll after poll will state that the most influential and successful rock and roll bands were the ones that I stated above. All of these groups have super talents on them; Jimmy Page, Pete Townsend, Joe Walsh, Don Henley, Mark Knopfler, and Roger Waters/David Gilmour. Their records still continue to sell in mass quantities and are generally accepted within the rock and roll community that they are indeed "special" among their counterparts. This is incontravertable and absolutely irrefutable.

    While I absolutely love all Floyd, I am also just as big of a fan of The Eagles, Dire Straits, Led Zeppelin, and 2Pac. Yes, 2Pac. I AM A 2PAC FANATIC. He is so unbelievably emotional and passionate about his music and combine this with a rough, violent voice and you have some extremely moving music. One of my favorite all time CD's is 2Pac's, "
    All Eyez On Me." I understand your point about different cultures and different lifestyles, as well. If I come off rude or condescending, it is because I live and die for listening to music and I get upset when people clearly make judgements that are just invalid in general.
  17. Audio Nut

    Audio Nut Full Member

    basically your saying that if someone doesnt agree with YOUR judgements...they are invalid??


    Polls are based on OPINION...which is what everyone is trying to get through to your thick skull...besides...who really fucking cares?? its an opinion for christ's sake

    every pink floyd fan i know of...regardless of age...is a pothead...and i know quite a few :rolleyes:

    why dont you do yourself and everyone else a favor...and just shut up :D
  18. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    While Lee's talent is obvious, I cannot consider his lyrics world class. I was refering specifically to their technical ability with regaurds to their musicianship. Sorry, but I can't think of any modern day group that can boast the musical talent that Rush can from every member of the band, and I doubt you or anyone else could prove that wrong. All 3 are amoung the best in the world, and all 3 do it together. And no, I am not a Rush fan... If it weren't for that annoying voice, I would be.

    You tell me which bands have been influenced by Floyds music? Very few, and none stuck. You tell me what era of music shifted due to Floyd's music... None. While I do like Floyd (hell, I've spent over $800 on The Wall alone from Vinyl, to cassette, to Beta, To VHS, to CD, to DVD over and over, I lost it several times when I was stoned :lol: hence record sales) hell love Floyd, I am realistic. I can see a greater talent, a greater songwriter, maybe even a greater idea or 2. I am really a music lover. I listen to a vast array of music from Shania Twain to Death, from the Doors to Audioslave, and hear things in these differant musical styles that you don't listen to, or for. I am very openminded, and you frankly are not. That is just the way it is. Some day when you get older you will realise that you don't know everything. People my age have forgotten more that people your age ever learned. You will realise how truely stupid you are. Hey, it took me till I hit my thirties before I realised I knew less that I thought I did. That was when I started to listen more, and learn more. Don't argue with your elders, listen and learn... Opinions are not facts, so you lose this arguement.

    By the way, as far as respect... Don't try to shovel this shit that you respect me to curry favor with the people who like me here. You give no respect and haven't for a long time, and actions speak louder than words.
  19. air1438

    air1438 Full Member

    Your 1st quote, no; what upsets me is when people say stupid things like what Flawless said in his first post and what Sandt38 says about Pink Floyd not being influential. Oh, and also, you know "quite a few" people who listen to Floyd who are all potheads? Are those the only people that occupy the world? No, I don't think so. So, no, I'm not saying that anyone who doesn't agree with me is stupid.

    So Audio, are you saying that everyone who listens to Pink Floyd is a pothead? That is essentially what you are saying? Are you that incredibly stupid?


    First of all, I don't give a flying FUCK what other people on this board think of me, excluding a few, and you definitely aren't one of them. So you thinking that I'm trying to gain the respect of a few by saying what I said is absolutely ridicolous. Also, who are you to say that I'm close minded? Do you personally know me? Do you know every CD in my catalog? Oh, you don't? That is what I thought. I listen to everything from BTNH, 2Pac, Twista, Too Short,Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, The Who, The Eagles, Dire Straits, Rush, Alice In Chains, Pearl Jam, Coldplay, Old Mariah Carey, Brian McKnight, Radiohead, Soundgarden, Temple of the Dog, Dream Theater, Mark Knopfler, Joe Walsh, and so on. So you saying that you hear things that I don't is absolutely false. That is a bunch of rubbish. I am anything but close minded. You are using your preconceived notions to determine your own conclusions. I am a college student, and have been exposed to many different subjects from Sociology, Arts and Humanities, all the way through Calculus. When Did I say that I knew everything? What in the hell did your last post come from? Who says I don't listen to my elders? You are making general assumptions over my Internet handle on a god damn Car Audio forum. Boy, that sure is accurate.

    Oh are you still trying to prove that Pink Floyd hasn't been influential? You are wasting your time. They are one of the greatest rock and roll bands ever. Their records still sell in mass quantities, especially to the younger generations just discovering their music.

    Oh hey, what about Radiohead? Did you forget about them, Seth? Don't even tell me that you haven't heard the connection that people have put between these two bands. Oh, isn't Radiohead considered to be one of the best modern bands? Oh, they are? Radiohead in terms of creativity, experimentalism, talent will probably match up just against any of the newer bands you've mentioned in this thread.
  20. air1438

    air1438 Full Member

    Also, what about Nine Inch Nails? Did you ever read the interview between Roger Waters and Trent Reznor? Or did you just accidently forget about NIN? What about Smashing Pumpkins? Billy Corgan was the one to induct PF into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Billy Corgan swears by the Floyd sound, and to him, very influential. Infinite Sadness is very similar to "The Wall", according to Corgan.

    What about Sigur Ros?
    What about Incubus?
    What about Flaming Lips?
    What about Coldplay?
    What about Porcupine Tree?