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FS Kicker KX350.4 and KX200.2 combo $150 plus shipping

Discussion in 'Car Audio Classifieds' started by kryptonitewhite, Sep 22, 2010.

  1. kryptonitewhite

    kryptonitewhite Full Member

    FS Kicker KX350.4 and KX200.2 combo $150 plus shipping

  2. kryptonitewhite

    kryptonitewhite Full Member

    I forgot to put in this thread that some kid took the endcaps 2 weeks ago when I sold him some boxes, and I dont know that I have any of the remote bass modules but I can look, and hopefully track down the end caps.
  3. kryptonitewhite

    kryptonitewhite Full Member

    350.4 with endcaps, 200.2 without, 2 remote bass with cabls, and 1 pack of the kicker supplies... mounting screws, RCA plugs that I dont believe you need to use whther you run 1 set of RCAs or 2 to the 4 channel, the allen wrench, high input plug...

  4. connerray2010

    connerray2010 Full Member

    how much for the 350.4? or they have to go together?
  5. kryptonitewhite

    kryptonitewhite Full Member

    together or Ive got to sell the 200.2 first. everyone wants the 350.4 then im stuck with 200.2 :)
  6. kryptonitewhite

    kryptonitewhite Full Member

  7. kryptonitewhite

    kryptonitewhite Full Member

    $130 shipped assuming shipping is around $20
  8. kryptonitewhite

    kryptonitewhite Full Member

    KX350.4 and KX200.2 shipped $130

    add $10 shipping and $20 for a KX1200.1 that needs repair. The KX1200.1 works fine until you crank it up, then it will shut off for a second and come back on. I have an RA# from Kicker to have it sent in. I would ship it to you with the other two amps then you send to Kicker.

    KX350.4 and KX200.2 and KX1200.1 shipped $160



  9. connerray2010

    connerray2010 Full Member

    how much for the kx1200.1 or does th 200 still gota go first? and how much to get it fixed?
  10. kryptonitewhite

    kryptonitewhite Full Member

    Ill sell the 1200.1 for $40 shipped, Kicker has to look at it to determine cost. I described the issue but they still have to look first.
  11. connerray2010

    connerray2010 Full Member

    So I'm risking $40 just see if kicker tells me the amp is not fixable/cost more to fix than what its worth?
  12. jonnyv713

    jonnyv713 The Young Gun of CAT

    How much for the 200.2 picked up to me?
  13. kryptonitewhite

    kryptonitewhite Full Member

    30 bucks!~ and I'll throw in a free nite of an EP4000 (and the twins are my little girls, I will worry and whine like a father, but I will be OK :D )
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2011
  14. kryptonitewhite

    kryptonitewhite Full Member

    They will not tell you it's not fixable.
    It wont cost more than what it is worth by a long shot.
  15. jonnyv713

    jonnyv713 The Young Gun of CAT

    We will be in touch. I am trying to buy an 8,000watt DAT right now lol.
  16. kryptonitewhite

    kryptonitewhite Full Member

    8,000watt DAT?
  17. jonnyv713

    jonnyv713 The Young Gun of CAT

    8000 watt Diablo Audio Technologies amp. Its broken, but its a cheap fix I think.
  18. kryptonitewhite

    kryptonitewhite Full Member

    So are you asking me to pay you to have it? I'll give ya $20 if you will take it off my hands. :cool:
  19. kryptonitewhite

    kryptonitewhite Full Member

    googled it, looks badass. what you hookin an 8kw amp to a 15" 2500 watt sub for? ^_^ I like that idea