System Upgrade

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by burnm3w1thf1r3, Jun 19, 2010.

  1. burnm3w1thf1r3

    burnm3w1thf1r3 Full Member

    Ok so long story short I traded for my current system. It was build for a jeep wrangler so the box is small. I plan to build a new box and use what I can from this system. Currently when the volume is slow and the bass is up, it sounds GREAT!!! but if i turn up the volume the speakers start to crackle and the bass sounds like crap. So i have to reduce the base and then it just sounds like you're listening to something off the radio on the school bus (just louder). So the little knowledge that I have says the speakers suck and i need better speakers to keep up with my amp. Can anyone help?

    I'm unsure of the brand or model of my current amp, all I know is that its Silver, its a 400w, and it has a black oval with a blue design in it, and next to it it says Power.
    The subs are 350w Pioneers. They are either 9" or 10"

    In addition I obtained a Sony Xplod 500w (4/3 channel power amplifier xm-504z) from my brother in law.

    What I'm looking for is the knowledge of what kinda of speakers I should get, what wattage they should be, and a good ratio of them to mix with the amps. I would assume you would want the speakers to handle more watts than the amp so that they don't crackle and can keep up but then again I'm new. Please help !1! Also if anyone has links to some good subs that will work :-D
  2. fstrfvo

    fstrfvo Full Member

    What size of speakers do you need and how much money do you want to spend??
  3. burnm3w1thf1r3

    burnm3w1thf1r3 Full Member

    honestly, size doesn't matter in this case, I'm going to build a box to fit what ever I get. I just would like to know how to figure out what would sound best. If you need a size though, I would say anything between 10 and 15. And for the price range, I would say no more than $150 because I found these on walmart and they seem good but I could be wrong

    I was mainly looking for the information on how to get a good balance for my system. But all information helps.
  4. burnm3w1thf1r3

    burnm3w1thf1r3 Full Member


    ok so the subs are either 9" or 10" I'm not 100% sure but I wanna say 9". Also the size of the new subs really can be any size, so long as they don't crackle and can make my car loud when i turn up the volume. If a size if needed, I would say 10", 12", or even 15". I don't wanna spend over $150 because i found some subs that MIGHT work, but then again thats why I'm on this forum, to find out how to make a good system.
  5. fstrfvo

    fstrfvo Full Member

    OK I thought you were asking about door speakers, I guess you want subs. You will have 10 inch subs, they dont make 9 inchers. As for your problem im guessing you are "clipping" your signal which means you dont have enough power to power your subs properly. How do you have your gain set, is it all the way up? As for those subs i would stay away from them, they are just swap meet stuff, not to mention they are 15 inches which means you will have to build a box. Those Pioneers are probably much better quality. I think if you power those subs with better quality and more power you will see a big difference. Let me look around for a decent amp and ill get back to you.
  6. fstrfvo

    fstrfvo Full Member

    go to look at the Autoteks there are 2 that are priced around 160. dollars should solve your power problems.
  7. DatDude08

    DatDude08 Full Member

    Could you get the model number of the subs you have? There should be something stamped on the basket of the sub mist likely.
  8. burnm3w1thf1r3

    burnm3w1thf1r3 Full Member


    I don't mean to knock down what anyone is saying or helping with. I really think the problem lies with the subs. When I got the box off my friend, he said if i ever build a new box, to keep the amp because its a good one, he said the subs are junk. Personally I think the subs can't handle the power that the amp is dishing out. mainly because when i turn up the volume the subs crackle and and get kinda raspy and sound like crap. But i'll get on checking out the model of the amp, and the subs to give everyone a better idea of what im working with. Thanks for all the help and I'll be looking into exactly what I have. Oh and I actually plan on building a new box because this was made for a jeep so its a SMALL box and I'm gonna build something to fit my car a little better. So a different size sub is perfectly ok.
  9. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    can you post a pic of the amp please and a pic of the current amp settings or tell us where they are set.

    gain, bass boost and if the crossover is set on the amp, and at what frequency.

    also what is your head unit setting for the sub.

    ive had 2 subs with 250 watts rating each hooked up to my 1200 watt amp and properly set; handled the power with no probs for a week until i got my current subs.

    so it could just be an amp setting issue. now im not saying the box isnt the culprit either, how big is it right now?
  10. burnm3w1thf1r3

    burnm3w1thf1r3 Full Member

    pedro quiroga

    ok I will take pictures of my box, subs, and amps tomorrow. As soon as i wake up (its currently 1:40 am so...) I have no idea what the settings are set at, or how to check them.
  11. fstrfvo

    fstrfvo Full Member

    Pedro, he says it sounds great when the volume is at lower levels, its just when he turns it up that it distorts, dont you think he clipping the signal?
  12. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    maybe.. thats why i want to see the settings.

    oh one more question. is your loudness function turned on on the radio?
  13. burnm3w1thf1r3

    burnm3w1thf1r3 Full Member

    pics and settings

    ok so I just took pics of the box, and amp. I do not know what settings you're specifically speaking of. After seeing the pics, could you instruct me on how to find them? By the way, those garbage bags usually aren't there. I know some people argue that the amp needs proper ventilation so I ensure there is a proper amount of air in the trunk (if the bags are there, the seats are down, usually the trunk is relatively empty).

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    Last edited: Jun 24, 2010
  14. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    not the right box for your car.

    the settings im asking about would be on the amp. any little dials on the side? i want to see where they are set.
  15. fstrfvo

    fstrfvo Full Member

    Just take an allen wrench to the allen bolt on the top of the amp and it will release the side covers.
  16. burnm3w1thf1r3

    burnm3w1thf1r3 Full Member


    o ok, i know exactly the settings you're talking about. I'll take pics of that tomorrow as soon as I wake up. Yea I know its not the right box, i got it off a friend who built it for a jeep wrangler so. Needless to say i traded it for a $15 computer keyboard so I'm not complaining lol. I just wish it sounded better. But I will definitely take pics of the settings tomorrow.
  17. burnm3w1thf1r3

    burnm3w1thf1r3 Full Member


    ok so i took 3 pics. If you can read the settings, the Frequency is set, the knob is in line with 70 and 250 HZ and the Crossover is set to AP

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  18. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    have you tried turning the box around; firing rearwards? from experience it can help. its like a 4th order of sorts.. its a sealed enclosure firing into a large enclosure.

    it looks like you have plenty of room for the bass to go around the box and into the cabin.

    give that a shot.
  19. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    are you using a crossover on the head unit; cause its not ON on the amp. its set to AP... ALL PASS. set it to LP to use the sub crossover.

    set it to around 80HZ low pass.
  20. burnm3w1thf1r3

    burnm3w1thf1r3 Full Member


    I actually originally started with the box the other way. and it sounded ok, but it was the same when I turned it up. I turned it this way because its louder and i can hear it better this way. But I will try putting the cross over to 80 HZ and switching to LP. Hope that works, I'll be back after I try it. Thanks everyone!!