
Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by chrisduckman, Apr 2, 2009.

  1. jonnyv713

    jonnyv713 The Young Gun of CAT

    if you want to buy 2 10's get 2 of them that have coils that are Dual 4 ohms. that way you can wire each sub dow to 2ohms and wire that to each channel.

    if you want to buy a single 12 or any single sub to bridge it to a 2 channel amp: you must buy dual 2 ohms. that way you can wire them both into 1 4ohm so you can bridge it. Most 2 channel amps are only 4 ohm stable bridged.

    now an explanation. to get a certain resistance, which is ohms, you must wire the coils on the subs, either Dual2 or Dual4 or single2 or single4 usually, in a certain pattern. there is no switches on the amp that allows a certain resistance. you just have to wire them into that certain resistance. the lower the resistance, the more power you will get. this isnt always good though because the lower, if the amp is not stable, it can harm your amp.

    this was all confusing to me, but you will eventually get the hang of it. i hope this helps!
  2. chrisduckman

    chrisduckman Full Member

    All I have to say is you just made it a lot easyer to understand. Thanks for all the help I will have to say the community on here is awsome with the help.
  3. jonnyv713

    jonnyv713 The Young Gun of CAT

    No problem, Im happy I could help. Now, when you decide what you are going to do, tell us the subs, then we can tell you how to wire them to give you that resistance you need.
  4. chrisduckman

    chrisduckman Full Member

    sounds good. Yea are those Elemenatal Designs 11kv.2, are they duel 4 ohm or duel 2ohm
  5. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    i believe you can get them in either coil configuration.
  6. chrisduckman

    chrisduckman Full Member

    OK so I made my decision on subs for sure just ordered them. They are 2 10" Duel 4 ohm voice coils. each with a nominal power rateing of 800 watts RMS. I need some suggestions on an amp to power these subs. Also would the power acostics amp linked on page one of this thread be ok to power these at 2 ohms or do i need to go larger. all the help is greatly appreciated.
  7. chrisduckman

    chrisduckman Full Member

    corrections they are 800 watts nominal power handeling. I guess I wanna know if I was to purchase a class d mono amp how many watts does it need to be to safely push these at 2 ohms?

    scrap this and the last post.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2009
  8. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    looks like a good combo.
    450 to each sub will do just fine.
  9. chrisduckman

    chrisduckman Full Member

    You guys rock man thanks for reasurance
  10. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    your welcome.

    when it comes time for a box get one made that will do those subs justice.
  11. chrisduckman

    chrisduckman Full Member

    You know this is my first system and I know these subs are rightouse. And I wanna make them sound the best. But I have no idea where to get a box made for an 04 silverado extended cab, I was just gonna order one on the net. But if you have any referances please let me know.
  12. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    ok i just looked up the specs of those subs again. if you can fit a 1.3 ported box for each under the seat then a decent shop can build one for you.

    do your homework on this though. go around town and find a shop that does custom work. ask for a vehicle demo and pics of previous installs.

    just so you know these will most likely cost upwards of 250 or more to have made.

    now you may think "wow thats too much" dont forget your not just paying for the wood and carpet your paying for labor and their know how also.

    when i had my box for my 8's made i knew who was doing it. so i know it would sound awesome when it was done,and it did.

    cali is the custom car capitol of the world. it shouldnt be hard to find a reputable shop near you. unless you live in the boonies.
  13. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    now if your comfortable with a table saw you can make a simple sealed enclosure for them.

    specs say .5 sealed. not sure what the biggest sealed is but 1 cube may be ok too.

    so a 2 cube box with both in there will also give you some nice tight bass.