How to Spot the Car Audio Noob

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by TE5LA, Oct 9, 2010.

  1. TE5LA

    TE5LA Guest

    Here are a few signs I've learned over my years in the industry to spot the ones who don't really know much about car audio:

    • They talk about "MB QuartZ"
    • They tell you their amplifier is 1000 amps
    • They want to get a cap to stop their battery from going dead
    • They ask if they can use red wire to ground an amp
    • They say their woofers PUT OUT a thousand watts
    • They think Bose is top-of-the-line
    • They won't buy the 250-watt amp because their woofers are only 245 watts and they don't want to blow them
    • Any time the term "thingamajig" comes up

    Feel free to add your own observations.
  2. Klinkster

    Klinkster Full Member

    How about having ANY piece of equipment that is made by Pyramid.

    I wouldn't even look at a crimp connector if it was made by them.
  3. Ranger SVO

    Ranger SVO Full Member

    They also buy a 500 watt amp at a flea market for $59.95.

    I figured that it could make 500 watts for a brief moment while it was being struck by lightning.
  4. Klinkster

    Klinkster Full Member

    LOL, I think we were thinking and typing the same thing at the same time Ranger!
  5. TE5LA

    TE5LA Guest

    But I've heard that if you put a Pyramid amp on your head, it will give you incredible energy and cure colds.
  6. Ranger SVO

    Ranger SVO Full Member

    If you take apart your furniture to build a box and then wonder why it sounds bad.




    So I had to build him a box and if anyone asks which is which..............
  7. TE5LA

    TE5LA Guest

    When they pull that, I usually tell them I bought a 1200-watt blow dryer for $30 but it's a bit noisy.
  8. TE5LA

    TE5LA Guest

    Well, that's easy! You made the one on the right, correct? :)

    A customer last week had an under-the-seat ProBox and his dad was going to make it sound better so he drilled 2" holes into it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 9, 2010
  9. Ranger SVO

    Ranger SVO Full Member

    :lol:Now thats funny.

    Did you explain to him that the holes were the wrong size:lol:
  10. TE5LA

    TE5LA Guest

    It was a 2" by 3/4" port.