Polyfill in a ported help

Discussion in 'Subwoofer Box and Custom Fabrication' started by soulfly, Mar 24, 2011.

  1. soulfly

    soulfly Full Member

    When it comes to polyfill, how should it be layed when there is a vertical port thats only several inches from the inside bottom?
    Its an Aero/slipstream 4" port, which has 2 flared ends. its tuned roughly 32-34hz and is vertical. I wasnt sure exactly how to stuff the box or how it effects airflow though the port.

    i planned to stuff it heavy hoping maybe it would help out the low end a bit. Should i staple it to all sides, leave loose or what?
    the kind i got is the mat layer type, so i don't think any will be able to exit the port
  2. tommy2tone

    tommy2tone Full Member

    I would use duct tape instead of staples,just to test it out.Let us know if and how it helped.
  3. soulfly

    soulfly Full Member

    *edit: nvm, i crossed an excellent article on the subject and it cleared up confusion/debates from info at other forums. linky for anyone else here interested.

    so i'll layer it on sides of box except for bottom where port faces.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2011