Servo subwoofer SPL project update...

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by geolemon, Mar 24, 2003.

  1. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    I've been making some progress on the servo project that I started... oh... over a year ago now... :rolleyes:

    I was a bit hung up on getting some fabrication done, but a huge thank you to CAF's own Luvdabass for his help, he not only fabricated the clamps to couple the center shaft to the motors, but also helped modify the motors to more securily accept the clamps. Really solid.

    I am shooting to get this done before our next DLC gathering, so I can bring this up there and shatter some windows.. :D

    Those who were at DLC this last time know what the Cyclone is capable of in a sealed enclosure off only 300 watts...
    This custom-built subwoofer will be many orders of magnitude larger and more powerful. B)

    I will be laminating the vane assembly across that center shaft by this weekend.. I'll update the site with those pictures as soon as that happens.

    After that, it's basically just a matter of taking some measurements (off the final driver unit), and building the enclosure!
  2. alaska

    alaska Full Member

    i knew you had something brewing and stewing in that head of yours! man...i wanna try it out...PLEASE! :) :) :) i'll even send you an autographed piece of 5/8" MDF with MY signature hehe...please please please! :p
  3. Honest Bob

    Honest Bob Full Member

    Looks intresting! Looks heavey though.
  4. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Not heavy at all...
    The motors are pretty big, as servo motors go, but probably only weigh in at about 5 pounds each.

    And the rest of it.. the Kevlar/vinyl foam sandwich vanes will be so lightweight as to be featherweight...

    And the enclosure won't weigh any more than any other enclosure, really..
    This whole project will end up weighing in around the same as an empty bandpass box. B)
  5. sandt38

    sandt38 Full Member

    Good god man!!!

    That looks pretty intense. I saw a listing of both single and dual ported bandpass. Have you decided which to use, or are you planning on a single enclosure with pluggable ports?
  6. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    Rather tough to say at this point...

    Usually, you decide between a 4th order or 6th order bandpass based on whether the subwoofer you are using seems more ideal in a ported or sealed enclosure...
    Generally, subs that have high Qts's or low EBP's work out "best" in sealed boxes.. and therefore 4th order bandpasses (with their sealed rear chamber).
    While subs that have low Qts's or high EBP's work out "best" in ported boxes.. and therefore 6th order bandpass boxes (with their ported rear chamber).

    My initial guess (I'll be using LMS to measure the T/S specs, once I have the vane laminated up and can start mechanically testing the unit) is that it will be ideally suited in a sealed environment... but I honestly simply don't know at this point.

    But that's generally what you do to match the sub up to the enclosure for good, all-around performance.
    We are talking SPL here...
    So you might be more likely to say "F all that, I'm just porting it" ;)

    So I'm a little 50/50 at this point.. could go either way!
  7. geolemon

    geolemon Full Member

    I also updated the site!

    Added some pictures that should help anyone who's having difficulty picturing what this motor/vane motion unit will be doing...
    I cut out the lightweight structural foam panels, and took a couple pictures of it mocked up, so you can picture what it will look like.