if it's not one thing....

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by eviling, Apr 29, 2010.

  1. eviling

    eviling Full Member

    well, so i've been having all sorts of trouble trying to get my god damn sub amp to work...as it turns out, it's been working fine the whole time, the rca sleeve did pop off, but didn't seem to effect it. turns out, when the old amp went out, it took out the sub..completly. some how, it shows no signs of life, yet it'll still read properly on a meter for resistances, it's preplexing to me...your thoughts?

    another thing that seems to of popped up now, is my JBL passenger side woofer seems to of blowen in some sort of fasion, i've hardly pushed this sytem yet, the gains are nothing over 70% i rarely go over 45\62 on my deck, usialy around 38-42\62
    I was testing to make sure the sub amp was producing power properly, was seting the cross overs for the low level blah blah blah, so it felt a bit weak, so i thought...well it is a very under rated sub, i'll just pump it and risk blowing it...so i go to bump the bass..i hear something blowen, but not the sub, in fact it seemed to take the extra bass beter than it thought. but the passenger side woofer for my rear speaker componate set is rattling like hell, sounds like complete ass! these are 2 week old speakers! and from JBL, something fishy is going on here, i'm no where pumping more than 150 watts rms, and they are rated for 600 WATTs peak, a PIECE! their is no way a little extra bass would blow this woofer at 48\62 with only 70% on gains. this is the alpine PDX 4.150 i have hooked up to these speakers..hell i have infinity kappa perfect 6.1's hooked up to the front, they took that no problem...these speakers were defective from the moment they came out of the box o-O thoughts?
  2. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    how did you set your gains? by ear or with a DMM?
  3. eviling

    eviling Full Member

    by ear :| but really, this is such a pain one thing after another, and these aren't 60$ speakrs, they're 250$ speakers >_<
  4. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    are your pre outs 4V? cuz 70% on the gain does sound pretty high to me. I'm usually very conservative on the gain but for my sub i always set it with a DMM but for my comps i set by ear. If you fed too much power to the comps then they may have fried the coils. did you notice any kind of burning smell before the speaker sounded funky?
  5. eviling

    eviling Full Member

    none, and i know the smell of dying speaker, they showed no signs of it not being able to handle it, and my deck is a little junky i think it's only putting out 2-4 volts, so 4 volts will be on the high end. :\ sigh perhaps i could just get the woofer reconed, i really think the sets was defective, probobly why i saved the 40$ i did on ebay :( hense why i'm having trouble figuiring a way out of this mess, i may just be forced to pay to have the woofer reconed :mad: and you'd think tweeters would go before a woofer, and why just 1? the driver side sounds fine, and sounds great, with very rich punching notes, let me show you the speakers were talking about here
    in theroy i shouldn't even be able to come close to blowing these.

    really quite odd, but the dead sub..i gatta hope the dead amp i sent back to sonic is really dead o_O, it's been like 3 freaking weeks, these guys really suck with an RMA >_< i havn't even heard from them in over a week since they told me they "got it" even though that was a week late >_<
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2010
  6. eviling

    eviling Full Member

    haha another epix problem, i had remote wire issues last week, i took care of them, or so i thought, but this morning, the morning after blowing a woofer, to my dismay..my amps dont turn on again...so..i say calm down, it's probobly just the remote ground faulting, so i go i jump it to make sure the amps work..they turn on...than stay on?!!?!?! untill car is turned off, but thats not the end, they will boot with the car again if it is turned right back on, but if the car is aloud to sit for several minites, it will need a jump...this is no ground fault that i know of. unless the amps have circuitry in them to keep them selfs up once theyve been booted so long as they have an rca signal perhaps ? it is quite perplexing to me...i havnt tore anything down, i'm taking a break from it for a few days.

    but good news on the woofer, is i managed to "purchase" a warrenty off of some site, they just so happnd to email me about my last chance to put a warrenty on my ebay purchase i'm like oh..well that's a great idea! so 30$ and it covers all 250$ for repairs of refund or replacment!!! so that'll work i guess :) so i'm going to look into a refund, and just changing speakers completly maybe, who knows...but i have an out of the situation, whitch is great, and i should be able to put a warrenty on the infinitys i got, but idk if they were shady, they came from sonic, but it was sonics ebay store.
  7. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    Hope you get a refund.. sounds promising though...

