Help with my screwed up system.

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by dirtbikeryzz, Oct 14, 2009.

  1. dirtbikeryzz

    dirtbikeryzz Full Member

    Ok so I basically know nothing about systems but im trying. I currently have two MTX 15's and a MTX Thunder 942 amp. My problem is the second i hit the crossover switch my subs blar even if the volumes on 1, its like static but car shaking. I had a problem with a different setup where my subs would like make a pulsating sound when not turned up, so i got 10 gauge wire and it fixed it. I think the problem right now is I have 10 gauge power and ground wire when I should have 4-6. Sorry if that makes no sense I tried.
  2. Lazy Eye

    Lazy Eye Full Member

    how many watts is your amp?
  3. Z400

    Z400 Full Member

    Your running a MTX 942 amp off of 10 guage power wire?

  4. Z400

    Z400 Full Member

    # 235 watts RMS x 2 at 4 ohms
    # 470 watts RMS x 2 at 2 ohms
    # 940 watts RMS x 1 bridged output at 4 ohms
    # stereo or bridged mono output
    # 4-ohm stable in bridged mode
  5. Lazy Eye

    Lazy Eye Full Member

    try 4 gauge wire
  6. dirtbikeryzz

    dirtbikeryzz Full Member

    Well I have a 1000w pioneer something and it sucks, but at least it worked. Hooked up the MTX started my car blew a fuse instantly, replaced the fuse, diden't blow but thats when i realized my subs went ape **** when powered to the amp. You guys think getting 4-6 gauge wires for power and ground would fix the problem?
  7. DatDude08

    DatDude08 Full Member

    You need at least 4 gauge.
  8. Lazy Eye

    Lazy Eye Full Member

    run at least 4gauge power wire to the amp, and for the ground do the same.
    where do you have your amp grounded to and is it bare metal
  9. dirtbikeryzz

    dirtbikeryzz Full Member

    Um its grounded right under my sub, which is where my spare tire is, as for the metal part no idea.
  10. jonnyv713

    jonnyv713 The Young Gun of CAT

    Make SURE it's on BARE metal. And yes atleast 4awg wires
  11. dirtbikeryzz

    dirtbikeryzz Full Member

    Ok I got that I need 4awg, but I asked at a audio place today if they think thats my problem and they said no.
  12. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    how are your subs wired to the amp? do you know the impedance they are showing the amp? maybe its at a load the amp can not support. i.e 1 ohm mono maybe?

    what is their coil configuration?
  13. dirtbikeryzz

    dirtbikeryzz Full Member

    Well like i said i know nothing, but I can tell you the amp and subs did work together before. It was my uncles setup and worked fine until i tried the amp in my car. Im going to redo all the wiring with 4awg tomorrow if it doesen't change anything ill let you guys know.
  14. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    ok, make sure your connections ARE tight too. bare metal surface not on painted surface for your ground.

    a proper flow of power is very important.