a lesson to be learned

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by eviling, Apr 23, 2010.

  1. eviling

    eviling Full Member

    let it be noted..always soder you splices! ALWAYS! lesson to be learned here and that is it. now for the story

    so, today at lunch at work, i decide to hang out in my car and play with my system tweek it a ltitle, as you all may know i just added a new system, so i was just abotu to start tweaking my gains, since i just dropped the rears in yesterday and was going to set the gains properly for them...when i stood out of my car...nothing music went off. amp went off..cap blinked out

    so...i get a meter from an electricion ( i work construction) i test it...14.4 at amp. 14.4 at cap. done, alright...test the remote..zilch.. soo hmm my remote must of come loose, i check screws..good contact. alright its the deck wiring...
    open it up, look. low and behold, remote is taped on, not sodered into the splice, jsut wraped. it came loose...

    but than oh no..your deck doesn't work now...hmm where is my fuse box..oh no its a blown fuse :eek:

    i touched my car lighter end onto the over head light metal bracket for my ash tray, whitch of course..is grounded to the chasy of the car, :rolleyes:anyhow...it didnt go quite as fast as that, was about 2 hours of trouble shooting before i even began to think the amp wasn't dead. but anyhow, lesson learned, if you're going to pay sombody to wire your deck...check there work!!!!! :mad:
  2. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    Yes, that's why i do everything myself now.
  3. eviling

    eviling Full Member

    well the deck is really the only thing i havn't touched in my system..thus far, it was always a decent deck and had good signal, didnt skip. and never gave me issues, so i never bothered to replace it, ive replaced everything else. back when i did that origonal system i pretty much picked parts off a wall, i didnt know much, i know much more now ;)
  4. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    so then all is ok?

    ive never soldered my wiring. i just crimp well.

    i would bring it up to the installer and let him know what happened.
  5. eviling

    eviling Full Member

    oh i thought i had mentioned the installer of the deck was circuit city...lol, they uhm...went down when the econemy hit bottom if you recall, as did the extended warrenty on my system :confused:
  6. DatDude08

    DatDude08 Full Member

    Well that sucks for you. I will never make the mistake of letting any car audio shop (especially around here) install anything. The best thing I've found to use is the clear wire caps that you crimp on. You can get them at any hardware store just get the smaller ones and they fit nice and tight.
  7. eviling

    eviling Full Member

    I use crimp coupleings, whitch i believe is what your describing, i just rewired it today, took off the old wire harness and crimped it all together, re ran my remote, and found out they had it wraped around my ground on my back seat, worn thin and rubbing the ground, probobly what caused all my problems way back in the begining when i kept having to go back to circuit city for repairs. :| the warrenty going out wasnt a big deal to me honestly. i did plan on having my speakers replaced, but knowing them they'd **** that up too lol