what does it take to get 150dB @ 25Hz?

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by kryptonitewhite, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. kryptonitewhite

    kryptonitewhite Full Member

    What is the cheapest route to get 150dB at 25Hz? Two hardcore 15's and two SAZ amps, one HO alt and 10 batteries? Small vehicle walled or CRX subs up port back? How much would it all cost? Fiberglass, MDF, 2x4's, all thread, sound deadener, decent looking/running vehicle.
  2. kryptonitewhite

    kryptonitewhite Full Member

    no help? I gotta do better than the van. I gotta suck it up and admit I was wrong. My head is hangin low.
  3. connerray2010

    connerray2010 Full Member

    10 batts? You shouldn't need that many should you? As long as you have a good ho alt or two. I'm not sure but its a free bump budy.
  4. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    150 at 25Hz?????

    In a vehicle?????

    I dont see it happening, at least not without an INCREDIBLE amount of cash...

    Low frequncies are all about moving air, ALOT of air. Then we have the length limitations of the vehicle, where even the quarter wave at that frequency would not develope. Then we have power, not just 12 volt power, but sheer high current unbridled wattage.

    Lets say somehow you could hit 144dB at 25 Hz at say 5Kw....to get to 150 you would have to have either 20Kw of power or quadruple the cone area of the drivers. A large cargo truck comes to mind for this!

    Not sayin it cant be done, but would not be easy............
  5. connerray2010

    connerray2010 Full Member

    why cant you tune on up to 35-40?
  6. kryptonitewhite

    kryptonitewhite Full Member

    so me already hitting 148 @ 25Hz isnt a fail? Im actually doin kick ass?
  7. kryptonitewhite

    kryptonitewhite Full Member

    if I tuned that high I wouldnt be trying to do anything, thats as easy as it gets. then I could be like everybody else.

    but I dont like 30-40hz like everybody else, I like 25Hz :D
  8. jonnyv713

    jonnyv713 The Young Gun of CAT

    Everyone on CACO is saying it can be done lol so it can be done. I would start with different subs? You got the power. I would really focus on tuning, electrical, and subs. Maybe talk to PSI and have some subs made. Maybe Cascade Omega motors, BTLs, BIG gap Shocker Sigs (2004 and older) you will not do good with my motor at 25Hz, RE MTs, DD9500G, anything big really. Dave at PSI can make your subs do anything. With the right motors, you can use all 12K too. I guarantee if you do this, you will get that 150 at 25Hz, or even lower!!!!

    I figure the motors to be around 200 ea, 150 ea for recones, and 30 to 50 ea for the baskets. IF I were you though, I would do a Ti style basket though so you have a 9.75" spider, and you will get more movement out of them. Ti's are hard to find and expensive though. They are around 120ea.
  9. Ranger SVO

    Ranger SVO Full Member

    TheViking is right. A 25Hz wave is too long to fit in a car. Even if you use 1/4 wave design methodology (TheViking has a copy of my Design Methods), 25Hz is still too long.

    It won't fit in the car.

    The loudest daily driver I ever built was a old Honda Civic. The owner loved it. He could hit just slightly under 158dB. YES thats 158 and we did it with just 4 12-inch woofers and 2500-watts.





    Tuning, try 55Hz.
  10. kryptonitewhite

    kryptonitewhite Full Member

    What brought on this thread was yesterday my girlfriend and I started going through my saved receipts, emai receipts, etc. We just finished.

    I spent aproximately $10,776.26 on everything but the van, $4070 for the van, ballpark $14,846.26. I spent $15k to build the van.

    To date, though this is NOT a competition vehicle, I did a 148.2dB @ 25Hz without the 2nd HO 300A alternator installed and 2nd spool of power wire. No tinkering and tweaking yet.
  11. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    148 at 25 Hz.....

    Not calling you a liar, just sayin, i find that hard to believe. THe very concept of developing that high of an SPL at that low of a frequency fathoms me! I am wondering if vehicle resonance or some upper harmonics came into play with this SPL reading? Also curious.....where was the mic placed?
  12. kryptonitewhite

    kryptonitewhite Full Member

    I only have two big AGMs and one small, and will have two alts.... it's not made to burp its made to cruise and be somewhat loud and low. If I got 6 more batteries Im sure it would have done better, I have no reserve for 16000 RMS

    147.7 23Hz 147.9 24Hz 148.2 25Hz and 26Hz floor


    147.7 23Hz hair trick unintentional


    put on 148.2 fast forward to 2:50 (notice only the low note is loud, I purposely had the LP set to 31Hz as I only wanted the low note)


    132.5 15Hz 136.7 17Hz 140.3 18Hz 142.5 19Hz 143.8 20Hz 144.9 21Hz 145.7 22Hz

  13. Ranger SVO

    Ranger SVO Full Member

    Actually, thats incredible and awesome.

    My competition van would do middle to upper 160s. But I would use a 60 to 62Hz tone. At 25Hz, I seriously doubt it would do middle 140s (never tried it that low)

    But you still have a ways to go, 2 to 3 more dB is a ways to go. But keep going. I wana see you get there.
  14. jonnyv713

    jonnyv713 The Young Gun of CAT

    I have been in the thing. It hits the lows kike crazy. Thing is loud and clean in anything low! Definitely a badass demo van.
  15. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    I would love to see a TEF readoutI
  16. kryptonitewhite

    kryptonitewhite Full Member

    I dont know if i dare try, I cant afford any more repairs, especially recones. I think i should finish her, and be a very happy man and just enjoy it :)
  17. kryptonitewhite

    kryptonitewhite Full Member

    that seed in the port vid is still my fav :)
  18. kryptonitewhite

    kryptonitewhite Full Member

    whats that? Id love to take it on a road trip, hit a buncha shows, and swing by and have one done... Id love to have the towers tested with REW as well. but thats a lotta wishin.
  19. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    Time, Energy, Frequency.....its a really cool fancy way to see time alignement, in conjunction frequency and levels at each frequency, in 3d....
  20. kryptonitewhite

    kryptonitewhite Full Member

    equip needed?