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Time for a cap?

Discussion in 'Automotive Electrical' started by Eleu, Dec 7, 2008.

  1. Eleu

    Eleu Full Member

    Alright so the intel as follows.

    Just moved from 130 degree palms springs (in the summer that is) Cali, to -22 cedar rapids Iowa...

    My Fusion would start on first crank in the desert, now up here its three maybey for turns till it catches, (ya its freaking cold...)
    But after being here a week or so, ive noticed at night that i dim when i hit now. something that as far as this system goes has never happend before, a new battery is in order iam sure, with some higher cold crank amps, and some thicker motor oil. but would a cap be in line, maybey one to one half farad? whatya guys think?

    Last edited: Dec 7, 2008
  2. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    its the cold weather affecting the batt. 130F to -22F thats a big diff for sure.
  3. Eleu

    Eleu Full Member

    Thats what iam thinking, hence the getting a new one lol. thats a hell of a change for a battery.
  4. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    how old is this one? cold weather in general will affect a batt.
  5. Eleu

    Eleu Full Member

    About a year old, (though in the desert batteries only last about 1.5-2 years the heat just kills them)
  6. jonnyv713

    jonnyv713 The Young Gun of CAT

    what guage wire do u have? maybe you should just get a new battery. a cap is unnecessary.
  7. Eleu

    Eleu Full Member

    its either a 6G or 4g... i dont recall. and its way to cold to go out and look lol
  8. jonnyv713

    jonnyv713 The Young Gun of CAT

    i would just try a new battery.
  9. Ranger SVO

    Ranger SVO Full Member

    OMG, -22, I'd move south

    Thinner oil, not thicker for the cold

    A cap won't hurt anything, but it won't fix your problem. Believe it or not, the cold effects your battery.

    Move South
  10. pedro quiroga

    pedro quiroga Well-Known Member

    oh you may want a block warmer too. unless you have a heated garage.
  11. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    I would say change the battery first and possible upgrade to the big 3 before even considering a cap...
  12. Eleu

    Eleu Full Member

    Lmao, ya i know, i just moved from the south up here... south west that is, idk wtf this is all about but the schools are way cheaper and living is WAYYYY cheaper, 400 bones for a 1 bedroom apt with utils.. as apposed to 900-1200 from my last spot lol not including utils.

    i way believe that cold effects batteries. a block warmer will probably be in order too.
  13. G3n3R@1

    G3n3R@1 Full Member

    you should get a better suited battery for your conditions and perform the big 3 upgrade. how many watts are you runnin?
  14. G3n3R@1

    G3n3R@1 Full Member

    oh ya im crazy nevermind i remember now. what i suggested should be enough for what you need. if not you should look into adding another battery instead of a capacitor.
  15. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    California is way too expensive... my family has a house out in lancaster and even there it's too expensive even though it's a 1:45min away from LA.
  16. Eleu

    Eleu Full Member

    Ya Cali is super expensive, it is redikalus! ya its only a 1200 wat amp, on an 80 amp fuse, its nothing huge, the batter is just stressed from going from a year or so in 130 summers to -17 today lol. ya ill be doing the big three when i get some garage time, for the moment iam still trying to secure some work lol, wish me luck!
  17. jonnyv713

    jonnyv713 The Young Gun of CAT

    i know how you feel, i dint pay attention to the cold so much anymore. i hate it though so i buy countless sets of thermal clothes and a $200 Carhardt coat. I have adapted by puttin sh** loads of clothes on and i have 4 AWG on everything for the Big 3 and tonight i am getting 0AWG for everything. I have a brand new $50 battery and it does fine. when i start puttin in my new ampS i will add another battery. i suggest u do the Big 3 and get a new battery high in COLD cranking amps. you can get some cheap wire from here.
    http://www.knukonceptz.com/productMaster.cfm?Category=Power Wire
  18. electrolytic

    electrolytic Full Member

    Dudes!! lol what's up. My sister lives in cali, she pays $2000 a month rent, a little nuts. She is actually in a play that has been running there for like 9 years and they want my music that i created for their play haha. Wohoooo, i made it to Hollywood...lalalllallallalala Hollywood...Hoping for big bux for my music but i doubt it. I'm very happy to know that my music is being played in the big time though haha.
  19. cccullen

    cccullen Full Member

    That's great electro!!! let us hear the music!!! where the hell have you been? hows the volvo? any pics of the set up inside it?
  20. electrolytic

    electrolytic Full Member

    I've been around lol, struggling a little. The volvo is finished i give up on it, The rack and pinion is shot, the muffler fell off, all the door locks are screwed, windshield is cracked, transmission wasn't rebuilt properly years ago, etc. I will take a video though before i start ripping stuff out. Another month or so i should have some new wheels. The music i'd have to dig it up again, it's music i made like 8 years ago but my sister always had a copy. I've made about 60 - 70 songs, will see if i can find some and post a link. Actually i just charged the batteries for my camera will go take some pics now and be back, time for a smoke anyways.