enough watts?

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by t.northwest, Oct 22, 2010.

  1. t.northwest

    t.northwest New Member

    Real quick, I just got 2 eclypse SW8010 (700 RMS each at 4 ohms) and I'm now I'm looking at amps. My question is this:

    How many watts shoud I send them to get the most out of them, but not so much that they aren't really doing anythin anymore?

    the manual says this:

    500-1200 Watts
    This is the optimum range where you do not get much more SPL's by increasing the power. These. subwoofers were designed to handle this power continuously.

    are they saying that its not worth it to use over 500 watts? Or not to go over 1200 watts.?

  2. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    The amount of power a driver can handle is largely dictated by the enclosure it is in. If the driver is installed per the manufacturers recomendations then i would think 700 watts per driver would be about right. If the wrong enclosure is built for it, then it may thermally handle 700 watts, but its mechanical limits may be reached at say, 300 watts. as an example.
  3. Fbmowner

    Fbmowner Full Member

    Manuals for the win!