what is with sony power rating?

Discussion in 'General Car Audio Discussions' started by manutdfan7, Mar 18, 2009.

  1. manutdfan7

    manutdfan7 Full Member

    i have heard from a lot of people that sony over rates there power rating by a ton. is this true?:confused:
  2. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    VERY true. Sony doesn't make very good stuff for car audio.. I really wouldn't go near their products. I did own a sony sub before and to tell you the truth it wasn't that good but it did serve it purpose and it's still alive...
  3. Lazy Eye

    Lazy Eye Full Member

    One of my friends had a set of sony xplodes and he had them hooked up to a 3000 what kole audio amp, and played them so loud with the bass gain all the way up and they never fried, and he hooked one of them up to his new 4000 watt power acoustik amp trying to fry it and turned evrything up as loud as it would go and it never fried, and the sub also had a big hole in it from a screw driver? Idk how the subs haven't blown yet bc its peak power was like 1200 watts and another guy I know had a set an they fried at 800 watts this set is like indestructable. lol.
  4. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    i know a kid that runs 2 sony 1200 watt amps running 4 MA 12's. they have kept him happy for a few years now.

    in a proper install even mid to low quality brands can sound good.
  5. manutdfan7

    manutdfan7 Full Member

    hey guys i appreciate the comments.
    one other question for you all....
    my budy has two 10 sony explods with a 480 watt sony explode amp....
    i bridged it not knowing that it was not good for the amp...it started to over heat and turn off about every 10-15 seconds and then kick back on and do it over again.... i then unbridged it and hooked it up the regular way and im not getting very much power out of it...anything i can do?
  6. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    dont bridge it to two subs. try one.
  7. manutdfan7

    manutdfan7 Full Member

    okay il try dat thanx