Need help!

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by Dase, May 25, 2010.

  1. Dase

    Dase Full Member

    I think I'd still rather go for something that's made for this particular use.. Any suggestions on what battery would be good and how much its gonna cost to buy and install it?

    Haha, yea my H2 has 3 batteries but thats running a big ass system!
  2. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    my ford ranger diesel has 2 batteries in it....and NO audio system....why is that?????

    My ol dodge HAD 3 batteries in it, and only 700 watts of power...why?

    I tried the cap thing...its a fad, a gimmick....LOL! It does ONE good thing...makes you part with your cash and puts it in my hand! (if I was a cap salesman! ) On that note...If ya want, i have access to caps for very little cash... Whats a 1 farad go for today? Bet I can beat its price!

    tell ya what, We have told ya what ya need...any cheap battery from walmart or similiar will do a fine job, Not sure what YOUR particular use is, but if its like us confederates, or some might be yanks, not sure, then you wil be OK with what we have recomended...

    thats all

    tryin to help here
  3. Dase

    Dase Full Member

    Well like you said if you're gonna spend the money on certain things why not do it properly, so I have decided to go for the Optima D35. Other than getting the enclosure made, what else is left to make it run sweetly?