    that's kinda weird with the current problem you have now. What kind of car do you have? what's your car's voltage when the engine is off then when the engine is on?
  8. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    i have a question about the rear speaker that blew. were they sealed from the trunk so that the pressure from the bass didnt overwork their suspension? maybe it was just mechanical failure due to over excursion, and not a power issue at all.

    ive seen it before. had to ask.
  9. eviling

    eviling Full Member

    yeah, well i do know of one possible ground fault, because the remote wire is pined under the seat buckel bracket, i saw it last time i was in their i just didnt have a wrachet at the time and it hadnt shorted in the 2 years it been there so i said **** it. but a ground fault shouldn't act like that , unless like i said, the circuitry in the amp is patching a line through to keep it on, and it being able to turn right back on could be easily explained because the capacitors in the amp havn't drained yet. that's the best thought, i have to get outside and check out that seat buckel see if it finily tore into it, from pending the seat up and down. I know theirs no ground faults up behind the deck, i just rewired it, took out the soder job they did, and did all solid crimps. looks so much better IMO. :|

    it;s about 12.2 off, and 14.4 on.
  10. eviling

    eviling Full Member

    whelp i got out there early this morning, coudln't stay away XD tehe, it's ****ing hot out there today and here i am rocking sweat pants, and a long sleeve shirt working on my car...and it's already 78 degrees out haha

    anyways, as you can tell by my disposician, the crushed wire seemed to be the cultpret, my theroy was right, it was crushing about 90% of the wires, wide open, from being smashed, and bent time after time from working on the back seat as it bent down, it just broke them wiide open with out even breaking the plastic, so no short was created, but the parcial voltage , whitch i tested on my dmm, was about 2 volts, managed to keep the signal alive while it was on but wasn't strong enough to boot it, i tested the computer theroy, by cuting the remote, and the amp doesn't stay out with out a remote line. it requires a small voltage, but requires the full voltage to boot. anyhow, the warrenty will soon be used on these speakers, and the rca's , sub amp, and everything else seemed to of resolved, the amp seems to work, i might sent it back to get the rca sleeve repaired. but it seems to sitll carry the signal as long as i have the sleeve pushed in. the sub was completly dead...still havn't heard back from sonic about my kenwood amp...don't know what they're doing with it, but it's starting to get a bit ridiculous.
  11. eviling

    eviling Full Member

    well there is good news to be had, and bad news to be had. first and formost, the seller from ebay is going to replace the woofer for me. the bad news..im a woofer down for probobly a month seeing as he'll probobly be sending it back to JBL -_-

    the werse news, an old amp i had that i got from sonic, that i thought blew. i sent back to sonic to get repaired, under their warrenty! they now claim they've found no defect, i've found out only recently that the sub I had on that kenwood amp was most likly the culrprate in the none functioning system but back when it gave me issues i simply assumed it was dead and rma'd it...thinking the werst was a 25$ fee if they did happen to find it alive..feeling fairly certain it was dead i shipped it back...at 30$ so now they send me an email, claiming its fine and they want repair bills...and i say well you LOST my amp. made me call you 5 times, till you found it and finily test it, and now you claim it was never broken and want 44$ from me? you must be out of your mind i ask my self...why would i pay you to tell me something i deduced on my own 3 weeks ago, 2 weeks after shipping you the amp...further more..i claim the amp had a ****ty signal and was putting out spikes perhaps, and was the killer of said sub...we'll see how they react. but 44$ to tell me nothing is wrong is an out ragiouse fee that i refuse to pay for troubleshooting a 150$ amp o_O
  12. eviling

    eviling Full Member

    ahh, well sonic got back to me already...they understood my plight and withdrew the troubleshooting fees..mostly i assume since they charged me for an hour of labor...and took 20 seconds to wire the amp and test it , and walk away for 15 mins while it warmed up and than looked at it and unpluged it XD