here are my amp choices. wich one?

Discussion in 'Car Stereo Amplifiers' started by connerray2010, Jan 11, 2011.

  1. connerray2010

    connerray2010 Full Member
    (lanzar)^it has the most power for the same price as the others
    (power acuostik)^that one is just the right amount for 2 kicker 12 l5's (same price)
    (boss)and this one has more than i need also but thats fine, and all have a bass knob.
    witch should i get?
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2011
  2. connerray2010

    connerray2010 Full Member

    im leaning twords the PA
  3. morespl

    morespl Full Member

    None of those amps are what you want

    They might be in your price range but there not doing anywhere near the power the rated look at things like this when you buy a amp rms wattage at the impedance desired.Next most 1500 watt amps will have 4 40 amp fuses the reason is Because 1500/12= 125 amps this is the amount of current the amp pulls any fuse size below this will blow.Are your subs dual 4 or dual 2 If there dual 2 you need a two ohm stable 1500 watt amp if there there dual 4 you need a 1 ohm stable 1500 watt amp.If I had l7s and they were dual 4s and I was on a budget I would get a power bass 1500.1 if I had dual 2s your very limited on the amps that will produce 1500 watts at 2 ohms the only one that comes to mind is a kicker zx 1500 which is pricey.But in the end remember you pay for what you get those amps that your looking at will probably be a mistake and they'll fail then you will have to buy another so why not just spend the money the first time.
  4. morespl

    morespl Full Member

    never mind you need 1200 rms

    But the amps I recommended are still good for what You need I thought it said l7s not l5s
  5. tommy2tone

    tommy2tone Full Member

  6. jaa20

    jaa20 Full Member

    i have a lanzar like that and its awful lol
  7. eviling

    eviling Full Member

    if anything i like the 3rd one, but meh their all junk why you going so cheap?
  8. connerray2010

    connerray2010 Full Member

    Cause im poor and im buying another l5 (i only have one as of now but im wanting two. and there for im having to buy both amp and sub witch is pushing me close to $300 as it is.
  9. connerray2010

    connerray2010 Full Member

    o and there dvc 2ohm and looking for 2ohm load. 0.5 would be nice but not many amps like that ideal lol. i was leaning twords the pa. there are a few good reviews on them
  10. morespl

    morespl Full Member

    I had this same conversation about that amp your looking at 6 monthes ago

    my buddy has two kicker cvx twelves in a audi he bought the pa 1500 the amp broke two weeks after he bought it he had to pay to send it to episons pa and they sent it back and he sold it on craigslist. He bought a hifonics brutus bxi2008 it still works he's happy even though I'm not a hifonics fan.
  11. connerray2010

    connerray2010 Full Member

  12. connerray2010

    connerray2010 Full Member

    o. well im out of cheap options... i need 1200 watts at 2 ohm load and my budget cant go over 200 (That ss you lead me to wasnt enuff i dont think)
  13. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    i know a kid with the 5500 model. it works just fine for him.

    i was told a long time ago." buy the best you can afford". if thats what you can afford then so be it.

    even after impedance rise and voltage issues ( make sure you can supply the amp with sufficient current) you shouls still have more than enough power for your subs.

    BUT.... do you have your wiring in order? big amps need current. do you have a good batt under the hood? you may need another batt in the rear close to the amp.

    do you have a wiring large enough for a large amp like that?
  14. connerray2010

    connerray2010 Full Member

    BMW has 140 amp alt with good hefty wire and batt is in the trunk less than 3-4 feet of 0 ~ 4 (probly 0 g wire gauge) wire should get me preaty close shouldnt it? i think at idle the alt puts out 14 volts. not sure... (dont no much about the alts on vehiculars lol.)
  15. connerray2010

    connerray2010 Full Member

    you think il be ok? maby not at night when h lights are on but i dont drive much at night any way.
  16. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    well the batt in the trunk helps you to keep your power and ground runs short.

    have you done the Big 3? maybe another run of power from the alt to the batt can help if you have voltage issues after installing the amp. you may be able to wir in another batt with no problems.

    i have a stock 105 amp alt in my truck and 2 kinetik batts in the back. so, 3 batts on one small alt. zero voltage issues. it's over kill i know, but it don't hurt to have a lil extra amperage when needed.
  17. connerray2010

    connerray2010 Full Member

    do you go through alot of bats? if so would you need bigger / 2 alts to keep from draining them? The reason i ask is because my batts run from $90 -120. Thats my last ?? i hope lol and thanks
  18. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    no. i do not go thru lots of batts. i don't listen to my system at full blast long enough to discharge them.

    if you were here in tampa,Fl i could show you this batt place that sells C&D batts dirt cheap. a lot of my teammates get their batts from there. 40 to 70 each for 134 ah batts.
  19. connerray2010

    connerray2010 Full Member

    not that close to there. im an arkansan lol. thanks for the help.
  20. connerray2010

    connerray2010 Full Member

    and what you mean by team m8ts? yall run in comps?