Having some trouble diagnosing

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by spudcar, Dec 14, 2010.

  1. spudcar

    spudcar Member

    Hey ya'll,

    serious noob here hoping for a little help...

    I'm running a cap/crossover/twin amp setup and just recently my system started kacking out at moderate to high volumes. The signal loss is manifesting itself by all the low freq signal (around 1.5k and down) degrading to noise but not being lost entirely... when I turn the volume down, a balanced frequency output returns.

    Normally I'd guess either loss of power at the capacitor or amp failure but the capacitor reads a steady 13.6x volts (I haven't actually metered it yet) and the both the main amp and the sub amp show the same signal degradation.

    I've metered all my ground connections and already routed around the crossover so tomorrow I was planning on routing around the capacitor.... but if that fails to sort it I'm completely at a loss.

    Any input or suggestions would be most appreciated.

    thanks in advance,

  2. spudcar

    spudcar Member


    No one has any ideas that might help me out here?
  3. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    Lets start by eliminating a few things....wire your rca connectors around the electronic x-over and run them to each amp one at a time straight from the HU and see what happens. This sounds to me like a low level signal issue, either from the HU or the active x-over,
  4. spudcar

    spudcar Member

    Much appreciated, Viking.

    Can you suggest a course of action should this prove to sound out?

    I'm about to go test your hypothesis.

    Thanks again.
  5. spudcar

    spudcar Member


    Much appreciated, Viking.

    Can you suggest a course of action should this prove to sound out?

    I'm about to go test your hypothesis.

    Thanks again.
  6. eviling

    eviling Full Member

    you really need to post a list of gear to help that, and i'm honestly not fully understanding your explainiation. you have a hiss or a buzz or some sort of noise at high and medium volumes?
  7. spudcar

    spudcar Member

    yeah, what it appears to be is voltage starving at the amps manifesting in severe signal loss... I'm now thinking it might be the alternator or voltage regulator as I recently noticed my headlights are fluctuating at lower rpm.

    I'll post up a list of components soon but I think it might have nothing to do with the audio components at all now.

    thanks a lot. I'll post up my results regardless. I may be completely off in my conclusions and may need more help here.


  8. eviling

    eviling Full Member

    no, every alt has voltage spures like that as your engine revs at different speeds thats why your lights flicker if your battery is to low its running parcialy on the alt and the alt is pulsing with the rev of your engine. the problem would more likely be your battery is just barley keeping up. i suggest a high output battery like the diehard premiums (thats what i use they're great stable batterys)
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2011