Box tuning

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by 6.5ldiesel, Jan 19, 2011.

  1. 6.5ldiesel

    6.5ldiesel Full Member

    I am wondering what the tuning of my box is, I put it in box pro box and thinking I screwed it up because its way off where its suppose to be...

    The dimensions are 22.25' wide 15.5" tall and 16.25 deep. The port is 1.75 wide and 20.625" long. This box was suppose to be for a 12w7

    Fs = 27.2 Hz
    Qms = 7.807
    Vas = 2.331 cu.ft
    Xmax = 1.142 in
    Sd = 84.01
    Qes = 0.514
    Re = 2.47 ohms
    Z = 3 ohms
    Pe = 750 watts

    If you could help me out here it would be greatly appreciated! Part of the learning process!
  2. tommy2tone

    tommy2tone Full Member

    I came up with 35hz,well actually 34.99999hz.What freq. are you trying to achieve?
  3. 6.5ldiesel

    6.5ldiesel Full Member

    My box design program said 41 on those dimensions.

    Trying to achieve SQ, sound like crap as of now..that is the dimensions of one side of a box built for 2 12w7's, each are sealed off and in there own chamber with there own port.
    Does not hit very low at all.
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2011
  4. tommy2tone

    tommy2tone Full Member

    Well I used re audio's box calculator and I input a 3/4" thickness for the wood.Is that what you have?
  5. 6.5ldiesel

    6.5ldiesel Full Member

    1.5" baffle and the rest is 3/4
  6. tommy2tone

    tommy2tone Full Member

    I also assumed that the dimm. you gave were outside,are they?
  7. 6.5ldiesel

    6.5ldiesel Full Member

    Yeah they were
  8. tommy2tone

    tommy2tone Full Member

    Now I get 36hz with the correction.I'm not so sure about this calc.,maybe some other guys can see what they come up with as well.
  9. 6.5ldiesel

    6.5ldiesel Full Member

    Ive done a box with that calc and it was far off. I use bass pro box but am learning how to use it and im 70% sure i screwed it up

    Well i WAS shooting for 30
  10. tommy2tone

    tommy2tone Full Member

    I have a box in my car that was professionally planned out,I built it to his specs and it within a 1/2hz in tuning with the re calc.I'm not saying it's right I'm just saying.That really sucks that your that far off.I've been there and tried other programs but I don't know all of the terms and calculations that need to be done.That is why I left it for a professional.
  11. 6.5ldiesel

    6.5ldiesel Full Member

    First box and i know I messed up SOME cuts (free-handing with a worm drive circular saw)...I didn't have a table saw and I was wondering it sounded like crap after I sound deadened, and eliminated all the rattles...

    Im assuming its because its tuned to 36.5hz
  12. tommy2tone

    tommy2tone Full Member

    I've had a set of subs powered with the same amp and tried 4 different boxes.I started out with a friend helping and a box tuned to 46hz.I kept tuning lower until I got what I liked.Right now it's close to 32,but my new sub is going to get a new box and lower tuning maybe 29 or so.I've only heard 1 12w7 and it sounded fantastic.
  13. 6.5ldiesel

    6.5ldiesel Full Member

    Mine were an orgasm to my ears in a sealed, but there wasn't enough output. This box sounds good on only long, drawn out bass notes, double bass is just awful.
  14. tommy2tone

    tommy2tone Full Member

    Orgasmic.That sucks about the double bass.
  15. 6.5ldiesel

    6.5ldiesel Full Member

    The sealed did ALL the notes well, the tremors were nice too

    I was talking about the ported there, If i confused you there.
  16. tommy2tone

    tommy2tone Full Member

    NO I got it.
  17. connerray2010

    connerray2010 Full Member

    your wanting sq but are wanting to tune down too 30hz.. thought the lower you tune the deeper and more powerful the bass got(SPL)
  18. 6.5ldiesel

    6.5ldiesel Full Member

    Thought you tune lower for more SQ?

    My brother has 2 15" eclipses and they are 12cf (6cf each) and tuned to 29 and they sound good..
  19. connerray2010

    connerray2010 Full Member

    your right. i want spl so i guess i need to tune hight.
  20. morespl

    morespl Full Member

    With a boxes tuning its all what you want and your resonant freq

    If your going spl you tune multiple times to get the highest db reading on the resonant freq. What was your sealed box tuned to that will give you what to tune your box to for your liking.Next thing what does the manufacturer recommend for port area per cube. Also hows your amp adjusted if your subsonic does not match the tuning of the box by exact or ten percent below the boxes tuning the sub will load and unload incorrectly and sound like poop.I use to tune my box it works for me I tune around 35 hertz hits lows and highs.