I will pay anyone $600 per 18" to build me or find me 55mm+ one way $3600 total

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by kryptonitewhite, Jul 29, 2010.

  1. kryptonitewhite

    kryptonitewhite Full Member

    I have been in contact with many, many companies over the last few weeks. Companies that sell drivers, customize them, sell just parts, repair shops, you name it. No one has surrounds capable of more than 55mm one way. I keep getting told excess of 30mm Xmax is easy, 10" and 11" spiders not a problem. But surrounds. Surrounds is the issue.

    So then I emailed many, many, many companies looking for just surrounds. Stone walled.

    I am willing to pay $600 per 18"... either 4 for my van, or 6, 2 more for my home theater. $3600 for 6 18's.

    I'll start vague, Xmax as of right now is no longer a requirement, but this has to be reasonable. I can't have 50mm of excursion that is unusable cuz there's not enough motor force to push it, or it sounds like ass at 1/2 it's capability. But for now, Ill let Xmax and Bl slide.

    Reasonable Sd. I don't want a 10" cone with a 4" wide surround so that this thing can move 55mm one way.

    We will start there and see if/where this goes.

    kryptonitewhite at hotmail

  2. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    it sounds like they dont make what you want.
  3. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    Ummmm, Why would you need or want an Xmax that insane? And, what exactly are you looking for in sound? Cause whatever it is, it has more to do with the enclosure design than it does with Xmax.
  4. kryptonitewhite

    kryptonitewhite Full Member

    nope, only RE, and it wont fit. pulled the subs yesterday, no way to get XXXs in der :(
  5. kryptonitewhite

    kryptonitewhite Full Member

    only true when you only need to get down to 30Hz. when u tune to 20Hz, then the usualy 30Hz excursion trouble area becomes an even bigger issue
  6. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    I understand that the lowest registers require the longest excusions. And I have been out of the industry for a while, but I am unaware of any recordings either on audio or video that go much lower than 30 or 35 Hz. I think Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture with its live canon shots might hit 20 or 25 Hz. But I am old and out of the current trends in music! :lol:
  7. kryptonitewhite

    kryptonitewhite Full Member

    :D its not a big trend yet... I love sub 30Hz content, and not having much to choose from will not top me :D just cuz 99% of all music is above 30Hz, doesnt mean Im gonna settle and make myself like it just cuz is available :p

    "Put On" is a low note of 25Hz, and "Love for Money" is 26Hz... I'll play the same 10 songs all day if there's only 10 that have what I like hehehehahaha!
  8. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    viking i believe some movies have cannon shots that will play in the teens or as low as 7HZ i read that somewhere.

    i think it was in a review on a servo subwoofer... it looks like a fan. it will shake a house with the deepest bass you have ever felt. but they are 12G's
  9. kryptonitewhite

    kryptonitewhite Full Member

    i want a fan in my 20" ported wall!
  10. TheViking

    TheViking Well-Known Member

    Ya, i remember those things when they first came out. I think it was around 95 or so. I never dealt with them first hand but I do remember they were capable of do the lowest octave. I dont think they were very efficient though. took an incredible amount of power to achieve any usable SPL.
  11. kryptonitewhite

    kryptonitewhite Full Member

    alright, what I have:

    VAN: 50 cubic feet, 20" diameter port, 18.5" long, 22Hz tune, assuming amps do 1000 watts before clipping then 4000 watts, assuming they do 1500 watts before clipping 6000 watts high pass 20Hz low pass 31.5hz 30dB/oct... with WinISD I am setting to link-riley 4th order

    HT: 128 cubic feet (per sub) 12 diameter port (per sub) 5" long for a 13Hz tune ( I said 13.5-15Hz tune in video) 2 EP4000's, rated 2500 rms @ 4 ohms, I am running 8 ohms, even at 8 ohms IF they got full current delivery, rated 1750 rms. I am gonna guess Im maybe getting 1000 watts each peak.

    IB3's have a 30mm Xmax, 42mm Xmech. I can bottom my subs out in all applications, so 42mm

    RED LINE is van, 50cu ft 22Hz tune, HP L-R 4th order 20Hz, LP L-R 4th order 31.5Hz. WinISD puts the drivers at 42mm at tuning with 999,999 watts. 1 millioin watts. I'm not giving each of them a million watts when I bottom them out.

    YELLO LINE is HT, 128 cubic feet each, 13Hz tune each, no HP filter, LP 250Hz per Denon subwoofer setting. WinISD takes 2000 watts to get to 41mm at tuning. My EP4000s are NOT each putting out 2000 watts when I bottom them out! After I get the recones, I will make a vid of me bottoming them out at tuning for ya all.


    video home theater full excursion at tuning for a couple minutes, drivers not even warm, maybe 600 watts each

  12. jonnyv713

    jonnyv713 The Young Gun of CAT

    Even PSI has no answer for your need?