need a new system in my truck

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by braneflak, Oct 21, 2009.

  1. braneflak

    braneflak Full Member

    i am 16 no quite a bit about cars iv worked on them my whole life, dads a drag racer
    but i just got my 2000 shevy silverrado extened cab and i want a audio system in it
    from my job i have saved up $1000
    i think instead of building this myself which looks impossible for me haha im gonna have someone doit for me in town
    but i think i am gonna buy the parts online to really get what i want and i was hoppin you guys could help me
    can somone show me a list of parts for my price range
    that would be great
    i was thinking of 4 new reg speakers that are on the doors
    and 2 subs under the back seat
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2009
  2. Lazy Eye

    Lazy Eye Full Member

    man I would do it all yourself I'm 16 also and I've installed about 10-15 systems by myself...
    you could build the box and everything and everyone on here will help you out!
    anyways what kind of system are you looking for? an sq (sound quality) or spl?
    is there any brands that you are wanting? and do you have an aftermarket head unit yet?
  3. jonnyv713

    jonnyv713 The Young Gun of CAT

    man do it all yourself. I am on the same boat as you, but i am 15. started caraudio at about 13 or 14. trust me, its not that hard. you can do it. I'll see what i can find for you. 1000 and DIY is a nice budget to work with.
  4. braneflak

    braneflak Full Member

    alright then i think i will give it a shot..
    so far i dont have anything
    the only thing really that seems like its gonna be really hard for me is building and installing the box for the subs
    also the fitting of the deck into the stock one seems kinda hard to
    but as far as sound goes i want good quality but also i would like to be heard
    and that is all i have decided on. but were does everyone buy there parts?
  5. jonnyv713

    jonnyv713 The Young Gun of CAT

    to start off i want you to measure the deepest possible it could be from the bottom of the seat to the floor. that will give us a good start for the subs.

    depending on what we want we go to different places

    those are a few. browse around and then give us an idea. i will give you some suggestions later cause i am in World Geography right now haha
  6. braneflak

    braneflak Full Member

    well i just measured the back seet to the floor and its only about 9 and a half inches

    front speakers on the door

    back door

    and i have no clue what do get for an amp my buddy said atleast a 600 watt amb but i think it needs more but also i have no clue on if the subs are gonna fit
  7. DatDude08

    DatDude08 Full Member

    Cutting the panels of the box is the hardest part to do yourself, but home depot and lowes will do it for you for a minimal cost.

    Just let us know what you want out of this system and we'll guide you toward your goal.
  8. braneflak

    braneflak Full Member

    will these work together and i need a amp
  9. jonnyv713

    jonnyv713 The Young Gun of CAT

    Umm.. this is what i got in mind for a grand.


    Speakers (Front)
    I got a set of JBL's similar to these and i love them!

    Sub (1 of these maybe)

    Amp for front speakers and Sub


    i dont really know how much that is but it shouldnt be over 1000
  10. braneflak

    braneflak Full Member

    637 probably 700 with shipping but it all looks good
    i might add one more sub though just for show haha
  11. jonnyv713

    jonnyv713 The Young Gun of CAT

    well f you wanna go that way, we can do 2 subs and a separate amp for mids and highs and then one for subs too.
  12. braneflak

    braneflak Full Member

  13. jonnyv713

    jonnyv713 The Young Gun of CAT

    sounds good then. When you are ready come back here with some measurements and we will see what we can do for a box for ya.
  14. braneflak

    braneflak Full Member

    ok so i unfortunatly dont have a 1000 dollar spending limit i got a hefty speedin ticket the other day and that docked me down to about 700$
    could i do something for about 700 without loosing quality?
  15. braneflak

    braneflak Full Member

    just did the measurments today
    the lowest point of my back seat is 7 inch
    the highest point is 9.2 inches
    and its 4 1/2 feet long
    but in the middle is about a inch and a half bump
    also i need new parts that are at a price range between 600-and 700 if that is dueable