Hello angimark.....tell me???? what kind of car audio do they have in INDIA? I am willing to bet you can answer that question.......
Also wondering what kind of plumbing yall have in Pune? Is it indoor? And do they have american citizens working at the local 7-11's ?
I think a typical 12 will run you about 2 camels and one small elephant. But I may be wrong....angimark, you care to interject?
I called for a cab, i think your cousin showed up in a yellow taxi, not one of those ricshaw things though, he actually gets to drive and not use his own legs to pull people around. Said something about people not likeing the smell of his incense in the cab.....I concur with the public, smells like camel butt in the desert sand. Sanjey is not happy with me.
LOL! It is spam....Trust me..... She/he/shemale or whatever it is wont be back except to post crap here.... how do i know this? Its one of the wonderful things about being a moderator...privy to certain things....and at times i like to abuse my power and make fun of people....that deserve it! LOL! Yes, i can be a male body part......just ask my ol lady
so ...... an indian native from india walks into a bar.....sanjay the bartender says to the customer.....what ya want? someone continue on.... I am keeping this thread open for fun and games....just dont get too radical!
hmmmm????? jokes thread? games for old folk. Sag, You're it Kick the bucket Red Rover, Red Rover, the nurse says Bend Over Hide and go pee Spin the Bottle of Mylanta heck idk. make this into a fnny but clean jokes thread or what? yea, no?
i was wondering why this was here... maybe i should do the same instead of dropping the Ban Hammer on them.